I'm here to redpill you.
This board is utter shit now, come here for old Sup Forums discussion.
I'm here to redpill you.
This board is utter shit now, come here for old Sup Forums discussion.
Well hurry up then you poonce.
I haven't got all night.
Wow. Riveting discussing, oldfag chap.
Take advantage of this while you still can
I could start by suggesting you look into how people and propaganda work.
My thread is empty and almost dies because I didnt flash an illuminaty or conspiracy image or wrote a catchy text.
Many times you have to do this to even survive on the board, so imagine how it is in bigger societal areas.
intensify this redpill, could you build on icke's elaborations or redpill me with supplemental evidence?
Am I the only one who is tired of fighting?
At this point, I feel as though the West doesn't deserve to exist. I will not have children. I refuse to keep the cycle going. Once I am dead, none of what happens will matter to me.
Let the world burn. This is the future we chose.
is saturn emitting a cymatic frequency? how could I find info on that? does the islamic cube represent saturn? where everyone circles it in imitation of saturn's cymatic frequencies?? (also producing the hexagon??)
>I'm here to redpill you.
gtfo Matrixfgt pls
and wtf are these?
Always look at the money and base your real oppinions on someone on it.
If someone sells something....
Trust only the people that do it for free. I'm not saying believe in them , but only truly listen to those who dont make a single cent.
Icke is a biz mogul
I also dislike the term redpill, but it's a catchy shitty propaganda meme word so faggots get in the thread.
I personally have the oppinion that conspiracy theories are made in a lab "on the go"
No, the islamic cube does not *truly* represent anything, although there's a recent proposal that it does. This is for a reason and not tied to anything metaphysical. It's just one more thing so you start hating the moors, because in the future those muslims that dont adapt to a global society are going to be killed.
I realize this, though I would never have to buy his books, it is a good reason for skepticism, yes - however some of what he says is corroborating with what alex jones and many who hide their identities have been saying since last august, there is also a noticeable amount of subtle saturn references in popular music right now.
It's like flat earth debates, it may not be based in reality but the debate itself provides many valuable insights. What's the valuable insight threading these together?
what did they mean by this?
was saturn once our sun, explaining a shit ton of ancient symbolism?
I dont know anything about space.
I know of a lot of theories, but what I mean is I dont trust any single one of them to the point where I could say I have real knowledge.
Also dont get caught up in "magic" and esoteric symbols. They work but now how you think.
It's related to propaganda, not to superpowers or creepy happenings.
Okay, I will try for more earthly questions.. what are the 'trumpet' sounds around the world? they sound similar to saturns rings or superheated metal contacting a supercooled material, and are still going on around the world
also the sun looks like it's started coming up at 3:20 am or so on NA's west coast, is there a polar shift causing this??I have heard inuit elders reporting that the sun is setting in a different place than it used to.
(just throwing shit out there hoping i find something of value)
Who created laughing horse headquarters? what is it for?
I've heard many things but the questions I hoped to answer are more fundamental and bigger than that.
Dont get caught up in all of that. It's irrelevant and detrimental to anyone interested in truly knowing things.
Spill the beans on globalists and white genocide
perhaps you're right.
what would you suggest I focus on??
what kind of questions are you looking for?
Perhaps I want to believe that there's more to our species than propaganda analysis and a general struggle to escape feelings of emptiness, but I don't know what genre of redpill we're going for here.
is it this kind?? or are we reaching for shit that very few people know of?
Globalists are neutral greedy faggots that want everything and live off of the hopes of getting more power and reaching further things. They have no single allegiance and their views could be described as "True Neutral" in Dungeons and Dragons terms.
White genocide is not exactly white genocide. To make a single world population they have to root out extremists and kill them. Its not just whites , but the white genocide meme is being pushed precisely so those who oppose more strongly are rooted out and dealt with.
If you hate niggers and shitskins you can be semi-happy because they're going to nuke those as well.
Requesting dump of red pills regarding economics.
Will post other red pills in this laptop.
True Islamist talk there
Focus on propaganda, on what people take for granted but isnt real, on the real leverage the state has on you and the real leverage you have over everyone else and the state.
Read the tale of the naked king, its a metaphor for human society.
If you ever want to know how we work in society, dont read books, look at monkeys.
redpill yourself, Matrixfgt pls
Of course because this is a Jew World Order. The plan is to kill everyone else, but Whites due to their intelligence, creativity, and rebellious nature, are at the top of the list. It will be an easy mop up after Whites are gone.
It's not only the jews.
I'm not saying dont focus on them but dont just focus on them.
All jews are at the very least suspects and they are on top of many things but it's not just them.
Globalists are neutral and have no allegiance other than what they all do.
