What does Sup Forums think of piracy?
What does Sup Forums think of piracy?
will help the guy more than anything.
what it takes to kill jewood
Got one of those C&D letters. Now I'm looking for a decent VPN for them chinese cartoons.
Necessary for all the shit games they are pumping out these days. If it turns out to be quality, I'll delete it and buy the full version.
Yarr it's like stealin' treasure! I make 'em walk the plank! Yarrgh!!
Yes I would download a car? Are you retarded?
>But muh morals
>But muh 20k
i would download a car if i could
This. Most AAA games aren't worth a buy. Hell, most AAA companies don't deserve a penny. Looking at you Square.
It is the free market response to massive collusion and over regulation. Piracy is the market response to the imposed legal fiction that copying a file for free creates the same value as a creative work or the manufacture of a vinyl record 60 years ago. As such I support it, but it is only a bandaid. Piracy won't go away until the collusive industry and their enormous legal influence fades away in to irrelevancy.
It breaks the NAP and the owners of the intellectual property have the right to retaliate for theft.
I don't practice it much these days but I've got no objection to it. The RIAA (and equivalents for other media) are terrible organisations, people would do better being funded directly by fans through things like bandcamp
This one is very good.
This one is good enough and cheap.
Watch me
>You wouldn't download a sexbot
>you wouldn't download a road
>right to retaliate for theft.
*Meant to say:
>right to retaliate to the theft of their property.
Waiting for the day that 3D printers become so advanced that I can actually download a car
The Internet has made it much more popular than it was before. Film and record labels think piracy is to blame for their slump in sales, most of that is because they're making garbage.
I don't have a problem with it. Copyright terms are ridiculous these days.
>you wouldn't kill your neighbor unprovoked in order to seize his recreational nukes
2023 isn't that far off. Wonder if it'll get another extension.
If we could only download a car omg .
Some level of copyright might be necessary to spur innovation, as the system was originally intended before regulatory capture. Emphasis on might, legitimizing monopolies and treating information as property is a dangerous practice.
Copyright is a weapon used by zionists to finance their war against the White race
I guarantee it.
>you wouldn't download a nuke
Ah cool, paying 5-10$ a month seems pretty steep in the long run.
The copyright itself is a violation of NAP.
*drops a recreational Tsar Bomba on the RIAA HQ*
I actually would download a car if that was possible.
>paying for movies
>paying for music
>buying music
>buying movies
>paying for a video or audio recording that can be reproduced an unlimited amount of times so some overpaid talentless hack can afford a bigger house
No, thanks.
>you wouldn't download a car
I would if I could.
why necessary?
is it necessary to see every shit movie or tv show?
8 hours a day of cyberfaggotry has made you cucks
video games are degenerate, fat lazy burger
Piracy ?
The replication of Ides is a natural right.
In fact, learning from others is maybe THE ONE skill, that is that animal "homo sapiens sapiens" 's quasi 'SUPERPOWER'.
Forbidding others to learn / replicate good Ideas is fundamentally detrimental to the evolution of knowlage and human progress.
Learning is a human right.
'piracy' implicates that larning is an illegal thing and that the other loses something, when an idea is replicated. both is wrong.
Thus : there is no such thing as 'Pricacy' of ideas. Tehre is only statism and the unnatural, forceful attemplt to suppress ideas, in order to allow others to exploit fellow humans. Statism does this, because it participates in this extortion scheme in the form of taxes.
So, IN FACT : 'Piracy' laws themselves, are the criminal concept (!)
I would buy you a vodka for that,sergej
Most new episodes of TV shows aren't on pay tv or free to air tv here, netflix is the Australian version so it doesn't have everything the US version has. There is no viable options to even watch their content except to download if I were to want to watch anything.
It hurts Jews, its a good thing
תכבה את זה
So does a non-educational film count as a vessel for idea-sharing? What about pornography?
actually within this century you'll be able to download a car design and 3d print it.. So fuck this outdated slogan
>why necessary?
Because they have created an industry where consumers buy a product sight unseen. Reviews being largely controlled by the content producers. Accurate valuation requires an informed consumer. It isn't necessary to play all the games, it is necessary to find the one game that was actually worth paying for.
