Is it just me or did putin just destroyed megyn kelly and the entire "muh russia" narrative????
what do you think Sup Forums???
"muh russia"
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putin can destroy any narrative if you let him talk, he's very smart for a world leader, not that he has much competition there
why did you watch a megyn kelly interview?
putin is a guy id like to play cards with because his tell is easy to spot.
sweats like nixon, and is generally a bad liar, his handplay/body language is all u need to see.
Based Poo10
No refutin the putin
>always wearing an earpiece in interviews
>implying he doesn't understand English
>implying he doesn't have a room full of people feeding him responses
Pretty much
Notice how much Kelly blinks? She's nervous as fuck!
Also, why isn't she wearing an earpiece?
Watches the whole interview in russian. Its a better Version cause the NBC One Left some spicy parts out also the end where they for once talk about smth positive and uplifting
Why would anyone name their daughter "Megyn" instead of Megan? Isn't this embarrassing to explain every time?
she is scared because putin kills the journalists who talk shit about him
Just give up Jamal
She checks his cock out multiple times in the interview
it could be worst.........reality winner
Did you not notice him take it out?
According to the FBI, the CIA, and the NSA, there are no doubts regarding Russia's involvement in influencing the US election.
This article is a recap of a NSA report from Maj 5th, 2017.
I don't think Putin destroyed Kelly any more than Nixon destroyed Frost
Serious question
even if Trump was in cahoots with russia and they were being buddies, what is the problem? They are a strong 1st world country. Why do liberals support islamic 3rd world shitholes more than strong stable white potential ally countries?
The US is a honorary member of a butthurt belt.
russia has tried to interfere since the 70s...its not new....did they also hack obongos election in 2008 and 2012??
because russia is white and cristian(othodox)
you'd pee yourself in his presence
>you cant rule out that the CIA did the hacking to frame Russia
>yes we can because the CIA said russia did it
I think the burgerboy is more of shart-in-mart kind of guy
Oy vey.
the entire Russian narrative is a desperate ploy by Rothschild and co to preserve petrodollar hegemony
So fucking what? He's not /ourguy/ anyway.
>According to the FBI, the CIA, and the NSA, there are no doubts regarding Russia's involvement in influencing the US election.
well after the bay of pigs, cointelpro and domestic surveillance I sure am ready to take these guys word for it
it's true that Russia is a nation of whores but that isn't Putin's fault, blame their church for that
Russia refused to provide Britain with soldiers during the American revolution
Kek i'd like to see do you that mista nignog
That would be like saying Bill Murray btfo'd the city worker trying to shut down their ghost containment machine because it was all fiction anyway.
yeah his country is really fucked up..
The worst part is, he seems to be doing the exact opposite what it takes to make it right.
It's almost as if (((someone))) is controlling him.
The system has become more vulnerable to digitalization
Also, Russia didn't have incentive to hack the last election because neither of the candidates were pro-russia and pro weakening US position as a geopolitical player
^ this
That's my impression of Putin too.
He looks so tiny next to Megyn.
yeah and they succeeded at the exact election that the dnc lost..also there are podesta emails showing that they were goiing to use the pro russia tone against him even before he won the elction
get woke
take the ultimate red pill
how is sweden....are there any women left unraped their ??
Yeah, I could send you too one pic of me with jarmulka. You know why? bcs I visited synagogue once...
^ has never watched obama make a "speech".
he used two teleprompters and read from a script that was written by 20 members of his staff.
Whenever he gave an impromptu speech it was all "uh, uh, uh, hole up now, okie dokie".
except there are no signs of any interference in the last election
i don't know what your angle is but cyprus flag and pro-russian? how much does does the kremlin pay you?
>has been Russia's strongman for 17 years
Stopped watching there.
What the fuck is wrong with US "journalism"?
For the love of God, just post the evidence already.
100 shekels
Cyprus is a bro, the most loved offshore of Russians.
true..all the russian oligarchs have money in cyprus
Operation Mockingbird. Look it up
I like your hills.
they assumed she would be a stripper
I'm just ignoring the Russia hysteria now, it's getting cry wolf boring on the news. Besides, Putin is based.
Still waiting for the WMDs burger intelligence shilled about in Iraq
>muh kgb spymaster
>muh former kgb agent
I never understood what the fuck is the problem of him having been kgb.
The Russia narrative will never die. The beauty of it is how vague it is.
>the Russians SURELY did SOMETHING
You can't really argue against that (because it's not an argument, but it'd be a mistake to assume adherence to the rules of logic and debate from these people.)
He never was an "agent"
He was an intelligence officer, a paper pusher in Dresden in the late 1980's. He really was a nobody.
You should read and listen some interviews with his former boss Oleg Kalugin
I never said he was an agent, that's just what journalists always mention whenever talking about him. He was in the kgb though, and I don't understand why that is pushed as a such big problem.
Well Putins english certainly isnt great. Its safe to use his mother tongue to prevent any misunderstandings. Ahmadinejad did the same thing
these scum kikes will never ever stop trying to control reality and the perception of it.
the everyday talks should be about the controversy and conspiracy of the propagandist media but that will never happen
>Russia didn't have incentive to hack the last election
The why did the Kremlin launch all those fake news campaigns to smear Clinton? "Draft Our Daughters" and "Clinton WWIII" were blasted all over social media 24/7.
You must be a Kremlin shill. Nobody else is that stupid.
What's funny is that Clinton has way more shady dealing with us like that uranium one.
But its not about Russia and they know it. Its about fighting Trump with whatever means necessary. His strongest point is that he wants to make america great and you cant demonize person like that. They need Americans to belive that hes a traitor. That's where Russia is useful.
>Naming the CIA jew for Kennedy's assassination on live TV
based Putin
>Kremlin launch Draft Our Daughters
Hi shareblue, are you new?
>He never was an "agent"
>He was an intelligence officer
KGB required field work for promotions. Here we call field agents "agents".
"In 1975, Putin joined the KGB, and trained at the 401st KGB school in Okhta, Leningrad.[26][39] After training, he worked in the Second Chief Directorate (counter-intelligence), before he was transferred to the First Chief Directorate, where he monitored foreigners and consular officials in Leningrad.[26][40][41] From 1985 to 1990, he served in Dresden, East Germany,[42] using a cover identity as a translator.[43]"
Once you start using cover identities, then you have to lie to biographers about your missions.
>believing Putin
That's your first mistake, pal.
>Hi shareblue, are you new?
That's weird. All the Kremlin shills have this line pre-programmed on their keyboards for everyone they don't like.
>Hi shareblue, are you new?
>Hi shareblue, are you new?
>Hi shareblue, are you new?
>Hi shareblue, are you new?
There are things that need to be recognized, here. Putin is a former fucking KGB agent. He's also seized control of Russia. He is not a stupid man. He is capable of horrible things if it suits him. He's not a person who should be underestimated.
>Left wing narrative
On this issue, I believe him. What possible benefit would anyone have with messing around in the US election. As far as the world is concerned, The US has two parties but one direction of movement because of the Deep State. Why would they care which side wins if it's the same people. What would anyone benefit from changing the election when they're just going to pay for negotiation privilege afterwards anyways. The narrative the left has been spewing is fucking moronic and people don't actually believe that shit. They rigged the polls before the election, why not now. You've already seen CNN try to manufacture a narrative in England. These people are far more of a threat than Putin.
Posts like these shows how lost ameriniggers are generally as people.
it's a ukrainian you're talking to though