>old /pol discussion
>turns into /x in 10 posts
A little redpill for you :
- Outer space isnt real
- the earth is flat and hollow (hermeticism)
- Saudis and the Bush family did 9/11
- All young upcoming hollywood stars had to sacrifice something very important to get the chance to be were they are(really fucked up stuff)
- Every leading politician has a fail safe in his conditioning to control them
- Elites fuck and kill infants and toddlers for DMT extraction purposes (and perversion of course)
- Our water, air and soil have been deliberatly tinkered with to increase fluoride intake and make humans spiritual trogdolytes
- Muslims arent the root of the problem, the world religions are
- There are world wide kidnapping rings who snatch third world kids and also first world kids ( depends on demand) for said elite sacrifice shit.
- Bohemian grove is a gigantic assfucking gig with a bit of occult in it, but mostly buttfucking and networking
- Hunter S. Thompson was biiiiiiiig in the ranks of the elite kiddy diddlers and killers. like real fucking deep
- Seinfeld dated a 15 year old and everyone was fine with it (he was like 32 that time)
Face it, you were never going to have kids to begin with.
>Morrowind mods
What did he mean by this??
That's Alex Jones level nonsense. Every road leads back to Jews. Prove otherwise.
analyzing propaganda is a daily habit of mine, seems like a pretty common topic for most people who would use pol, even in it's cancer ridden state. I will look into the book however.
Focusing on human society, it's propagandization, and how ignorant most are of it's people are seems like barely a redpill anymore these days, I forget that these things are rare to consider for most until someone alludes to it's scarcity.
on a more specific note, is there an endgoal for things like monarch programming?
what's wrong with seth rich's killers face?
how is the dmt from children differ from that of other sources?
>outer space isnt real
Do you mean that in a symbolic sense or do you really think that?
I cant even
I have a theory that no one actually goes on Sup Forums anymore. Instead it's just populated by government agencies, college students working on assignments about Sup Forums and reporters who have run out of ideas. There all larping to fit in but haven't caught on that no normal person goes on here, it's just one big larper gang bang.
Moar on Thompson plz!!
More pure and unadulterated I suppose
That's why there are so many charitable NGOs operating in Africa and why the pharma industry etc.. is so present there I guess
I'd say at least a good 25% is still real people
what is this shit, i see child porn soundtracks, sandy hook was real, god was raped, and sexual assault missiles and i want to just minimize it. yet, i want to know all the truths thus i dont want to minimize it.
I only believe in reptilians, demons evil etc... as good metaphors.
What I think happens is that those people live their lives on the absolute edge and take many drugs and substances that end up physically changing their appearance, hence why they all look so strange and evil
>I'm here to redpill you.
Lrn2matrix fgt pls
Nice to hear about John Maus
You mean the skin singer?
Especially in the second link, theres 2 yt vids from the interview with one gay escort guy, fucked up stuff.
Its the strongest kind since a child pinael gland hasnt calcified in the slightest yet and with that when these children are on the verge of death release a gigantic amount of pure and strong DMT. Hardest, baddest trip possible on this planet
Symbolic. Outer Space is not was NASA tells us it is. Its more in the bible sense of way, water above the firmament.
Thanks user :)
Ok granted for the sake of argument that space (as in, everything above the sky) is some sort of ocean (not sure if that's what you meant) and that the earth is flat (also granted), then do you think/believe that the force of gravity is universal (i.e. it applies to all mass in the observable universe)?
> Outer space isnt real
This gives me a sense of hopelessness.
Are we really stuck here on these 7 continents? Or is there land beyond?
Pic related.
>it's a catchy shitty propaganda meme word
...therefore perfect for Sup Forumsitards
>what genre of redpill
the faggot genre. of course
>intensify this redpill
>or redpill me
...just substitute "anal sex" for "redpill"
>Icke is a biz mogul
Why does he live in a shitty one bedroom flat on the Isle of Wight, then?
Maybe because that makes him not look like one
Universal as in everyone has to work with it. Yeah.
Im looking at this in a more religious/spiritual way after learning how much of modern physics and science in general is complete nonsense and made up shit to control/calm the masses.
Well, anything else happens in more dimensions than we can experience (for now).
Once we learn how to tap into the ether by our own accord and progress, things will change.
That is what ((((They)))) are trying to stop.
Materialistic people (like you) cant comprehend someone who is at peace with the little things.
sickness of our time.
Redpill me on why Christian art always has someone stepping on a snake
More like SHALE OIL amirite?
>Redpill me on why
bcoz teh redpill can't into google
because Christians should always fight with a serpent who is deceiving people by offering "knowledge"
in fact does offer knowledge but not all of it
just so much that he can have use of you
jews ---> snake ---> reptilian ---> enemy of men.
it's not that hard