What about the engine and moving parts? Steering column, air conditioning? We've got a long way to go before 3d printed cars.
>intellectual property itself is a violation of the NAP.
Maybe not pornography. If it had absolutely no artistic and cultural value, appealing only to the prurient interest. Personally I've never seen a porn that would fail this test.
It's great for figuring out what's worth spending money on and not it's also great for poor people to better themselves with pirated software.
Of course, our handlers don't like either of the above.
but it is a government intrusion into free markets
I didnt pirate anything when games still had DEMO's.
Now, the jews removed demo's, we get 2 options:
>buy a game blind, it probably will be a pile of shit worth 60$
>dont buy any game, install Fallout 2 and Baldurs Gate 2 and play them again for the 500th time because these were the last 2 games worth playing.
>turn it off
You shouldn't trust google translate
JIDF detected
Oh hell yes i would.
>dont buy any game, install Fallout 2 and Baldurs Gate 2 and play them again for the 500th time because these were the last 2 games worth playing.
KOTOR 1 and 2 are pretty decent too. Old games are best games.
The profit model needs to change to adapt to modern technology. I think it should have had plenty of time since cassette tapes became commonplace.
How to change? I don't know. But I pay $20 to shitpost and get free entertainment and information from this stupid place and to be honest I'm at a place in life where I'd pay a lot more without a second thought for even a netflix subscription or access to some paywall news site or whatever.
I would, download a car.
Agreement: This meatbag is correct!
That is, not how, you use, commas.
I work in the audiovisual industry and have a very specific ethical stance on piracy. I think that there's a distinction between the cultural aspect of a film and the commercial aspect. If you want a film (or tv series or whatever) to be part of our society's cultural canon, then it is automatically to be considered "culture" and as such should be freely accessible. Up to that point, I'm ok with piracy as long as you're pirating a cultural product.
I think that money being made on culture should be made off its support like buying the Blu-Ray or going to the theater. You get an added value of cinema-tier picture and sound quality, or a 1080p Blu-Ray plus extras. I never ever pirate the extra content of a BD or DVD, because those elements are NOT a cultural product, nor do they pretend to form part of a cultural canon.
Time itself has proven that piracy does not mean that people will stop buying CDs/DVDs/BDs. I myself own a large collection even though I can easily pirate almost all of those movies. However, I like to have my favorite movies on a physical support, in some special edition with lots of extras if possible, as a sort of collector's fetish.
Piracy is one of the best things that has ever happened to culture, it has allowed us to consume copious amounts of culture which previously would have meant spending loads of money which most people couldn't do.
>buy a game blind, it probably will be a pile of shit worth 60$
Steam lets you return games if you don't go over 2 hours. Not to mention you can watch playthroughs on YouTube.
fuck off back to kikebook
kys aussie scum
Try private internet access. It's like $40 a year.
It's all about rational behaviour of publishers and consumers.
Publishers want to maximise their revenue by charging you as much as possible. If they could force you to transfer £100 per song instead of £0.99, they would.
Consumers pick the lowest price of two equivalent products. If I could get something that costs £0.99 for 0, I would.
And I can.
Thread theme: youtu.be
Good take on it.
I will go to the cinema or buy the DVD for the express reason of financially supporting the creators and/or their art.
95% of the time however, I distrust hollywood (for example) and will watch part or all of the film online, first. Hollywood has earned this distrust, and they do not deserve my money for the most part.
>I'm ok with piracy as long as you're pirating a cultural product.
Especially when the creator is long dead. I'm not paying $9.99 for an e-book written by a man who's been dead for 120 years.
Fuck outta here mate
I make over 100k a year and pirate everything, mainly because fuck the jews honestly! only 1 band i support enough to buy their music!
But with 3D printing user, you can!
If you're too poor to have bought a product in the first place, then making a digital copy of it doesn't damage its author in any way since they -never- would have been paid.
In fact provides free advertising for them.
Because its a digital product Copying it does not deprive the owner/distributor of the product. It should have been obvious as soon as computers came out that anything you put on a computer can be copied without altering the original, and as a result you cant control where it goes beyond that.
In terms of the most basic definitions of Law... NO DAMAGE or deprivation of property has occurred.
