Germoney, if you want your kebabs you have to pay!
Germoney, if you want your kebabs you have to pay!
How much?
10k ea firm
Germoney will pay you 50k ea, and not a shekel more.
I will give you 100 ron for keeping them :^)
is that about the profit margin for loading them up with debt?
who the hell would pay cash money to save some third worlders life?
even their mothers don't give a shit about them, they'll just lay more eggs to replace them
Romania noooo
Germany you must do something those are your future citizens
Based Romania, remove kebab!
with bonus points for style, like always
wtf romania is my new best friend now ill give u half of naru if u letme in on this lucrative scheme
Vlad Tepes has returned!
based romania
where's the pakistan war?
the article is fake btw
taci in mortii ma-tii de redditor mincinos baga-mi-as pula in nicusor dan, tot chanonu iti da la muie
>being this triggered
Lol how stupid are they keep the niggers
it's fake Ahmed don't believe fag OP
damn you Romania, why do you steal our profit :(
How can the hostages and the captors tell each other apart?
Mă pe ăștia îi vreau morți mă, târâtură de țigani. Nu se poate mă, țara țiganilor. Țară de țigani, mă, de gunoaie împuțite, oculte, bolânde, mă. Bolânzii dracului, retardații mintal, mă. Pe ăștia-i vreau morți, târâtură împuțită blestemată, mă. Pe ăștia-i vreau morți futu-ți Dumnezeu.
Îți acuzi familia? Du-te, mă, în pizda mă-tii de țigan borât, mă! Du-te, mă, în pizda mă-tii de container împuțit, gunoiul dracului! Mă, du-te, mă, în pizda mă-tii de târâtură gunoieră, containerul dracului, că-ți iau gâtul 380 de grade, bă pulă repetă. Du-te, mă, în pizda mă-tii de gunoier împuțit în România, mă!
Holy shit I spat my drink.
stop man you're gonna make me spill my drink
you should have kept your eyes open, dinko, they passed through here to get to romania. it is fair game in my books
prostitutie militara
criminalitate oculta
curva de container
nascut in container
futu-ti dumnezeii dumnezeilor dumnezeilor dumnezeilor mamilor ma-tii
se separa laptele de ghet
taratura blestemata
tigan ocult blestemat in romania
daca spermezi in lapte asa se face se amesteca si ramane doar bucatele din sperma respectiva
кpaдaт, кpaдaт мaмицaтa им, нищo нe минaвa вeликaтa cтeнa!
You're doing gods work Nikolai
>it continues
inapoi pe /r/romania noupoponare
that exists?
ooga booga
To be fair its probably the gypsies who keep them captive. Romanians are too beta to pull this kind of shit.
It wouldnt surprise me since last year it was found out that a bunch of gypsies kept some people as slaves for 10 years or so
it's fake m8
c'mon people, don't let this thread die
>The Romanian Police has denied on Tuesday the information that 15 Pakistanis are being held for ransom in Romania, information released on Monday by a Pakistani newspaper. IGPR claims there is no complaint filed in this case. Interior Ministry sources say the information is fake, as there is no such case.
simple Google
I got you bro
a venit ledditoru sa fie el ledditor cancer antiumor, iti da la muie pa copil neamuzant