The Black Problem

Poor black people and their ideals, culture, and lifestyle are harmful both to themselves and to others around them. But plenty of intelligent blacks exist. Does this mean that blacks are not genetically condemned to be stupid? And if so, what can be done to put an end to this cycle of squalor and violence?

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I don't know about american blacks, but african blacks are genetically stupid without hope

pure african blacks are far from saving
euro-mixed can be educated to a civilized level

>But plenty of intelligent blacks exist.

Citation needed

>I don't know about american blacks, but african blacks are genetically stupid without hope


>euro-mixed can be educated to a civilized level

Not really they end up bringing us down

>Citation needed
So you're saying no intelligent blacks exist? That a black man didn't just serve 8 years as leader of the most powerful nation on earth, that there are no black people in scientific or academic fields, that black people have made no significant artist contributions to society in the last 100 years?

Problem isn't a lack of intelligence. It's a lack of humanity.

the only plausible solution to the rampant criminality of blacks is to begin bleaching

>plenty of intelligent blacks exist
That's a stretch.

"Leader". Please, all he did was read speeches in a calming, passionless voice from a paper he didn't even write himself. Obama was nothing more than a puppet, just like almost every present day president. Sure there are smart black men, but the mean of their IQ distribution is much lower than the mean of whites and east asians.

Free the economy and end the welfare state. They'll have no choice but to integrate into civilized society or starve to death.

its obvious what you do in this situation. Send the blacks to Africa and they can implement what they learnt into there societies, set up a monarchy and when they've done a few royal rounds we'll give them leeway for government rules. Throwing africans straight into the transition that even whites had trouble getting around was quite literally the worst decision euros could've made

>there are smart black men
>the mean of their IQ distribution is much lower than the mean of whites and east asians

If we take both of these statements to be true then surely it means that blacks are not genetically condemned to be stupid and thus there is a way to 'fix' them so that their lives, our lives, and the nations they inhabit can all be improved. I'm just wondering how one might go about this.


Speaking of our niggroes, the problem is that they have no incentive whatsoever to be productive members of society because white guilt and tumblrinas scream foul play whenever someone wants to abolish affirmative action and get the off of welfare. Add a healthy mix of drugs and unwillingness to cooperate with the police and make their homes safer and a bit of cultural idiocy + 15-20 kids and you end up with what we have. If there's any hope for them would be if we stopped feeling like we owe em anything and stop treating em like snowflakes.

If you take both of those statements to be true, it simply means that there are alot of dumb niggers. The outliers don't say anything about the bulk of the population. If you want to see what unbridled nigger intelligence looks like, check out what niggers have managed to accomplish on the last two thousand years in Africa: nothing.

Eugenics would be a good thing.

The stupid negros even explicitly shun the successful members of their society by saying they're "acting white". The whole culture and people are a fucking waste of time. Send them all back and spend the money on our space program.

Speaking of our niggroes.
1)Stop feeling like we owe em shit and get their asses off of welfare.
2)Laugh at any "we wuz comments" and similar shit, instead of tolerating them.
3)Agressive policing in their neighborhoods for their own sake.
5)In general stop tolerating their bs, they can smell weakness and they take more and more to no end

Unless you want to get into stuff like gene altering or augmented intelligence, the best solution is colonialism and eugenics.

Been there done that. Liberia, niggas ended up enslaving the locals and going apeshit

Retarded approach. They'll just chimp out on a scale never before seen, and then you'll have to waste time and money dealing with that.
Plus a free economy doesn't lead to civilized society in the first place.

It's a poverty problem, not a race problem.

Source: live in a shitty white neighbourhood

Charismatic uh uh uh uh but not an intellectual uh uh uh heavyweight

>inb4 NDT
Just regurgitating the white man's science

What about Ben Carson? He was the first surgeon to successfully take apart conjoined twins at the head, that HAS to be worth something. And Sleepy Ben is full black afaik

Yeah, because they haven't had to work a day in their lives. We're literally feeding and housing the fuckers and honestly I don't blame em they're taking advantage of us because we're allowing it. What culture?

Niggers gonna nig.

Nah, not even niggers like getting shot. Show me you mean business and eventually they'll get in line, sure they'll bitch and moan, but they'll do it eventually.

The poorest white community in America is safer than the poorest black communities in America. In fact

Who fucking cares? 9 times out of 10 the smarter ones will just try to politically and culturally usurp the white society they live in anyway, we already see it happening constantly.

The more important question is how do we get them off white land before they destroy it.

Poor muslim people and their ideals, culture, and lifestyle are harmful both to themselves and to others around them. But plenty of intelligent muslims exist. Does this mean that muslims are not genetically condemned to be stupid? And if so, what can be done to put an end to this cycle of squalor and violence?