I can read a book and write down what I read and nobody can do a fucking thing about the copy that I wrote down. I may not be able to Sell it but nobody can stop me from "taking notes".
computers make copies effortlessly and exactly
so kys
If they don't want people copying shit, then they shouldn't put it somewhere that it can be copied. Fair and simple, thats just common sense.
> its an abstract kinda feel
Suggesting that if I got the product for free that there's a chance I might have bought it and paid the author, but instead chose not to pay them and still got it, denying them their payment.
Who's to say that they would have been paid for it? Maybe a purchase Would Not have been made at all, and the only reason I got the thing was because I could obtain it for free.
Degenerate? Its about the only thing Interesting that's left to do.
Name some things that are actually exciting and interesting for more than the first 15 minutes?
When the tech gets better we'll literally be downloading cars, guns, everything else that it can print from raw materials.
Now you see the long game on the Landfills. Those will be sold for fuckton dollars in exchange for mining rights.
whats that?
Ive never paid for pornography, except for a couple vhs I rented from the back room at family video.
Ever since I started getting porn online it was always from free sites, or usenet in the early days.
There are people who will pay for it, but they'll distribute what they've got and there's no way to really stop it, it'll eventually filter out.
Mostly I download pics of women, just women, as part of a long term "body study" project. Yeah I fap to it, but I also want to collect as big a collection of body and face types as possible that appeal to me. Originally it was because of a question about What Am I actually interested in.
But ive got some weird sci-fi long game thing going that, decades from now those pics might be usable for modeling holograms, or providing mental images or some other jazz im not consciously aware of yet.
> if it were possible, who would I want to be fucking me?
> if it ever were possible, boy, you would need to know what you wanted and what it looked like.
> 20 years can change a whole lot of shit, especially if its 20 years after the SHTF and the brotherhood of steel is resurrecting all the best tech that was hidden away
My everything digital is pirated, the OS, the gigabytes of MP3's, all of the vidyas and films, and so on.
Sue me pls.
for games I usually buy them when I know they're good but games have become so fucking expensive, I rarely decide they're worth it
I don't download movies anymore since I received a letter once, so I'm only watching them online now. still kind of piracy, I guess, but most movies are shit and cinemas are way too expensive
I also often don't support the movie's message so I don't want to pay the makers
>as part of a long term "body study" project. Yeah I fap to it, but I also want to collect as big a collection of body and face types as possible that appeal to me.
>received a letter once
Do tell more.
this kinda, my OS is authentic because its what the comp came with
but all the music ive collected, except for a few songs and a cd, has been downloaded from youtube over the years or ripped out of games, and otherwise downloaded freely from somewhere or another
I actually did own some of the games ive got digital copies of now, but I dont play them too often. And I lost the discs when I moved.
As for the movies, most of those ive seen on TV, and I would have been perfectly happy just recording them and keeping the recording (and because mine are rather low-ish 700mb quality that im just fine with, they are not perfect reproductions anyway).
And as for Apps and Fonts you know, I haven't had an income in over 10 years. So none of that stuff would've ever been bought anyhow.
APPS is what you should be pirating by the way. They charge thousands for this shit just because businesses can fork it over with site licenses and write it off as a business expense.
APPS should be free or come with the computer damit. They are integral to the function of it. The fact some people make free apps that work pretty well is a sign right there.
Well no shit, if you want to imagine or model "big boobs" or "pussy" you need to know what it Looks like.
Yeah its easy to generalize, but there are so many Variations! Many such cases!
Not to mention all the different faces, different weights.
Of different ages too... I find cougar/milf to have the widest variety because when women are younger the smoother skin is more plain and has less variation on details (ie, less Refined).
>When record companies make a fuss about the danger of "piracy", they're not talking about violent attacks on shipping. What they complain about is the sharing of copies of music, an activity in which millions of people participate in a spirit of cooperation. The term "piracy" is used by record companies to demonize sharing and cooperation by equating them to kidnaping, murder and theft.
>Copyright was set up after the printing press made copying a matter of mass production, typically done commercially. Copyright was acceptable in that technological context because it functioned as an industrial regulation, not restricting readers or (later) music listeners.
