Why do interracial couples trigger Sup Forums?
Why do interracial couples trigger Sup Forums?
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it's disgusting
gives a lower IQ, more aggressive, useless population
the children will have identity issues
i oppose all the things jews want
Have you ever looked at Demographics?
they don't
Because pol doesn't get pussy, and they think they're superior to blacks. Pretty obvious.
It's simple math:
1 male nigger + 1 female nigger= apes
1 man + 1 woman = children
1 man + 1 female nigger= apes
1 male nigger + 1 woman= apes
The only way to safe humanity is by not letting blacks breed.
very articulate tyrone
Wow, you really have issues if you believe any of that
3 different reasons mainly, based on how our brains operate.
>1.The 'instinctive' reason.
We see a male of a clearly different ethnic stock from us with one of our own females. This doesn't make the reptilian part of our brain happy, because it weakens our species and threatens the individuals chances of procreating because that woman is essentially 'lost' or 'stolen'.
It would also explain why men go full retard protecting women and why some men get triggered by seeing a man of the same race with multiple wives they same way they do with interracial couples. We not only need to survive to breed, but also make sure our females survive and are also available to us.
>2.The 'emotional' reason.
Can be basically summed up as 'They are OUR women, they belong to US and NO-ONE ELSE can have them'
>3.The 'logical' reason.
A strong, healthy society promotes eugenics in the subtlest of ways. Diversity is basically a meme and form of society weakness, whether or not it is forced upon them. There is no reason for tolerating your women from being with other men other then brownie points or lack of ability to stop them.
Because, they made me exist.
you have to go back
that's a really good argument against scientifically proven facts, leaf
Most of Sup Forums is single so seeing someone who they consider of a low breed being happy with "their" women triggers them. Show this stuff to guys who are in relationships and they won't even give two shits about it.
Because she is trowing away thousands of years worth of evoution,you dont breed with monkeys and expect you children to be any good,common fucking sense really....
That kid looks subnormal
wrong. why would you give a fuck is some dumb slut fucks a nig? as long as it isn't one of my sisters I couldn't give a rats ass
Sup Forums always had an issue with those who practice beastiality
>people aren't impressionable
yeah passiveness gets us everywhere
keep your own in check, some slut in bumfuck kentucky or commiefornia isn't my concern
So I'm seeing trailer trash who pulled a retard. Poor kid doesn't realise he's gonna be a meal ticket.
>Gives birth to 5 retarded children
>Jamal is not taking care of none of them
>Pay for them from your taxes
>They go to the same school as your children due to affirmative action
>you aren't a part of society
>you don't share a state with 300 million other people
>let it all slide
top goyim really
there's a future single mom
but seriously what happened to dignity, being this slutty is a complete turnoff
Tyler, the creator, he's loaded
because we are being socially engineered by the jews for genocide get woke and get ready
Because that's the difference between Brazil and Finland. There is no civilization without a high IQ population.
research is your friend leaf, or should I say Akbar?
You are the one who believes.
thats Tyler The Creator, probably just some celebrity horny bitch
that gif
define "trigger" please
if you mean the trigger on my pistol when carrying through their honourable execution, then yes, if you however mean a potent emotional reaction then no, you can't afford emotions in our world
All couples trigger me
Saw two normies kissing and giggling on the bus, wanted to bash all of their skulls in
Here's why :
>Black skins are ugly as hell
Don't lie, they are extremely ugly so if a girl apart from black girls are interested in them, it's just for their money
>They are stupid as fuck
In every couple, it's obligatory for the man to be smarter than the woman. This isn't the case in interracial couples
>women are projected to a big cancer called TV, which makes them Lust for physical and emotional affection
So if they didn't find it, instead of waiting for the one and working on life projects like women used to do last centuries, they seek any guy, they keep lowering their standards to find him, and it can go as low as black skins
This is the second Cancer, Pornography is controlled by leftists that try to force interraciality and degeneracy and incest, so in order to make black skins more interesting, they created the " BBC" meme, so when a girl watch lots of porn, which they do these days they think it's real
Nah hes probs too stupid to do a runner