Is this guy the real deal?

is this guy the real deal?
does he want to remove kebab?

Other urls found in this thread:

He wanst to do what is just nesserary right now, i.e. visa regime with stone age muslim countries from the south. And he wants to return the Federal Law back to Chechnya. I can't ask for more.

He also standed for legalising arms for people not so long ago.

Though he is definetely our guy, i' m not sure if can get to power via official election. Because there is no chance that there will be fair elections. I think we need to wait till Putin waste things to some critical degree. And its very likely to happen, i guess, it's gonna happen in like 2020 or so.

Because Putin is actually a corrupt, smug idiot.

you have to be 18+ to post here

what happened to his face?

Permanent ink blinded his right eye when he was trying to steal a bank.


Yes, he is a real bona fide American spy.

Yeah, but Russians love Muslim cock so they'll vote for Putin

And just before Putin-bots, came into this thread with stupid stamps, like "Soros money", "0.5%", and "only Moscow is aware of him".Well i tell you what.. All of these stamps are completely fake and are not backed up with anything.

Hell, can't wait to beat up putin-bots IRL.

>is this guy the real deal?

if real means shabbos and deal means goy, then yes, he's the real deal

>All of these stamps
English doesn't work that way.

Oh look manlet's cock suckers are already here.

He was recently splashed in the face with "zelyonka", basically an alvohol based antiseptic, popular in soviet times.

Who is he ?


Well labels, whatever.. anyways these are all fakes. Everything about Navalny is open to public. Whilst Putin's corruption and ''''tremendous''' economic achievments are known too.

>tfw I'll have to endure 3 more months of Navalny supporters online until school starts again


I am so enthusiastic about having an American-educated ethnic Ukrainian blogger as a president, you have no idea.

Can't wish for anything better in russia, he is an ideal leader, if he would come to power and turn out not to be corrupted, he will be the best leader of russia for like a thousand years, but I heavily doubt if majority of russians will see it so, since majority now is alcoholic bydlo and degenerates. Navalny is a real nationalist, basing his views on ethnic politics as well as being fair, also, doesn't seem to support imperialism, which is a great deal for sorrounding countries like mine, as well as russians, since they won't need to feed captured poor territories.

Yes, Navalny do have like 100 000 of voluntees who work for fucking _FREE_. And yes most of them are young people.

It's a common thing, that young people volunteer for politicians.

No one wants to work or help Putin for free. Typical Putin supporters are on the pic. Yes they do fuckin eat pancakes from a fucking shovel.

He's a populist whore with a neoliberal agenda. He would promise anything to get elected. Legalize cannabis, give everyone free welfare, make anime real.

He is the only last patriot of Russia. Its Putin who acts for international banking mafia. We do not invest in infrastructure. We do not solve tremendous social problems. We do not have a products to be proud for.

He is the last hope for Russia.

If he would lost - russians will become different. Maybe even the language.

>I have listened to a stupid whore's Alisa Voks' song "Malysh", that the manlet payed for.
The kekest.

>Legalize cannabis

thats a lie, so typical for Putinbots. They always lie. Navalny promised DECRIMINALISATION of canabis which is indeed needed. We don't want young fools to get jailed for like 3-8 years for such a silly thing as cannabis.

>dude wee lmao
Typical navalnoid subhuman.

Most of them are young people because young people tend to be stupid, impressionable and not yet integrated into the society.

Yes, most Putin's supporters are fairly dumb simple low class people. That's because most people are actually like that, and the majority of population support him. Hating the majority won't really get you anywhere, and that way of thinking is the reason liberals will never get a double-digit number in any general election.

Thanks, i hope we will normalize relationship with our neighboors with Navalny. It's just stupid what Putin is doing. In fact he is wasting relationship with literally everyone. And selling country to China in the same time.

I hope you post with a proxy, because your smug idiot is evil.

Typical Putinbots they do always turns to argumentum ad hominem, because they do not have arguments to protect the biggest national traitor - Putin. Putin is a disgrace of russian nation.

>He is the only last patriot of Russia
Of course. A Yale World Fellow, Ukrainian, enthusiastically supported by fine friends of Russia like Balts and Georgians in this very thread, how can I doubt he is a real patriot of Russia?

Because RT said so?

Пo зapплaтным вeдoмocтям вac мpaзeй бyдyт вычиcлять.

Why would RT call Putin evil?

Dziabił nie razumieje šo kali Navalny prehraje - rasiejcy buduć navat razmoŭlać na inšaj movie.

I support you bruh, we both know that Putin only brings corruption and is an actual retard.

don't know if that happens with us, Navalny doesn't seem to like us, but if I was Russian I would vote for him.

>if you can't win it's pointless fighting

Russian politics seem so odd to me. Nobody seems to care how corrupt the Kremlin is, but god forbid an alleged shill become president.

Thought that navalny is smug idiot. Misunderstanding

Alexey 5%

It's true, if Navalny will lost - russian will change and probably will speak Belarussian.


Listen, idiot, millions and millions of people do have relatives in Ukraine and vice versa.

