Featuring Terrorist from London bridge bombing.
Should be required viewing in UK.
Featuring Terrorist from London bridge bombing.
Should be required viewing in UK.
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It is restricted in the UK. Removed from 4od and Netflix yesterday.
Because it's proof that it was public knowledge these people exist but nothing was done to stop them.
This unblocks anything on youtube
Its on youtube ik watching it now
bug jews at it again
bump bump BUMP
oy vey shut it down
Watched it last night.
Theres no redpills in it. Youre all fucking imbeciles. It shows these guys as a fringe element, it show "moderate" muslims berating them, it makes them look like outcasts. Theres nothing redpilled about it.
Fucking idiot.
Thats not really the point. Most people wont bother to go through with unblocking it. The reall issue is A) most people didn't even bother watching it when it was available and B) those who did will simply ignored all the evidence presented in it off the cuff.
There was another channel 4 ocumentary last year "What Muslims really want" or something like that was simply dismissed because it was "boring".
it is full of redpills you fucking mongrel
Remember to vote Conservative lads, they'll surely put a stop to this!
dont let this slide
I watched this documentary on Netflix a few months ago.
I was kind of surprised that the only people challenging them were other Muslims.
gave me some hope I guess
Unblocking it is as simple as sharing this link though. You have to start somewhere.
Its nothing you muppet. Its the same bullshit the politicians spout. Not true reflection of islam, not all msulims, islam is a peaceful religion. The only thing this documentary shows is that these people are attention whores and "look, even muslims hate them"
Youre a fucking rocket if you think this will somehow change anyones thoughts on muslims.
No because terrorists wake people up to Islam, it might stop the moderate Muslims from taking power.
Moderate Muslims want to take over peacefully, through having 6 kids etc.
It's what Muslim brotherhood do.
Wtf are you conspiring? I watched it a 2nd time since it came out on YouTube last night.
Shared and retweeted it yesterday. Spreading the redpill whenever I can!
Nothing or nobody can redpill the wilfully cucked
>the crisis actors next door
People think this is real life!