Is the hatred in your heart for the skin color or religion? Or both?
Is the hatred in your heart for the skin color or religion? Or both?
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skin color? what are you a nigger? who gives a shit about skin color. actions guy, actions
It's for
>Their religion
>Their skin color
>Terrorist acts that they seem to hold a fucking monopoly on
>Their shitty culture
>They have turned into the EU version of the American Nigger with their want of gibs
>They literally are government funded cultural suicide for countries in the EU
It's your childfucking religion.
demon religion
shitty ethics
shitty culture
many muslims are closeted faggots
>skin color
you're just untermensch, Bangladesh
i dont care about someones skin colour if they are able to assimilate into society. what i dont like is your pedophile warlord following religion. i think its also culture, muslims are over represented in australia in crime statistic and incarcerations. its not just violent street crime but things like fraud and bribery etc as well.
I don't really hate either. I just want them to shit up their own countries. It's a good thing Islam is so obviously bad because it gives civic natiocucks something to latch onto. Pol isn't worried about Islam as much as preserving white existence, whereas t_d is insanely Islamophobic because that's the only criticism they allow themselves to have.
The culture
seconding this ausbro
I don't hate people for their skin colour. I hate them for their bad actions.
desu I dont really care about immigrants as long as they can assimilate. I would also tolerate Islam if it was reformed and the childfucking and killing were removed. Also, being honest, some Islamic principles are pretty good, trouble is, they are outshone by the violence rape etc.
We don't hate Sikhs. At least most of us. They look just like Muslims. It's the way y'all suck that makes us hate you
Their actions
Neither, just dont want any more trees cut down and ugly cities built so foreigners can move here.
Haha hood one.
Good one nice video.
Their religion.
Islam is cancer for any civic society.
t. Someone who got his house torched down by Muslims who went full durka durka.
Their intelligence.
It's 2017 and the internet exists. There are no more excuses to be a fucking mongoloid and believe such nonsense.
>civic nationalism
fuckoff cuck
white countries for white people
I`m mostly concerned with the terror attacks
Considering their religion was written just for them there's not much difference between it and their genetics.
Your lack of open-mindedness, and your inability to think.
This is how things were 50 years ago :