I think you need another bombing.

not a poverty problem, some of the poorest places in America are white & they aren't doing drive byes at the trailer parks! Niggers are violent by nature they are still over a thousand years behind us on an evolutionary scale! they have never created built or contributed anything to the world without it being based on the backbone of white innovation! africa niggers are so dumb they can't even figure out not to shit and piss near where they get drinking water, and american niggers aren't much better, they live in filth and take no pride in anything! they are hopeless and are like fragile children that yearn to be coddled, the only thing to do its ship them all to africa and let nature and evolution take course without outside help!


>not even niggers like getting shot.
My man, have you seen the homicide rates in their cities?
To keep them in line after cutting their gibs and just leaving them to naturally die out or integrate on their own would take a shitload of resources and manpower.
You may as well invest it towards building them up and integrating them forcefully or to getting rid of them altogether.
Building them up means full welfare state, not our half-model that's only there to allow people to be idle.

>intelligent blacks exist
see pic

If they can't govern themselves then we should bring them under our control, like children or cattle.

>"Dis fuckin nikka be talkin sheet bout uz? dont he know black people dont even be allowed to get they education cause da recessive devil banned it? dont he know dat da original man wuz studying alientology in da cosmic university in KMT before deez rhesus bytches wuz even grafted? he a uncle tom yo"

- Tyrone Shan'Queefius Da Third

ha ha
stupid nigers

Well one thing we know that doesn't work is money.

Money for welfare
Food stamps
Section 8

none of it has worked. Apparently only time they weren't full on savages was during segregation when they were forced to behave or suffer (instead of getting 3 hots and a cot). This or they need to have tons of low quality aborted kids in order to statistically arrive at the one that doesn't fall in the legally retarded range.

>not a race problem.
No, it's a race problem. Combined with a culture that promotes stupidity and crime. Black identity in the US revolves around a constant state of victimhood and not thinking anything through. Rap promotes that kind of behavior and acting like an ignorant ass in general. Hang around a courthouse and listen to some bench trials. The average American hoodrat is a fucking idiot, and the American taxpayer essentially pays them to be idiots. Housing, food, expenses, all covered by welfare.

I know plenty of guys that grew up in trailer parks to make a name for themselves in a trade or by starting their own buisness. Some even got full rides to college and are doing well enough. I know only one guy from a black ghetto that got his shit together, one. That's because he woke up one morning and realized slinging crack was going to get him killed and that his friends are morons that blame whitey for their problems.

t. grew up in a rural area

I'm from New York, I know how savage they can be, but that's usually gang related shit and gang related shit usually goes down because of drugs. I'm fully convinced that with Giuliani style policing and an incentive to work and be productive they will even if the fucking national guard has to be called in. Do or die basically.

Not about intelligence is about morality they feel they have the right.

Sure, but they can only work if there are jobs available to them and if they have the means to become qualified.

Lmoa this isnt the place for you. I love how leftists always say shit like "so youre saying theres no X, here are three cherrypicked examples, checkmate bigot"

Of course no ones saying there arent any black intellectuals. Thats youre argument. Do people like you intentionally make these arguements just to be combative, or because you're just that stupid?

swallow the nig pill and get woke

>submissive after years of being slaves
>craving real family values after all the nig nog men leave
>if they are good at being single moms obviously they would be better in a proper family unit
>superior off spring as black white mix creates children with a spine unlike white on white creating generally beta withdrawn children

Trade jobs are in high demand so that can cover a good portion, then there's there's the spic we've got to kick out cause the niggers need jobs. Fml this basically is an argument of if x was perfect then z would be y. Fuck it, there will never be a final solution to the negro problem.

Fucking revolting.

Public works, my friend.
Might be good to designate a few states, in the deep south maybe, as official nig states and send them there. That way if they wanna do a shitty job on their projects they're only hurting themselves

>they are still over a thousand years behind us on an evolutionary scale
Think you mean more than a few hundred thousand years and they have never changed.

Fuck off give em California and let them and the spics kill each other off. The south isn't going to suffer because you wouldn't let us get rid of them and you forced deseg.


The fact that never existed a black civilization refutes the "niggers can be smart" bullshit. Some niggers can live in white civilizations if they embrace white culture and white values. And this kind of anormal racial cluster will end up with mulatto kids and after two generations just with white kids with some nigger traits ( curly hair, brown skin...) So yep, some nigger women can be bleached and some mongrels with more than 50% white genetics will become Potus, teachers or writers. A smart nigger with 80% or more nigger genetics is just a statistical anomaly.

Now you fuck off, give em Alabama or Montana or someplace that's not as beautiful as California.
there's so much public work you can do eventually you run out

>wouldn't let us get rid of them
Bitch you were the ones that brought most of them here in the first place.
The south can't suffer much more than it already is. If any part of the country needs massive public works projects it's there.
Not gonna give them California and cede like half of our Pacific Coast

There's always Puerto Rico

Eventually maybe, but it's good for getting a population out of idleness. Germany showed this.