>In the 1890s, record companies began selling mass-produced musical recordings. These records facilitated the enjoyment of music, and did nothing to interfere with listening to music. Copyright on these musical recordings was mostly uncontroversial as it only restricted record companies and not music listeners.
>Today's digital technology enables everyone to make and share copies. Record companies now seek to use copyright law to deny us the use of this technical advance. The law which was acceptable when it restricted only publishers is now an injustice because it forbids cooperation among citizens.
To stop people from sharing goes against human nature, and the Orwellian propaganda that "sharing is theft" usually falls on deaf ears. It appears the only way to stop people from sharing is with a harsh War on Sharing.
tl;dr jews, """piracy""" is our current tech level "replicators" from start trek but """they"""" don't want you to be able to freely share with everyone, rich and poor alike for no efforts at all.
You must have many viruses
What shitty ISP sent you a letter? Just tell them to fuck off or they lose a customer.
Come,play EVE
In Germany they track the internet and if you download anything on the pirate bay you get a fine from the government.
absolutely based. keep bankrupting kikes.
I don't watch pirate movies. I can't stand johnny depp.
Perfectly fine with it, it's taking money away from Jews.
Yousee, unfortunately you need to comply by denying or they can force the bill through inkasso. Kinda borderline illegal (for them).
I don't download any moves at this point, as there are a shitton of streaming services online now.
No. I don't use torrents at all. Everything is direct downloads only, and from checked sources.
I am no fool who downloads and installs everyhing without checking first. I am severely autistic when it comes to security.
Never understood this retarded argument, I WOULD download a car if it were possible.
In fact, I've got alot of cars from Sexlab for Sims 3.
Even if it's a file you made yourself?
Never understood this argument. If a car was a digital product, meaning it was infinitely duplicatable without diminishing the original product; THEN YES I WOULD DOWNLOAD IT?! What's wrong with cloning? Autistic argument. Nothing morally wrong with pirating things as I know for a fact I wouldn't buy them if I was forced too. I never EVER pay for single player games as there is absolutely no incentive. It's not like you can't play the multiplayer if you pirate it, because there isn't one.
Wrong. Where the fuck did you read that?
I'd download and resell cars like I used to with bootleg movies back in the day because people are stupid and lazy
C&D letters issued by license trolls. In Germany you are forced to pay, if these firms catch you, and stating that you didn't download X doesn't matter because IP is proof (only in Germany). Even if it wasn't you are held responsible for your internet. Read a few german anons who were, and from them this is the law. Idk if this is BS, check your stuff because alot (copyrights regarding torrenting) has changed in the past few years.
Its gud youtu.be
3d printer
Yeah but usually you have to pay streaming services to watch movies
I cant even pay that.
So I just torrent the movie. However there aren't all that many these days worth watching, so aside from restocking my collection of personal classics (already done), I don't do it much.
not true for most media.
if you torrent a new movie from pirate bay, then yeah, some swindle company will send you a letter with a fine usually above 1k€.
There are even lawyers specifically trying to get clients with this problem to take a counter initiative against these companies.
That said, anyone who torrents the latest triple AAA title or the most recent movie from this year without a VPN from a website everyone with a torrent program knows of, kind of deserves to get in trouble and never touch such a method of filesharing again (except if the individual learnt from it).
Now if we go with the hypothetical assumption that someone in Germany torrents some obscure hentai game on any torrent site whatsoever, I can gurantee you that in 99,9% of cases he will not be found out.
Just avoid super new movies, old magnet links, and check the comments if they are tracked.
>Copying it does not deprive the owner/distributor of the product
That is for the owner(s) of said product to decide and prove. In many cases it does.
Why pay for shitty movies and niggerized shit? Lately the movie everyone thinks are somehow creative due to all the cartoony special effect have been so lacking in any sort of creativity or interesting story lines I've even lessened my own looting of Hollyjew. Jews don't even deserve to live let alone have the gall to ask for money for they shitty propaganda nonsense. Super heroes? GTFO! I'm not 4 yrs old! What an insult! No wonder movie-heads act like kids and all love niggers in every movie.
Well they said the fine was 100-150€ and issued by the german government, not only by troll companies. It's just too bad the movie companies can't figure out how to make decent movies anymore so they need something to blame, other than themselves.