Are Brits human?
no. thay are goyim according to your faith.
next question
oh ok thanks
Is France white?
>subvert the goy
>"look at these goy"
>"are they even human at this point?"
we're onto your tricks kike
>brits as a sweeping statement refers to drunk normie proles
Most normal (middle class) British are fine
There are a few weird ones though
No we are super human.
shouldn't you be busy mate?
lol fucking jews man i swear
nothing more cringy than a non-Anglo saying "mate" or "lad/s"
I don't know, but I bet their next generation won't be.
I don't know about the Brits but you certainly aren't.
Go worship your father Satan.
Gotta find out whether or not you're into it. You'll never know whether or not you're actually a fag unless you can kiss a man and not get hard.
What race are jews?
All the hot women were plundered by the vikings and all the high test alphas got sent to Ausland
>What race are jews?
Ashkenazi are Caucasian, Mizrahi are Arab.
What will France look like in 2030?
Only 1 of 6 in that pic is an actual bong.
You guys actually call your lower classes "proles"? Neat.
Fucking hell. I could really go for a greasy kebab tbqh. you arabs are alright when I'm drunk, saviors m8
>Ashkenazi are Caucasian, Mizrahi are Arab.
>What will France look like in 2030?
Hard to predict. Nobody thought about WW1/WW2 till it was too late
>implying Ashkenazi aren't Indo-European roaches from the Khazarian Empire
Ah, trying to Jew us with the classic divide and conquer tactic.
how come all the former allied forces are more fucked and guilt ridden than denazified germany?
Yeah give them some more submarines Hans to show how alpha you are...
Not even close
They resemble that of a barbarian/ork,running around with a big stick stealing the sniny shiny from unsuspecting travelers
>Khazarian Empire
Even the shitty Wiki article on this subject says that the sources for Jews intermixing with Khazars are non-reliable or lacking. I mean when shitty wiki doubts something..
But w/e I'm whiter than 99% of this board.
forced vs doing it for free
Who was that American politician who predicted 9/11 and all the islamophilia bullshit?
>super human
God truly is dead.
lol, we going to get into posting photos of fat yanks doing disgusting shit?
Shut up, roach.
>Neither Arthur Koestler nor Shlomo Sand based their iconoclastic, politically driven conclusions on serious research. Eran Elhaik, however, is an accomplished scientist who has apparently come to the same conclusion through sophisticated statistical analysis of the salient genetic data. In his view, this proves that most contemporary Jews are descendants of the Khazars. He also thinks that it solves a demographic puzzle. How, he asks, are we to explain “the vast population expansion of Eastern European Jews from fifty thousand (15th century) to eight million (20th century),” particularly given “the severe economic restrictions, slavery, assimilation, the Black Death and other plagues, forced and voluntary conversions, persecutions, kidnappings, rapes, exiles, wars, massacres, and pogroms” to which they were subjected? I shall return to this puzzle, but first let us examine Elhaik’s solution.
yeah m8 he died last week
why would you post a mere 8?
Here's a British 10/10
total mayhem breaks when this FINE lady walks down the streets of Childrapeshire
Human enough to give your leech as a state, how about a little gratitude.
No, they're bitches
Shouldn't you be in an oven "mate"
Pay dembts
Get back to the sheep convict
What's that you say Fritz?
Oh hello there! Almos tdidn't you see you behind that 4'' dumpster.
Did you shart in Mart today little buddy?
I don't know how my women get so ugly sometimes. I blame the celtish intermingling with germanic genes.
fuck you subhuman fucking slime you fucking jews are rats the most disgusting fucking scum to walk the planet
the fire rises kike 6million degrees
Who the fuck would eat a funky chicken?
Richard Clarke iirc
yah bitch thats right we a re coming for you motherfuckers
Anyone who would deep fat fry a candy bar or a twinkie.
take the ultimate red pill and stop fagging around on this shill thread, get your fucking guns loaded we are going kike killing
lynch mob planet of the apes nigga, getting hot up in hur aint it? Someone must have the ovens on
Typical yid projection
faggot you aren't white we know nigger
They are not human, normal people live only here in Poland. There live only crying women and crazy muslims.
Look around the world, only in Poland you can live like normal people, anywhere else are black or crazy men or bald people or ahmed's bombers. Here you can smell air and say "what a wonderfull world". But if you are in other countries you can only beware of your life.
And don't worry jew, you can always come here to Poland and lament about your ancestors killed by Hitler, but then better go back to your cage in Jerusalem.
