Why is Eastern Europe so based?
Why is Eastern Europe so based?
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Boo fucking hoo.
Just a friendly reminder that all blacks are called nigger (negar) here by default, and that even our politicians do it openly when giving interviews and talking about blacks. We don't have a "polite" word for them.
>Eastern Europe
AHAHAHAHAHAHA. We are literally 3rd world full of corruption and poverty. We haven't had a decent scientific discovery/achievement since the dawn of time.
Fuck niggers though. Sandniggers too.
Thanks for reminding me that sjw shithole filled with tumblrites still exists
same, negru, -i
but whats your point? it's from latin
this. Why do I always agree with Croatbros?
>"hey nigger"
>"comehere nigger"
>"nigger nigger nigger"
gas neogaf
I think the nigger is lying. So many times I've seen black people in shopping centres, gyms and parks and not one time has someone called them names. Sure, they get the looks, as it ain't common to see a black person around here, but "nigger nigger", "come here nigger" just screams give me attention.
>nigger nigger nigger
Good ol' days
Because they have the least jews take the ultimate red pill
Of course he's lying. I doubt any Bulgarian goes out of his way to say "I love my country nigger free" in fucking English when cursing about niggers, and no Bong tourist is going to be speaking Bulgarian.
We also call them "Neger"
niggers dont get that "niger, ngru,nigra,nigger"
are just normal east euro/ slav words for blacks.
theres no nice way of saying it there.
Why are bulgarians walkijng around singing nigger free in english?
they could use the proper term "melanine enriched"
Niggers have shit colored skin, maybe shit colored people would be a little less offensive?
>some bulgarian spoke english to make it convenient to understand what he was saying
nigs gonna nig
>reading the thread
Great, don't come, no one wants you there anyway.
Wow, a BASED black man visits eastern Europe and is shocked to be confronted by actual concrete racism instead of the fake "institutional" racism he supposedly faces in Londonistan. And of course his biggest reaction is to apply racist generalizations about Bulgaria...
Fighting for more than 1000 years makes you based.
Why are you on NeoGaf user
we call em zezak, an ALBANIAN not latin word
Bulgarians are turks
Degenerate. There's no need for such behavior
A зaщo пък нeгъpчeтa избиpaт дa живeят в мecтa кaтo Бългapия? Кaквo имaт дa пpaвят тaм? Лeлкитe y бaничapницитe ги гoнят щoтo чepнитe нe мoгaт дa гoвopят нa бeлият eзикa, Кaмeнчo и Caшкo oт Ямбoл пaтpyлиpaт гpaницaтa cъc cънapoдницитe cи пpoтив мигpaнти вceки дeн, a бългapкитe пък ca pacиcтки кoлкoтo мъжeтe и нямaт pиcк дa бъдaт BLACKED зa пoнe oщe 20г. Квo пpaвят y Coфия?
>Apply racist generalizations about Bulgaria
Okay Justin.
>walking with his gf by a football stadium
Those niggers knew what they wanted and they got it.
here we call'em чaмyгa
Speak for yourself, Poland had a contract between the king and it's people before England. They also had the largest number of people voting for members of Parliament till the 1800s. They also formed the second Parliament in Europe
It was okay to call them neger here for a long time we even have some marshmallow stuff called "niggers kiss" but since a decade or so it's friend upon saying this word... Cucked
And you have to wonder why Americans want Eastern Europe invaded and occupied by Russia.
Thanks Trump! Don't need article 5 anyway!
>friend upon
I want mobile posters to leave
Communism preserved their self-preservation instincts, at the low low price of their economic wellbeing.
this imo. We got the marxism shot that destroyed the economy and not the culture and we became immunized
>don't think i'll ever step foot into this fucking country for the rest of my life
Cheeky Bulgarian discovers ONE EASY TRICK to keep shitskins out. Frogs and Anglos hate him!!