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what kind of sentence we lookin at senpai

drumpf leaked the nuclear codes to putin

God bless America

What's the sentence for this in Burgerland?


A few years and a sex change.

Calling it. She does 5 yrs max


This is fascism in action!!

Americans should only have to obey the good laws and the leaders they like! What have we become under Cheetoh Drumpfler??!



If convicted I see about 35 years with this

I heard it was 10 years for the one count, hopefully they tack on as much extra shit as possible


It's a woman so take about 70% off whatever the normal male jail time is.

Maybe he can finish his male to female transition in prison like the other one did.

Underrated, also chek m.

Well narrated & underrated, bravo my venerated cyber native

sex change and early release like Bradley woManning

The pic isn't the convicted you mongoloids. The convicted is your typical brain dead female. There's a reason women should stay home. It's because the only thing they're good at is cooking.

This stinks to high hell.

Death by firing squad.

On one side I agree.

On the other side, Manning just grabbed every folder on a drive, and Reality was emailing the intercept and then printing off her own computer. They were both super simplistic.

she's a famscum.

no chance, she will really serve anny punishment whatsoever.

( this is also btw, why we MUST abolish womens rights; they are animals anyway )

The irony is that Sessions will probably be charged under that same Espionage Act because of his work for the Kremlin.

The word "whites" has been shopped.


tell me mor

Fuck I love this guy!

They're not even good at that anymore.

how many years can she get in the slammer?

so hard right now

as little as 18 months if she pleads and gets a sympathetic judge.

top kek right there

I'd give her my full 4 1/2 inches in her slammer if ya know what I mean.


wow rural retards dont like a woman whistleblower

fukn bigot nazis


HAHAhahahhaahahah thank god for Jefferson Beauregard sessions

up to 10 (((sources say)))

How is shit in Iceland? Going to visit this summer

Seems cucked in social/political terms, but small and isolated enough that it's still almost completely white

get wrecked Le Reddit Gen Y RESIST larper, hang more leakers please!!!!

But when wikileaks does this, it's perfectly fine. Fucking hypocrites.

So by circlejerking around the fact she got arrested for leaking classified info, you acknowledge that the info is legitimate.

Not a whistleblower. It was an analysis that she leaked and a piss poor one at that.
Way to get 10 years for muh resist, by leaking a doc that means shit with out the raw data. It was a shitty report anyway, the Analyst wrote like he came to the conclusion before looking at the data. Famous GRU going to hack the election with a gmail phishing scam.
This stupid coal burner tried to be a Hero but ended up fucking up because she didn't understand what she was looking at.

It's a woman, so two months of paid community service and a promotion

As if you could interpret the raw data if you got it. If there's one quality to assign to Sup Forums, it's that none of you niggers know how to read.

can anyone give me the basic gestalt on this affair? who is she and what did she leak?



tl;dr GRU rigged the election.

I acknowledge it's classified but it's only an opinion by one analyst and means nothing. It's one persons opinion. Hence the disclaimer but as you said Your on Sup Forums and therefore are unable to read.
With your juvenile and ignorant comment, you provide:
Not even bait
No bantz
Not edgy

If you read it, the classified analysis that was leaked by Winners states you should kys.

I don't know what you just said, but I agree with it.

>putin has americas nuclear codes

wew dat false flag potential

>Be user
>Browse Sup Forums
>Oh shit Russians
>Oh shit like 30 scandals during elections.
>Oh well.
>Oh shit a document leak.
Uhhh we can't say what the black and white report meant and we need the actual data that no one will understand and NSA sure as shit won't release. T. Ted Cruz. Pheew, had to Maximum damage control there.

Of course you hate that this report saw the light of day. With your desired raw data you could spin it however you'd want. This? Nope.


>drumpf leaked the nuclear codes to putin

Covfefe did not work.
Trump is a lying arsehole.

t. Putin


Hillary will pardon her

This need exposure, spread it far and wide

Sadiq Khan was legal counsel to one of the 9/11 terrorists


rural retards curbstomped your feeble asses in the election and are currently running the country while you faggots complain on twitter.

I've heard they're paying foreigners to plow their wiminz and giving citizenship cause they're risking inbreeding

What'd he say?

It's not even tl;dr you fucking faggot, it's a few pages long and proves literally nothing.