>KitKat teapot family heirloom
post your pic blackie ill post mine
thats me kike remember when the shoah starts cause you are the one I am coming for
Nope youtu.be
The average British woman's height and weight is 5'10
They are truely the most beastly of all the Eurotrash
>Keeps using the same comment of a guy with 33 upvotes in Quora, thinking it's a source
Average British realatipnship 2017;
>man is tall, skinny and underweight
>woman is short, fat and sphere shaped
>man has pasty pale flakey skin
>woman has faked tanned skin the colour of an Arab to cover up her disgusting wrinkly skin
>eat 3+ McDonald's every week +2 kebabs
>Nando's when the man fees like treating the woman
>cinema to watch latest marvel film or Hollywood shit for their cultural experiences
>hate countryside and consider boring
>Ibiza or some other cheap shithole in Spain for yearly Holliday to soak up that sweet European culture
I could name much more but have to go back to wageslaving
Hahahahahaha no way that you believe this for real. This is pathetic as hell
Ishmael is right, tho. France is black now.
why did you have to be so painfully accurate
that's a really good question
It's more post-colonial guilt than post-war guilt here. However, the shoah is used to justify all kinds of aidsy progressive kanker. Fritz we should have had that glorious Anglo-Germanic world empire.
Pretty much the same in Aus just change Ibiza to Bali, even our nightlife culture is the same as the UK. Apple doesn't fall very far.
don't ever post that around here again
Thanks a lot, I've only just fapped. Off we go again.
Well, they all have vaginas so I guess they're at least half human.
Doubt it.
>What will France look like in 2030?
Yes, however thanks to your (((people))) flooding us with non whites we soon won't be, and when the U.K and Europe are majority muslim then Israel is fucked. You are in this with the rest of us
Holy fuck I was waiting for this.
>What race are jews?
that girl is out of his league by the way.
That happens when you are out and not on the net waking it of all day
nope they are creating it get woke
take the ultimate red pill
only two of the people in this picture are humans
no they love niggers too much... i am really happy they are getting blown and stabbed by nigger muslim shits... the numbers are a bit dissapointing though... nobody does attacks like the french nigger muslim shits.
Average New Zealand relationship 2017:
>no one's in a relationship
>our women are not considered attractive by literally any other country, even most dudes here hate them and end up with qt european backpackers instead
>apparently there are some retards that like them because some fucking how they are 4 times sluttier than the global average
>that amounts to an average 20.4 sexual partners throughout their lives btw
>age 25, looks they never had in the first place start to fade
>go on facebook
>"oh em gee, men r such assholes y dont they want 2 setle down wif me?"
>get a bunch of women agreeing with them
>get a bunch of """""men""""" whiteknighting for them
>marry these beta cucks
>cheat on them
im sorry user but I already have that anime smug
nice to meet a fellow collector though
>Woman eating a healthy breakfast
I don't get it, what's wrong with this?
They are quite literally worse than Jews. In every way.
I've seen your sickly looking backpacker "men" wandering around asia
But I can't say I've ever met a kiwi girl in real life. What do they look like?
I watch Gay Porn all the time without getting hard
100% chance they were from the (((North Island)))
most of our south island dudes (aka, people with testosterone higher than a 12 year old girl) are pretty /fit/ because sports has always been pretty huge over here and going to the gym has become super fucking common over the last few years. literally ask 10 (South Island) guys between 16 - 30 if they go to the gym and at least 5 of them will and another 4 will play sport or some shit. thats all they fucking talk about.
>What do our women look like?
imagine a 5/10 american woman
that is a 7/10 New Zealand woman
You better not be insulting our bloody country mate
Are they at least not all ham planets or is obesity prevalent there too?
>(((your))) country
so why are they cleaning toilets here?
Brits are anglos.
Anglos are one step form being jews.
Thus brits arent humans.
Also interbreeding island problem.
the ones were i live mostly all have normal bodies but the ones in the North must be fats because we have a higher obesity rate than america (which is mainly just all the islanders here, who live in the north)
as a rule of thumb, the further north you go the more cucked it is
((((((((((Auckland)))))))))) city alone has 2/3 of our jews, by """""pure coincidence""""" it also has more immigrants (both total numbers and percentage wise) than everywhere in the south island combined
>the top 4 surnames there are all chinese
>15 of the top 20 are chinese, korean and indian
the north island is california and the south island is 50's small town midwest america
>but with less niggers
>>man has pasty pale flakey skin
god damn I hate that in british tourists here. they are all unhealthy pale. it's even worse when they get sunburned, it looks so painful.
and they are always loud cunts. you don't see a lot of fights in my town but like 4 out of last 5 were either locals vs brits