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>that bloke with the FAKE NEWS sign

kek nice digits

Check'd, but who the fuck is Sparky?


Channel 9 just had a story, they had a ton of pol shit and Neo nazi stuff it was crazy haha.


If only he was a gasfitter

It's the website of the 'nazi' the aussie news did a story on in the OP you fucking pole

how big is the penis on that newscaster?
why the fuck is everyone in australia a tranny? what the fuck? you're all abunch of trapping and trap-fucking poofs

Fucking lel
It's like I'm on Sup Forums

100% woman baby

ACA likely has an hour plus of footage, and they only show 1 minute of his responses, which are just repeated shots throughout the story. The majority of the story was literally a kike crying about muh 6 trillion and that courier mail idiot demanding censorship. If he's so wrong and evil, why would you need to censor him? Wouldn't his invalid arguments defeat themselves anyway? Oh and he had an evil racist sticker stating "it's a white man's duty to defend his bloodline", like that's inaccurate in anyway. Cunt, it's everyone's duty, just do it in your own country.

Sparky is a shorthand way of saying Electrician in Australia

"Your right clicking has caused the death of 12 hippies"
These guys are having fun at least.

This is actually scary. All the ACA just did was strengthen my beliefs. Do they really think many people are even aware of this crap to care?

>ACA just unwittingly redpilled my family

All Australian tv appart from the Bolt Report is jewish filth

Lmao one of us

Fucking hell, The moment I started watching that report I burst out laughing.


Everything about this guy is brilliant

hey mate you leave grimmers out of this, i'd love to go a round or two with 'er and me mates mum

Ah, okay. I remember seeing this company a couple months back.

Fuck lads, is it online yet? I need to see this

If I'm going to get a tradie to do something, I'd fucking want them to be OCD or aspie, and those cunts site has sold me

oh shit, you're right, this is hysterical!!!

>surface to allah missle


Pretty based, but that ain't good for business Smerff.

When it goes online can someone save it? Don't want to lose this gem.

Trace pre-2010 I'd go but she's gettin on a bit now

what are you a poofter or something?

>aligning any kind of politics with your business
Doesn't matter that I agree with him, he's an idiot.

hhaha sparky = electrician

Holy fuck his power level's off the charts

Yeah i lol'd. Cunt didnt give a fuck. Went full 1488 denying the holocost and shit.

theres a 2 minute video from it on the a current affair kikebook page, Sup Forums gets a mention at the end

ACA still exists? holy shit. i thought they cancelled it.

Comments on that video are pretty based

They need to do some work on their uniforms

dat jew

I see what you did there.

Holy shit that is some weapons grade shitposting. I'd hire these guys if I lived in Brisbane


It's up!

Need account AND giving free clicks



Whoever has an account please pirate it

getting free advertisement and red pilling australians. yeh wut n idiot wanna go sniff petrol mah tribe bruddah?


That guy is an aussie hero

Someone better archive his website, I can see it being taken down soon.

wtf I love Australia now

Just search it on youtube you abos.

I agree. Everything Ive seen is crap. I'm skeptical to endorse even this "Bolt Report" just based on past experience.

This. I'm not signing up to that shit.

Fucking Aussies. Please nuke the rest of the world.

Cheers user

>super glued muslim doctors office doors


WE FAMOUS youtu.be/DkmdvvCGhzw

Aww fuck not these guys

Their website was A grade comedy.

>surface to Allah missile
>fucking the work safes guys wife because not wearing ppe

Nice meme mate. I don't like it when leftists put their bullshit all over their companies and businesses so I also don't like this.

it's only gay if your balls touch faggot


Pisser. What a legend.

>we need censorship
>going to court over internet posts

wtf I hate Australia now

>People really watch this

To think I grew up with this shit (t. 3 year old) - and took it seriously.
God help us.

If you know about StandardPoolCo you probably know about SmerrElectrical.
Odds are the vast majority of Sup Forums doesn't know of either.
Guy who runs the site is a great dude.

>Yelp review: I called for an electrician and he rocked up saying the14 words,armed with surface to allah missiles

id hire them but id be afraid theyre all unbearable autists

Holy fuck. This guy is an honest to god legend. Fuuuuck me. I genuinely enjoyed reading that.

Top fucking kek

lol i live in plano

my ex lives there...


Cheers lad.

I'd expect some kind of uprising if he gets charged with anything

Surface to allah missle. KEK

Every Australia is now googling dailystormer after watching this.

They literally even showed that page in the vid, but only enough to show that they wrote "Judenpress". Is the irony of their own lugenpresse ways lost on them? It's fucking ridiculous

Welp, I'd hire them.

>Welp, I'd hire them.
His business went through the roof after the story broke in the newspapers a few months ago. My mate called him to do some work in Brissy and he said they are booked out for months.

oh Brissy = Brisbane. The city where he's from.

fuck this guy is a dead straight legend

Sparking the light on Jewish lies, for those who dare cross him with cable ties,

He will rock and even shock the msm's ever shrinking power cock!

For Mr hicky ain't so icky on hoodlums , but he rather kick out the bloody stinky Muslims.

lamestream fake news media btfo