War Machine sentenced to life in prison


so this happened



signed, Christy Mack

well, we can't have that, now can we.

Other urls found in this thread:


>we can't have that, now can we.

No. We will have equality and you will like it.

if it was the other way around, she would get 20 years max

Serves him right. He's scum and a danger to society.

MMA fighter and he couldn't even disfigure her properly? Pathetic.


she cheated on him? that is what started it? dont get me wrong both a subhumans.

40 years for assault and the tax payers have to pay for that time. What a great country...

>2 weeks community service for raping a swede girl and then he's back on the prowl.

What a great country...

The bitch deserved it.

>things that never happened

He honestly should've just killed her. Fucking niggers is like engaging in bestiality, we can't have any of that in a civilized world.


How did this fag manage to get life for domestic violence? Rihanna looked more fucked up than this whore.

>dates a literal whore
>she sleeps around

>dates an MMA fighter
>he beats her up

Both got what they asked for, what's the crime here?

The reason why I rejected many women after knowing - gross

>things that actually happened



again, amerishit is injecting his interracial cuck fantasies into stories. its getting a bit annoying. it seems that every user from usa here has inferiority complex and hates niggerso nly becuase they sometimes fuck white women and not becuase they are subhumans who commit crimes on high scale

This is litreally fake news.

Honestly, he should have just killed her if he was gonna get life anyway. It's California so he couldn't get the death penalty.

oh shit i remember this

>anything I don't want to hear is fake news

Good one, Dolan. I hope that sand you have your head buried in is comfy.


LMAO swede, your media is fucking bought and paid for, maybe the alternative source Estonian run (akak kike free) paper is trying to tell you something you already know deep in your heart, they don't belong here, and they will continue to be a trouble until you either submit to them or grow a pair

You can get life for beating someone up in the US?

im not defending either parties here. Even though i despise both he was clearly in the wrong. From what i've read they were separated for months she was already dating other men. He shows up months later wanting to propose to her and the other man was there. He went into a rage and fucked them both up. I liked his stories from riots in jail how he would sit in a corner punching people. The guy is pychotic

This is an insight into the mind of a hateful virgin.

>sexual assault
>causing life threatening injury

Seems about right desu

I could understand the idea of leniency if he literately caught her in the act of cheating and lost his temper and hit her, but this was multiple illegal, premeditated, and prolonged actions. Someone like that can't function in society.

they're both shitty wiggers who deserve death

who cares

36 years. Well, he's fucked. Nothing scares me more than a broken prefrontal cortex.

The guy's a habitual offender.

>beating a woman

nigger/sandnigger tier

>40 years

40 years is a life sentence?

Isn't a life sentence supposed to be literally 100 years?

It should be 100.

Oddly enough, the life sentence here in Finland is about 12.

>he was found guilty of sexual assault, coercion, battery by strangulation, kidnapping and several other charges. The jury was hung on attempted murder charges.
seems more severe than just beating her up

It wasn't domestic. They aren't together anymore, he came to her house, beat her up and tried to rape her.
>be a nigger
>be angry when "your" pornstar girlfiend fucks niggers

>dates a pr0n star
>alowing yourself to get cucked
>putting your hands on a women when you know men are physically superior and emotionally stronger

this guy fucked up too many times

>dating a whore and expecting her to be monogamous

Both should be put down like defective horses to be quiet honest. They're useless garbage.

Apparently there were a shit ton of other charges thrown in like sexual assault and kidnapping. They tried to nail him with attempted murder.


get woke to the ultimate red pill and tell others

(((war machine)))

The dude deserved some jail time, but life seems a bit harsh.

>be pornstar
>fuck people
All good breh
>be mma fighter
>beat someone up
GO TO JAL!!!!!!

nigga they were both just doing their job.

Top kek m8.

>Sexually assaulted her
>Kidnapped her
>assaulted her
>Had a criminal record

>Was so stupid he didnt took the deal that would make him go in for 16 years

Act like a negroid get sentenced like a negroid

So you would be ok with a demolition expert knocking down your house, a vet killing your pets or a surgeon chopping off your leg?

Fuck war machine. If you date a pornstar, e.g. a whore, then you're a cuck anyhow. He's just a cuck who got mad.

she's a fucking pornstar, he's an idiot

Isn't it the vet's job to heal my pets?

You could murder multiple people and get less. It happens all the time.

>tfw Anthony Burch took being kicked out of cucked relationship better than Strife Gadget.

He puts them down if they are too sick as well. He's just doing his job, man.

"life" is an estimate, an average of how many years a person can expect to live in prison before they die. in some states the average person lasts 20 years in prison, in others 25 years is the max a person can expect to survive in prison.

Sounds about right

She needs some pussy plastic.

>in others 25 years is the max a person can expect to survive in prison.
just put them in an arena and let them fight to the death, it must be better than that

im real


>standing like a cuck when you visit your lady and catch her getting schlonged by another dude

I expected more from you, Italiano.

