Is this T H I C C some sort of american meme?
When I look at the models in yurop, we all skinny over here.
>inb4 this is not related to politics
Secret pushes for fat acceptance should not go unnoticed.
Is this T H I C C some sort of american meme?
When I look at the models in yurop, we all skinny over here.
>inb4 this is not related to politics
Secret pushes for fat acceptance should not go unnoticed.
Nah man, it's premedevil and muh bodyfat for pregnancies and things
Sup Forums meme
If you had sex with literally a singular human female you would understand it
sex with stick people isn't great
It is basically a lowering of standards.
One of my gf's was skinny, other one was not fat but thicc, still don't get the hype about thicc, that's why I made the thread.
she's disgusting
The "model" model (a walking skeleton) pushed by the fashion lobby is a scam. Every girl believe this is what the guys want (a whitout curvers agender skeleton) and they put up crazy diet in their adolescence.
Sadly fashion world is full of faggots who dont care about women and no one would dress with their retarded dress unlike some super rich bitch no one cares or see around in normal life.
Normal males like curves not living surfer table without tits and ass.
when you grab hold of a thicc women and smash yourself against her tenderness, it's one of the most manly feelings you can have. Look at western paintings of naked women too, those who came before knew their shit.
both these examples are unfuckable
pic related is what you want
Of course anorexic like on your pic is not the ideal, maybe looks good in clothes but not good for much else, but something like pic related where girl is skinny, not skeleton mode, not thicc but just normal, is much more desirable than anything else desu
Kiwi here knows where it's at. Girls with wide hips were absolutely made for smashing doggy.
This Schlomo knows what's up.
It's a meme in America, but a sad truth of reality in other countries. Pic related, average women in Bongville.
Looks like a healthy female. This modern obsession with being ultra-thin needs to go. It's literally kike mind-conditioning.
Women are supposed to have a little fat, spoopy skeletons gtfo
Your pic has a thicc build but shes fat too
Thicc = body build
Fat = overeating
You can be thin and thicc, fat and thicc, thin and not thicc and fat and not thicc
She is quite perfect
>When I look at the models in yurop, we all skinny over here.
You mean normal.
THICC is a kike plot to degrade whites even more by making us more similar to niggers.
>posts 80lb 6' woman as an argument for why 150lb 5'3 women is appropriate
a woman with a disproportionately fat ass? no thank you
Thicc girls aren't as good or comfortable as fit girls in bed you virgin.
and now with clothes on
That's the problem, isn't it. You're looking at a bunch of shooped ideals, rather than real women.
>n = 2
Keep at it, son.
How big is your sample size then?
How is that woman's ass disproportional, at all?
Irish-descendant detected
thats not anorexic you actual retard thats normal body weight
humans are supposed to be skinny like that
thicc is a nigger meme and theres no evidence that being a fatass increases the chances of having babies
She's just a full bodied woman. That's fine. Fat chicks will always be gross.
Its a BRRAAAAPfest
>6' 80-90lb model is normal body weight
normal is 5'6 120-125lb
>How big is your sample size then?
3 thicc girls, 1 fat girl, 1 dangerously skinny girl 5 "normal" or fit girls.
The skinnier was very easy to move, especially since I work out, but felt kinda shitty to hold and you couldn't really "lean" on her or anything, the fat girl was heavy and didn't move much outside of sex (well, she was fat) the thicc girls were alright but the thiccness makes certain lying positions uncomfortable, they can't lie ontop of you comfortably etc.
A normal or fit girl gives you everything you need with all the options and you can throw her around easily.
Yea but there are no fit americans so why would he know
Girl in OP webm only need to do some workout its not unfuckable or beyond limit. Look at these lovely tits.
>indoctrination: complete
Women were never this big unless they had endless wealth to allow them to gorge.
it might not be average but theres nothing wrong about it or anorexic
that to me is the exact optimal body type
any fat to me is a minus
your sir are a fucking pleb.
>not anorexic
yet it is
Not attracted to thicc at all. Maybe it's for the lesbians out there?
>not going for big-assed, big-titted slim girls
it's nearly like you're not a chad
how t h i c c can you go?
