I hope they don't listen to this, the more violent and agressive are the SJW, the better.
Other urls found in this thread:
The author will get backlash from the left for not being radical like them and then she'll get fired.
It takes a few years to trickle down. Give it 7 or so.
>you need to have a college degree to explain to your kin how to act like a normal human bean for a change
Best world line
Slate article says white liberals are too condescending to working class
writes an article about how to manipulate working class and thus be condescending in believing they know more than working class people, they just need to change their approach
they still dont get it
'getting it' would mean recognizing that working class people are more intelligent than liberal intellectuals
This. If anything it's a good idea to every once in a while agitate them into being even more hysterical.
doesn't matter at all, it's easy to rile them up.
Too late whore, you made your bed, now sleep on it.
What what a fucking Nazi, trying to be kind to whites fuck white men right.
They'll never get it like that. They're entire self-image is wrapped up in their superiority complex. It's why they will continue to lose.
I mean it's progress on their part to grow a fucking brain, but there's still so much they don't understand and never will.
>We don't have a culture we feel a part of anymore
>Drug abuse is an all time high
>Our life expectancy declined massively under Obama
>A lot of us know immigrants will replace us in time
>We know the dream of 50s America is nothing more than a fairy tale
>Our culture is further being subverted
>South getting confederate statues torn down
>Our history is now being hijacked
>Californians flooding out to peaceful states and shifting the political climate
>Overdeveloping small times into suburban and urban hellholes
That's just off the top of my head. I used to go to college. Had the misfortune of taking a sociology class because I had no idea what it entailed. I was taught everyday that as a white man I'm just some potential rapist.
They have no clue how fucking angry many of us are. Trump is too moderate for the feelings I have towards these people. They will never fully understand how much has been taken from us
This title is a bit condescending, no?
I think it's attempting to sound understanding, but I really don't think they know how. Why would they care about us?
>If there is one thing everyone should be able to agree on about the past seven months, it is that the white working class can no longer be described as “forgotten.” Beaten-down? Racist? Mistreated? Angry? Victimized? Sure.
Even when they have the occasional spark of lucidity, they can't help but be condescending fucks.
>yeah sure white working class americans are dumb racists, but it's not really their fault, we have to explain to them why that's wrong.
Flash news, the working class isn't *racist* they simply give zero fucks about racial politics as they have other problems to deal with.
This. The only way to "get it" would be to recognize that opposing view points are just as valid as their own and that the working class didn't vote Trump out of racism but because they had other issues than identity politics and micro-aggressions.
Wow. That interviewer. I'm just picturing him foaming at the mouth while he talks about Trump.
that's how they all are out here
>Flash news, the working class isn't *racist* they simply give zero fucks about racial politics as they have other problems to deal with.
Thats what the book author said.
They like being assholes, and their nonwhite coalition members won't ever stop, because the neo-Marxists constructed justifications for them to be openly obnoxious in public with their real identities at no social cost.
She danced around it a bit. The defense feels kind of half hearted, the way you would dismiss misconduct by a child
When Hillary started calling trumpers racist I looked into it and it was the big red pill that I needed in early 2016.
What were your political standings before?
Not really. The article literally starts with some "Yeah they're racist, backwards fucks but they don't know any better".
all done by the zionist media take the ultimate red pill
Bill Clinton's campaign had a simple internal motto that helped them stay on message: "It's the economy stupid". It would get repeated over and over again to their staff, especially when anyone tried to get too cutesy. Hillary on the other hand wanted to split the electorate up into thousands of labeled packages with specialized messaging for each one. Problem is most of these messages contradicted each other and very often were insulting to others outside that neatly labeled group. That would have been fine in the 1970s but in the age of instant communications, it made her look two hundred faced. Bill Clinton customized his message for his audiences but it still retained "It's the economy" at its heart.
Apparently he tried to warn Hillary during her campaign about this but she waved his concerns aside since she didn't give a shit about white blue collar workers.
jesus, the obssesion of these crazy leftists with race and racism is scary. It's like they are brainwashed and only think about that.
>White workers have real problems.
>B-but they are racists and Trump is a bigot, how could they?
This whole article is tripe.
>we lost because of those stupid, backwards, racist working class whites
>let me tell you why they're stupid, backwards and racist
>now you can explain to THEM why they're stupid, backwards, and racist!
>Good luck, goyim!
This Chotner guy needs to hang.
>Feminist professor explains
see, this is the problem..
Yeah this whole thing is incredibly insincere. It's basically "how can we trick these stupid flyover rubes into falling for our bullshit?".
>the more violent and agressive are the SJW, the better.
it's impossible not to piss of a sjw, I'm not worried.