>A Yale World Fellow

Yes he is edcated, unlike Putin who studied on C- and even failed a KGB mission in Germany. What a fucking moron Putin is!

>supported by fine friends of Russia like Balts and Georgians

Well, they want to have adequate and predictable neighboors, so whats wrong with that? Putin uses conflcits for only one reason - to stay in power, to have more power and to grant more money to military and FSB. These conflicts do not help people and do not help Russia in a long term.

Putin is a stupid egocentric maniac with no sense of responsibility, with no sense of nation. He is a soviet bastard.

I'm 100% pro-Navalny, but it's hard to call balt gov fags adequate. Especially latvian and estonian.

Do analny bots have self-awareness? You've just resorted to ad hominem when I mentioned his stance on cannabis, you retarded fucking animal. You have no arguments at all because your twitter deity has no political program beyond empty rhetoric. What he has instead in unanimous support of international media and infantile cretins like you. Keep shilling for him on taiwanese bunjee jumping boards with your butthurt belt friends, that would surely raise his national rating in Russia higher than statistical error margin.

And? There are no actual Russians in russia anyway so who cares. It's become a nation of cuckolds holding progress back. And the other half are muslim chads intimidating said cucks.

Fuck off, russophobe.

He's transforming.

>millions and millions of people do have relatives in Ukraine and vice versa
Of course, but most of them aren't president of Russian Federation.
>Yes he is edcated
That's a cool way to say that he is a member of US program for "emerging global leaders" created by Maurice R.Greenberg, a vice chairman of Council on Foreign Relations and a member of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission. A perfect background for an aspiring President of Russia, I am so pumped up.
>they want to have adequate and predictable neighboors, so whats wrong with that?
Nothing of course, I'm sure our Lithuanian friends only have our best interests in mind.

This why if Russia collapse we will have to speak Belarussian.

agreed putin is a dickless oligarch sucking manlet and nobody in their good mind would go to live in russia expecting to enjoy the good life. even snowden is forced to play putin's little bitch just to enjoy ((((freedom))))
but isn't it risky for you to be so blunt about putin though?

He called us gryzuns during the war.

get woke to the ultimate red pill and tell others

Kremlin is the reason why Lithuania still exist, so they have to be gratefull.

Isn't all pretty much the same?

Do they watch Infowars in Russia too?

Well that's a shitty thing to do.

I hope you understand I have nothing against Georgians, I just think that a candidate that's best for you or Balts is probably not the one best for us.


Maybe she's watching it ironically.

Belarusian has a very different orthography and alternate latin alphabet.

With russian orthography it's a Scot's tier language/dialect.


ok to question the ((((60000000)))) but that post is so full of ignorant bullshit it would red pill only only the retarded faggot nigger...

Unlike you, i do have some arguments besides ad hominem, Your kind do only have lies on lies on top of lies.

Navalny do have an economical program. It's on his website.Though KGB scum has not even allowed his party to get legalised. Actaully we have tons of economic programs right now. Kudrin do have one, Titov do have one, even commies do have one. Truth is that with Putin supercorrupt regime nothing can get implemented, you peace of shit. And you fucking know it, yet you lie.

What we need just now is a super purge of corrupted scumbags who call themselves "statesmen" and "patriots". Then via real parliamentary elections, people will be able to choose a party with appropriate economical program.


>work for free

where do they get money then?

What did he mean by this?

I can't tell. The dialects throughout Europe are all unique, but slavs all sound the same to me. The cold war ended in my lifetime though, so maybe it's just the propaganda I've watched growing up.

jesus christ have mercy

I don't mind it actually, ethnic slurs don't really work on us, never seen anybody get offended by them.

Wilno was and should be a polish city, Stalin occupied it for lithuanians, they should he grateful, but they are not.

>Navalny do have an economical program.

no he doesnt. his "programm" are just chaotic qoutes from different western sources which will turn Russian economy into worse chaos than after collapse of Soviet union

You know, we write moloko, but actually say malako, belarussians ever write with a, that's the main difference.

I understand 95-100%.

Hladzi siudy, popieł i pył
Usio heta ja adzin stvaryŭ
Sprabuj udychnuć, adčuješ - chimija
Laciać askiepki ad hranat
Ale mianie vam nie strymać
A voś i jon, kaniec usiaho

Adziny šlach kab adtrymać adkaz
Usio nibyta suprać nas
Voś pačatak ery
Novaj ery (x2)
Ooooo oooo
Ooooo oooo

Kolki dzion i usio adno
Tvaje dumki - moj pałon
Dzień i noč zastać sia tut
I horad znik, znikaje čas
I šery dym akutaŭ nas
A voś i jon, kaniec usiaho


Siła ŭnutry
Nad hałavoj śviatło
U našaj kryvi
Bjeć sia žyćcio

You won't get in trouble for posting on mongolian fishing forum. They only care about social media accounts, especially vkontakte.

can any nasralny homunculus explain their daily raids on Sup Forums? at least ctr and shulzposters were trying to sway the elections. the vast majority of people here can't vote in russia

you've used the word 'cuck' three times in three posts. must be someting personal

Czechs are opposite of cucks, stop judging them based on porn.