Skinny women are a Jewish plot to give white men deficient children and constant subconscious dissatisfation
yeah and that's exactly the reason why black babies born to obese black mothers are kangz, astronautz and sheeit.
oh wait, they are not.
desu siri is the hottest pornstar on the planet
The women in the op is a large boned woman with a good overall frame and child bearing hips. She is the woman you want for strong sons.
this is not anorexicthats a skinny healthy women and the ideal for me
sorry youre just used to fat bulgy american body types you dont understand what a actual person is supposed to look like
Remember: to spot the thicc-to-be, check out the mom before dating daughter.
> humans are supposed to be skinny like that
> thicc is a meme
Thicc might be meme but if you say humans are supposed to look like that, you must be referring to humans in their natural habitat (which would mean scavenging, foraging).
Girl in your pic wouldn't survive because she has too little fat to protect her from cold and she obviously isn't fit (as in trained).
Pic related: One of the last tribes in the Amazones without contact to civilization. They would think your gal is starving.
Would you?
anyone who answers this post angrily - confirmed virgin.
>they can't lie ontop of you comfortably
I've had some proper chunky monkeys and this has never been a problem, are you a smaller dude? don't think I've ever smashed a bird who was heavier than me. Personally I enjoy the full gamut from very petite to chubster.
i'm not debaiting with you
it's extremely underweight
>Tits that could pass as large pecs
>Thighs larger than her torso
>Tuckshop lady arms
She's hot, but her movements are really fucking awkward.
They run out of thin girls so they pretend to like thick ones out of desperation.
Man all you guys ought to look back 100 years and see what the "normal" Western beauty ideal was like.
Fair enough. I never understood the Kama Sutra Bingo approach to sex, so I never really cared much about versatility. I found my favorites that work for me. (Double-digits overall, half thiccs, a few fat pears and one or two fat apples, and one or two thins)
9.5/10 just needs a little more up top
Ugh I need this
its not true
thick women do a better job necause they have to. also, theyre wetter and down to have more sex. fit girls lay there like a dead fish
She looks so brittle
nigger culture
fat doesnt protect you from cold
underweight to fatties
most humans if you go to impovershed places (most of human history and even in most places today) would be more skeleton looking throughout all of history like that
sorry but youre wrong go to rural china or something to see real human bodies
this bulgy shit isnt it
thic girls are the best
It means they are perfectly suited to have kids
You talk as if every women who gained weight would achieve a body like when in reality that's only the 1% at most and the rest end up like .
It's not about body fat or thickness but the shape of the body. A women with a nice shape will be very attractive with low or high body fat, but that's only a very minority. The majority once they gain weight are disgusting so if you're gonna have a shapeless body anyway skinny is preferable.
nigger tier fetish.
Are you retarded? Yes it does. Nice picking the one thing you disagree with and not adressing my other points, shitposter.
t-thanks for the valuable data buddy
You should do a tour in european museums to watch some ancient statues.
>pic related: artifact from prehistoric france
say no more laddie
im in love
>it's an illiterate pole episode
I specifically refer to white people
Who do you think had the money to pay to be sculpted? Ones who could gorge.
Anime tier proportions
Having an built up under layer of muscle helps a woman look more attractive though.
Hahaha wooow, dem sloppers
am I being rused
am I free to go
why you, Britain
>every faggot posts anorexic or obese and nothing in between
perfekt thighs
I know this is wrong but i dont have the evidence on hand to prove otherwise
>implying the autor did not look for "perfection" while represent a goddess
wew lads
god tier
Good lord
This Ameribro gets its. Every fucking faggot ITT posted either obese fucking fat nigger chicks or anorexic "models".
I like girls of NORMAL size, neither thicc nor too skinny.
>getting sculpted in marble is cheap
i think the americans just see it as an extention of inflation of their own ego. much like they want big houses, big cars, big tits, big ass and big dicks.
that's a guy you queer
Fair enough
Tastes are different in Canada I guess.
>sculpting was done for leisure
Nigger please.
>Not wanting chicks with fat asses and giant tits?
Its scientifically proven that thic chicks also have nicer feets
why are hot women so hot?
I think I'm heterosexual guys.
Jews have a stranglehold on the media
Jews are drs
Healthy people dont need as much treatment.
No treatment = no shekels
Dr jew tells kikerecords to start pushing fat = good
Girls get THICC
THICC = fat and unhealthy thus needing treatments
Kikes happy all around.
There you have it. Ill take a strong ass farm girl over thicc bitches, and skinny bitches any goddamn day of the week.