In reality we are 10x worse off than Sweden

In reality we are 10x worse off than Sweden.
They have an identity, they are actually a proud nation (believe it or not most swedes think sweden is the greatest palce on earth)

Canadians have no identity. We have no claim to this land because 95% of our "men" will agree we are evil immigrants who stole it from the natives.
We also have the issue of french vs english.

We are so divided and cucked at the same time we are way beyond help.
Also the chinese own us.

Sweden is giving its land away to retarded somalis who dont actually own anything, dont get jobs, and have minimap impact. They jsut need to redpill their nation and they can snap out of it.

Canada on the other hand it being bought up by chinks and pakis at an alarming rate.
Canadians hate themselves and have ZERO pride.
We are a minority in Toronto and Vancouvber already, and by 2100 whites will be only 20% of canadaas population.

We are FUCKED >

looks like your proxy failed bro

nice work bud

No wonder you're only known as shit Finland

Your flag tells a different story my dear turd.


>believe it or not most swedes think sweden is the greatest palce on earth
This just makes their misery worse

No bonus this month for you Johnson

I just copy-pasted some leaf's post from another thread. It felt really sad so I wanted to highlight his lamenting a little more and hear what would Sup Forums answer to his grievance.

Oh Eesti, I am disappoint.

But do you poo in loo ?

A fucking le.... Oh its you eesti why do you increase alcohol taxes?

Guess we need a northern wall aswell

Lefties got into government again. Our cuckservatives and nationalists work together to push them out so we can normalize the price of alcohol for brother finns again. Next parliament elections are 2020 so it takes time unless lefties fuck up something bigly enough for impeachment.

Sucks to be you, but on the bright side you have a leader who thinks killing the enemy means they win.



Unfortunately, most Canadians long ago forsook their British heritage in order to become just as rootless and shapeless and materialistic as the Americans. They even speak like them now.

Piss off, cunt.


Is that one of those human trafficking countries?

come on discount Finland, at least get the proxy trickery right

Alright, which one of you guys wrote the original



>1.2 million people, 69% estonian, 25% russian, 5.8% others, 0.2% non-european
>came to this land from ural mountains 11,000 years ago and settled
>germans and danes DEUS VULT us 1000 years ago, establish feudal rule and serfdom for estonian peasants (99% of estonians were peasants that time)
>gain national consciousness 19th century
>independence war, become independent from Russia
>from 1920-1941 we had a republic that had economy on par with finland
>then WWII, cucked by Stalin
>nazis come, cucked by Hitler
>estonians more mad at Stalin than Hitler, at the end they volunteer at SS to kick commie ass
>nazis can't hold the front, estonian fighters eventually get BTFO
>cucked by Stalin again
>50 years of gommunism
>get freedum
>have 10 years of latin-american tier crime and corruption until shit gets better by 2000's and finally become a livable country
>join EU
>cucked by Merkel now but at least he pays us eurogibs to make up for it so we don't care that much unless he starts sending in rapefugees
pic related, estonian model

What ever do you mean? Canada is was and always will be a multicultural society. And it actually works here. We have just as many pakis here as you guys and we dont get bombermans and bakalakadakas at even 10% the rate yurops getting. Maybe, just maybe, its the way people here receive foreigners as compared to the nice welcome we give you here, you copuld take a page out of our book. But you guys are too busy hating your neighbors and stuffing immigrants into ghettos to have real welcome baskets. Really activates my almonds.

>cuckonian LARPing to be Canadian master race

Muslims behave themselves when Sikhs are around. Invest in more Sikhs.


just quoting your fellow leaf post desu

Go fuck yourself Ontario faggot

there is a huge difference between sweden and canada.

"the chinks and pakis" who are buying property in canada are mostly canadians too.

That and OP comparing Somalis to Chinese.

Holy fuck Id rather live in China than Somalia any day of the year. Id even celebrate labor day in China if my only other option was Somalia.

>Sweden giving away country for free to uncivilized shitskins
>Canada being bought up by civilized chinks and intelligent poos

Canada is worse off guys!

Whats up with this obbsession in somalis? They are really few if you compare with all fucking arabs parasiting this country. Somalis are ugly disgusting low iq apes there are like 50.000-100.000 thats not much if you compare to the arabs that are atleast 100x times more.

>this damage control

>is not canadian

And I'm sure those civilized people who come from proud, ancient cultures who AREN'T brainwashed into hating themselves will gladly subscribe to your empty Marxist materialistic identity, right? "Post-national" Canada doesn't mean you've "transcended" nationality, it means the native whites committing cultural suicide has left a void that will be filled by colonists from peoples who still value their heritage.

Theres a polandball (eestiball here) that describes this but i cant find it