>literal whore


They weren't even in a relationship at this point. And she's a fucking porn actress.
He just got mad that she can fuck someone without it being cucking.

"separated" doesnt mean she wasnt still fuckin him, which she was. girls like to make up their own timeline of events. they are all liars.

But I take real good care of my doggo.

Too bad. Vet has a job to do.

>woah im going out with a pornstar but didnt think this was related with her being a whore, better fuck her shit up
would be like coal burners being angry for being single moms

no leaf, you dont understand the mind of an american female. they will feign nothing less than torture or attempted murder to prove that they are right. they're not. they're just a hole to stick it in. women aren't even human.

>when you are so gay and lonely you whiteknight for Rumble Apparatus

she would get 4 years

seems like he did the right thing. fuck you and fuck your country for not having control over your women.

i'm japanese by the way. for the record.

she's a worthless slackjawed do-nothing non-contributing whore, BOO HOO FUCKING HOO

Christy Mack is a stupid whore that has a thing for abusive roided out abusive bad boys.

They are both terrible people and deserve each other.

OK, let's discuss what he should have done.

p.s. If this was a traditional culture, there would be none of this "women have a right to decide on their sexuality". Women would be property and you would fuck up any other man for using up your property or punish her for going feral. War Machine did literally the right thing, IN THE NOT-CURRENT YEAR.

so what. people get 10 years for armed robbery.
you get life for first degree murder, second degree is about 20 years

It doesn't matter if she was having a fucking orgy in the house, it doesn't excuse what he did

She's a whore you retard. In any "traditional culture" he would be a laughing stock of whole community for picking a whore as "his woman".
And after the incident he would be put down like a rabbid dog he is.

>there are people who will unironically white knight for War Machine

looks pretty legit/badass to me, sir. all they want to do is take the stong ones out of society so they cant fuck/breed the women. yep. OH NOESSSSSSS>>>>> HES IN JAIILLLLL HERES SOME LIMP WRISTED FAGGOT TO FUCK.

thats pretty much the thing. same thing with anyone who goes into military. pretty boy strong pp get murdered while ugly shitbags are left to be scheming faggots to impregnate and amke a weaker race.

What are you even trying to convey here, nigger?


They weren't together anymore. He showed and broke into her house. He beat the shit out of her and the new guy she was with. Beat the shit out of isn't the right way of describing it. He literally broke both of them. Then he held her down and started cutting her with a knife. Then he started stabbing her with the knife. Then he pulled out his dick and tried to rape her. The new guy woke up, so he went back to beating him. Meanwhile she hobbled over and dove out a window. She crawled across the street naked and bleeding and rang a neighbors doorbell.

He almost killed both of them.

>Dates literal whore
>Gets mad that whore is a whore

Reasonable discipline of women and beating them into the hospital are two different things.

hay now haaaaaaaaay now the dream is overrrrrrrrrr.. you're bucnha fa fuck



This is old news isnt it?

he KNEW she was a whore, it's not that she was hiding or anything
it's probably true that she liked being treated as shit and it was ok as long as she wasnt beaten to a pulp, so she very likely has guilt too
but if you pick a whore you get what you ask for
also that guy assaulted many people not only her, he's undeniably dangerous

In no traditional culture would she be a whore, because in a traditional culture whores get quickly made an example of for other would-be-whores to observe. Her "job" aka pornwhore would not exists.

> And after the incident he would be put down like a rabbid dog he is.

That's totally retarded. Everybody would clap.

do you not know that to stop the non s-op over population of the earth, that they send people into war to "thin the herd"???? it's on purpose. all the time. every time. and ugly, disgusting faggots reap the benefeits becuase strong, attractive, good DNA people are sent into war zones to die. on purpose. every time.

get with the program, laddy.

>domestic abuse debut

that's not what happened

this person must be white knighting for jews or else he'd have used g-d.

>Not throwing the other guy from a height of two flats like one of my neighbors did some months ago


Have you ever been to a getteo in the states?

Morale of the story is don't date bad boys especially MMA fighters.

>In no traditional culture would she be a whore, because in a traditional culture whores get quickly made an example of for other would-be-whores to observe.
Czy ty kurwa pojebany jesteś? Od starożytności, przez średniowiecze do współczesności kurwy istniały i miały się dobrze. Nie było czasu w historii Europy kiedy nie było kurew.
A za ciężkie pobicie i próbę gwałtu mogłeś łatwo wylądować w płytkim grobie na posesji rodziny poszkodowanego jeszcze do niedawna.

>things that will happen

I sure wish they send you to some middle eastern shithole soon. What the fuck is up with your spelling?
She didn't even did interracial as it seems. It's just burger having cuck fantasies as always.

>dont understand that someone with XX cromosomes is a woman

hello tumblr.

Found the illiterate nigger

tfw they both got what they deserved

u know i dont agree with a lot i see on pol but its hard to argue with this

>Sup Forums defending white trash while whining about degenerates and niggers
Sounds like something a degenerate nigger would do.