>Wow, you are friends with 12 black families, married an asian woman and adopted a native american baby? The fact that you felt the need to point this out just proves how racist you are
liberal fucking shits won't "get it" until they realize that racist means lost early fucking nothing to working class men
When they have their jobs yanked out from under them to be given to some taconigger or pooinloo then it becomes about putting food on the table for their family, not if their tumblr blog will come under fire for being problematic
lel, this jew is superbly condescending, in an article about not being condescending
nothing but open aggressiveness and insults, passive aggressiveness and insults,
packhanded aggressiveness and insults
ever comes from femscum.
so why bother.
gass all lesbians. literally sicieties problems will reselve themselves once lesbians will be erraticated from the genepool and from reality.
they won't because they can't
the instant they accept that Whites are being treated unfairly is the instant they stop being progressives
Several people have said this now. It never gains any traction because liberals think that if it weren't for gerrymandering and the state of Russia they'd control the entire government perpetually. Self awareness is not a trait inherent in the group at large
Progressives are pretty much insane. I'm surrounded by them in Vermont, even though the population is around 95% white, the most pressing issue for them is "racial justice." Never mind the opiate crisis hitting the white working class, those white trash are racist anyway.
The more we look confident, aggressive, and winning, the more leftists will sympathize and make act as apologists for us.
They always bet on the strong horse, and assuage themselves by doing it with a sense of understanding and dialogue so they don't have to face the idea that maybe they're just betas seeking attention and protection from the alpha in the pack.
Out mistake for so long was to trying to look softer and be more open to accommodating others. We should have been just as aggressive as niggers and Muslims. Liberals only understand strength and the rest of their mentality goes towards mental gymnastics to convincing themselves that they're the "nice one" in the room.
Honestly, it's not even the fact that they're wrong that irritates me. It's how nonsensical it is to assume racism is the main driving force behind everything that happens in the world. They've been 'educated' to see the world in a very simple dichotomy, like kindergarteners or something. They're like the grown up version of a 5 year old saying "trucks are for boys, dolls are for girls"
>Trump embodies everything people claim to hate about the elite as much as anybody I can imagine.
>I disagree.
>He just completely bald-facedly lies to them as if they’re morons.
>What attitude should we be taking toward people who voted for a racist buffoon that is scamming them?
No bias, nop nop nope.
>I think you and I both agree that the role of politicians is not to get up and call half the country stupid.
Remember Deplorables?
>Sup Forums is one of two people
Either it's "super duper far right nazis", or "working class whites".
There are always some with a bit of introspection, but they always seem to stumble back to "FUCK DRUMPF AND FUCK WHITE PEOPLE" before they ever manage to make any positive change.
Here's a famous essay from over a year ago that predicted just about the entire campaign and election.
>Trump capturing the nomination will not dispel the smug style; if anything, it will redouble it. Faced with the prospect of an election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, the smug will reach a fever pitch: six straight months of a sure thing, an opportunity to mock and scoff and ask, How could anybody vote for this guy? until a morning in November when they ask, What the fuck happened?
>Here's the conclusion I draw: If Donald Trump has a chance in November, it is because the knowing will dictate our strategy. Unable to countenance the real causes of their collapse, they will comfort with own impotence by shouting, "Idiots!" again and again, angrier and angrier, the handmaidens of their own destruction.
>The smug style resists empathy for the unknowing. It denies the possibility of a politics whereby those who do not share knowing culture, who do not like the right things or know the Good Facts or recognize the intellectual bankruptcy of their own ideas can be worked with, in spite of these differences, toward a common goal.
>It is this attitude that has driven the dispossessed into the arms of a candidate who shares their fury. It is this attitude that may deliver him the White House, a "serious" threat, a threat to be mocked and called out and hated, but not to be taken seriously.
>The wages of smug is Trump.
Archived that for you
>vox com/2016/4/21/11451378/smug-american-liberalism
Fuck off bot.
Archive-Man is on it.
He has data on everyone here.
The color of your socks; you name it.
Concerning this pile of trash called "internet journalism"; i'm laughing very hard.
Let them mess around; the cunts are nervous.
Still patronizing as fuck. "We understand your grievances, believe me..."
Theyre still shills youtu.be
>It denies the possibility of a politics whereby those who do not share knowing culture, who do not like the right things or know the Good Facts
That's some plusgood speak.
I can clearly see how it's a useless article on that site anyway when even the interviewer during the interview can't help himself for being the reason more and more people hate lefties. I can only presume the readers are the same frothing ragers. The article is wasted on them.
>vox com/policy-and-politics/2017/6/5/15161442/2016-election-normalcy-democracy-realists-identity
>vox com/policy-and-politics/2017/6/5/15161442/2016-election-normalcy-democracy-realists-identity?1
you've just got to love constant arrogance in the article
how they think calling people racist isn't the best idea ever, not because they aren't racist. But because it makes them lose a vote
these cunts are the reason why they lost, not why they would win again
Nothing? Hmm.