Honestly this isn't true. Blacks did manage some basic attempts at civilization just not as advanced by European or Asian standards. The problem was that like always when blacks try to do something good a bunch of them band together to take over. The bantu figured out how to make some metal weapons and just roved around killing any peaceful or semi civilized blacks in Africa and the rest were dealt with by the Arabs.

We didn't have autonomy when they were brought here. You can thank the (((Dutch))) and British for the nigger trade. There is nothing of value in Cali its basically Babylon.

niggers have a genetic predisposition to violence, paired with subpar intelligence makes them a threat only mutts and quadroons can be trained to coexist peacefully but only as grunts

>live on the most resource-rich continent
>the best example of sophisticated culture they can manage is that one group of nogs conquered another

Wow. They made it out of the stone age on their own...

stealing infrographic, thanks fag
It's so hard to get this through

Well low IQ usually means more violent which is weird because the dumbest "white trash" is still less violent than the average nigger. Must be something other than IQ doing it.

They all are. Literally no difference between niggers.
Eugenics. The only solution.

There's some smart Negros; the bell curve shows it.

Most aren't.

You can only work with a group when the group is workable.

You can work with the individual Negro if they're capable, but there's no point to seek them out other than fetishism.

Their IQ isn't completely telling of their violent tendencies IMO.

Oz aboriginals are equally as dumb, or more so, and they're far less violent than Negroes.

There is also like 5 abbos compared to niggers tho. I didn't say it was all IQ but that intelligence isn't their problem something else is undeveloped in them. I'm sure it has nothing to do with them being stuck in the same evolutionary stage as 200,000 years ago.

It's primarily a cultural issue and they created most of their own problems because of it. Niggers promote laziness, dishonesty, and a general lack of morals.

You dont understand what the concept of civilization really implies. Conquer by sword is the ultimate subhuman behaviour. If bantus destroyed all these ficticious black civilizations from south afrika, this is another proof of nigger stupidity. Mediterranean civilizations, even with all the nonsense and subhuman behaviour of ancient peopleĀ“s minds and with thousands of wars for the control of power and new lands, still knew well three esential factors in civilization progress: 1) diplomacy before war. 2) trade is better than steal 3) assimilate art, technology and political/religious ideas from superior cultures . Those are basic rules to build great civilizations. And you need smart people to introduce them and a population at least smart enough to understand them. Since niggers are stupid as fuck to create complex legal systems or to understand basic economic rules, they have not been able to create a single real civilization ever. Sorry but your college degree in afrikan studies is shit, Tyrone.

>t. Country that lived under enemy invader occupation for 700 years

Social justice and equality

>anything but genetics
>anything but genetics
>anything but genetics
>anything but genetics
We may never truly know what is wrong with them.

Mix them with latinos.
Use diseases too.
Foodds that induce cancer....

The problem is dependency on the state. It simply hinders the process of becoming a self-reliant, productive member of society. A state that makes it's citizens dependent on handouts is like overbearing parents that promise their children that no matter how poorly they do in life, they will always provide for them. When the worst case scenario for your future is a fairly comfortable life, how much incentive is there really to strive for more? Obviously, keeping citizens dependent on the state is a calculated move by the governments to maintain a loyal voter base, so it's not going to change any time soon. Just like Africans can not be allowed to become independent from foreign aid, because it is a billion dollar industry. Basically, even IF there is potential for improvement in the black communities & countries, a lot is being done to keep things as they are.

It all depends on what group you allow to immigrate.

After Surinam went to shit in the 70s we imported a whole bunch of Surinamese intellectuals. They turned out fine - much like the Iranian intellectuals who fled to the US after the Shah's gig imploded.

But we also opened the borders for unschooled Antillian jobseekers looking for gibsmedats. This turned out poorly.

If you don't want lower-class problems don't import lower-class people.

There are NOT plenty of smart blacks.
There are few smart black both because of their low average IQ and the very average distribution within the group, meaning that even if their average was as high as whitrs there still would be more 140+iq whites than blacks.

"Plenty" is a relative term as it has to be measured compared to similar things. Reality does not conform with your bullshit, a better term would be "some smart black".

Oooh, I got it. Let's fill their neighborhood with gun shops and liquor stores, they will shoot each other and drink themselves to death. We can the develop a new drug that is cheap and highly addictive to keep them down, and let's put abortion clinics in all the black neighboroods so they kill their babies. And if that alone doesn't do it, let's fill their neighborhoods with disease causing fast food joint, they will all develop diabetes!

Muhahahah, I love being a Liberal!

Go back to the r/donald with that shit nigger.

>le noice counterargument m8 xd

>t.american education retard with 100k of college debt

I also can lecture you about your country history and culture, Jamal. Altought I really doutb you could grasp it. You need at least a 90% white genetics and live in a +90 white country to understand white concepts like civilization, legal systems or social behaviour. KEK.