>The Jewish Guide to Talking to Stupid Goyim Without Letting Them Know How Much You Hate Them
Jews are fucking two-faced, evil lying scum.
Gotta hand it to the interviewer, he was practically a strawman version of a liberal cuck. The way he seemed totally unconvinced by anything this lady said because "but muh racism" just further solidifies my resolve to never vote Democrat ever again.
My favorite little flourish was that whole bit about "but what if someone is married to a Muslim? Shouldn't their Trump voting relatives go out of their way to break bread with this person?". So let me get this straight - the white working class, probably a good 30-40% of the American population, are the freak outsiders who need to assimilate to the culture of the 1/10th of 1% of non-muslims married to muslims?
Hell, i'd be fine if liberals were arguing that whites were just one equal subculture among many, even though I don't agree with that sentiment. But these people are actively treating whites like outsiders, like an unwelcome foreign presence in their own fucking country. And I honestly dont think they even realize they're doing it
This. Polarization and radicalization is how we win. Shun anyone who tries to start a dialogue.
nah, she's still retarded
Kill youareself.
They're having trouble because leftists believe that to be racist you must have power. When they discover someone who is poorer then them and is racist their brains go nuts.
Read the article. I really hope they do try to awkwardly take this advice to heart.
They're pretty much advocating treating white working class people with kid gloves while condescendingly tossing them a bone every once in awhile.
You know, the strategy they've used when dealing with niggers for forever. Even blacks can perceive that and find it deeply offensive, imagine how someone with at least a 100 IQ and a learned hatred of these limp wristed faggots will react.
Kek its like they're unintentionally wormong towards a new French Revolution, and theyre Marie Antoinette
>interviewer can't stop talking about Trump long enough to ask someone about their book
I was assuming the title was directed at liberals.
I forgot that they'd never be that introspective.
I am amazed by the mental fortitude of the interviewer. He made it without saying "Drumpf"
Hillary Clinton lost because of the attitude of the interviewer in this article.
They are self-reflecting only because they're fucking losing.
Do you think they would humor the thought if Hillary won? Of course not. They are too far up their own ass.
even still, its half-assed. see here
awww you see honey you just don't understand the world like we do. You see snookums, once you experienced a World Studies 101 class taught by a feminist secular half-white Muslim who wears a hijab and is lol so quirky, you get a better understanding of the world.
We all have to be Dumbledores you know? You need to stop being a Darth Vader and learn to One Love.
This is what Michael Moore did, but while he didn't insult Trump supporters directly, the way he actually talked about Trump was still delusional. Typical ultra-left shit calling him a racist, sexist, etc. instead of actual critiques. It's an insult to his voter's intelligence, the implication that they're naive to this when they're not naive at all and understand it's just bullshit.
You've got Talcum X frothing at the mouth trying to dox a 13 year old because an 8th grader called someone a monkey.
It's plane as day that the left has openly embraced Black Supremacy. They bought HARD into the "muh demographics" meme.
breath taking and stunning analysis
>is any way to avoid being “condescending” to Trump’s supporters.
wow jeez I dunno, how about acknowledging they're not all racist retards and actually make valid points. Ah no, can't do that, they're all racist retards.
That's really not what the article is about at all. The guy is whining about how dumb Trump is and the girl is telling him the various ways that Hillary blew the campaign and how progressives/liberals need to change their message to be less dismissive towards working-class whites.
>The question is if Democrats had addressed the economic concerns and spoken to them with dignity, and attempted to bring out their best selves. I think we would’ve seen, not among everybody, but among a lot of these voters we would’ve seen something very different.
Not this guy, but I used to just browse /k/ and /fit/ and had nothing to do with politics.
Actually supported Sanders based on quotes about veterans that I saw getting passed around until getting into studying government and economics and seeing Trump argue issues I actually cared about.
This is a nice article, sometimes Ezra (((Klein))) is good.
that was fucking good
Even with her concessions, the interviewee is still convinced they're dealing with a bunch of spiteful, racist hicks. She's just smart enough to realize these people's votes are counted the same as any other and would like to try and being them into the Democrat fold, but has no idea how.
Gotta hide your power level
>Trump embodies everything people claim to hate about the elite as much as anybody I can imagine.
>I disagree.
Lol the fucking writer still doesn't get it. Liberals literally have zero chance to improve.
>Unusually perceptive for them
>white working class
>this class
>managerial class
Nah, it's just marxist class warfare horseshit parading as some sort of insight into those "Racist? Sure." white voters.
Protip: American culture isn't class based. You can be poor and put your kids through medical school. You can be a millionaire with a drunk son that gets disowned and lives on the street. There are no "classes" of people in the US, economic mobility is seamless in the US.
Marxists DESPERATELY want Americans to look at each other as classes of people. Lumps of workers, or races, or genders, anything. So you can be born a worker, and die a worker. So some frazzled jew socialist can come promise you a "worker's paradise" and you'll have to vote for him because you're a "worker."
Reject leftist dogma. You aren't a class, you're an individual, an American.
>but because they had other issues than identity politics and micro-aggressions.
The professor kind of addresses that at one point. Something to the effect of:
>trans bathroom bullshit is important to me
>but I have a good job and my children have good jobs
>if I didn't and I was worried about the future of my children, I probably wouldn't care too much about that
The interviewer kind of glossed over it though.
I mean, it's not perceptive.
It's just another stage of denial.
They're wrong.
It's not a matter of opinion or debate.
It's about "communication" or "bridging gaps" or "appealing to the dumb straight white men in a language they can understand".
They're just wrong and they are unable to use methods of persuasion and seduction to convince us they aren't wrong. So it drives them crazy.
Islam is not a religion of peace. It's idiotic garbage and it's adherents make life worse.
Poor Africans, Spics, what have you don't bring wonderful diversity and enrichment. They just bring filth and decay.
Women aren't equal. They're inferior in the ways we measure the worth of men.
A faggot who puts on a dress is not a woman. It's just a faggot in a dress.
There is nothing you can do to "reach" someone if you yourself are fucking confused.
They're not really all that mad about Trump. They're mad that people no longer believe their lies. That's all that's going on.
Congrats! The author has now entered the natural state of debate, call me back when she has the brains to actually talk to the opposing opinion
It will never happen, we are all homophobic, Islamophobic, racist, retarded, walking trash, who's opinions shouldn't be heard, even if they aren't shouting us down they block thoughts that we hold
They finally saw the hypocrisy. They constantly say that labeling criminals or shaming people is counter productive and causes defiance, but they shit all over political opponents. I hope they take the moral high ground.
For the record, I think that argument is bullshit. You should shame and attack people for their behavior so they will change. Their problem was thinking that calling Trump supporters cruel and xenophobic WOULD shame them. Trump supporters took it as a badge of honor.
I did not get that implication from her. If anything, she called the idea of calling them racists an "insult". Later she said that "privileged whites", which in context is referring to rich liberals, are dismissing middle-class whites' economic arguments with the accusation that they're racist.
>Feminist professor explains to Slate why yelling "evil racist nazi" at Trump supporters didn't win the election for hilldawg and maybe isn't otherwise constructive.
And let me guess, they ate her alive afterwards?
These people will never win because they're physically incapable of understanding why they always lose.
Like these guys said.
They don't "get" anything.
If you want to convince me that living next door to low I.Q., dirty, violent people who contribute nothing to society but drain plenty from it, you'd have to give me a better argument than;
>Islam = Peace
Especially when a cursory glance at an Arabic to English translation would reveal it equals "Submission".
Also not that guy but I voted Dem all my life and shilled for Al Gore when I was a child. By 2012 I realized they were full of shit and voted for Gary. Blumpf finally brought me on board the Retardicon party.
The link was already archived. The ones with the ?# have the potential to be a different page so the bot picks it up.
>"Racist? Sure."
What do you think her actual suggestion was, anyway? Just sounded like, at best, a bunch of wishy washy bullshit
They aren't even thinking about defending their ideas. They're just thinking about how to approach the discussion without instantly alienating the other side.
It's pointless.
I thought that part was still from the author of the article, not the woman being interviewed.
Fukken right. An income is not a class. This is the U.S. of fuckin' A. Our Constitution bars a state church and it bars hereditary titles.
"Class" is kike d&c
>Protip: American culture isn't class based. You can be poor and put your kids through medical school. You can be a millionaire with a drunk son that gets disowned and lives on the street. There are no "classes" of people in the US, economic mobility is seamless in the US.
Exactly, you can be born poor and through your own efforts make something of yourself, or you can fall from grace. The path you take is yours to choose.
What's it like working for Vox?
the questions asked by that interviewer "Isaac Chotiner" were so over the top unhinged deranged leftist idiot I couldn't possibly get through that article. that asshole needs to be taken down.
>we always talk about how bad it is to use sexist, racist, homophobic language
>but we forgot that we were still using classist language and this drove the whites away
They STILL don't fucking get it. She's just applying SJW safe space logic to white working class. We don't want censored speech. We want every group of people to be insulted and attacked.
I don't care if someone calls me white trash or redneck, and I don't care when someone calls a black person a nigger.
but that is literally impossible for a radical post-modernist marxist, because it is an embodiment of all of the worst traits people can have. It can't bring out greatness because it isn't rooted positive emotions, it can only strive to bring great things down so they can say "see, nothing was ever really great" as an excuse for why they themselves are not.
>Protip: American culture isn't class based.
Quoted for the fucking truth. Classism and class warfare is an imported dogma from European communists and their sympathizers, wholly foreign to America.