that will be $4k a month please for having a pretty face and adding nothing of value thank you
Roaming Millenial
more value than your life from birth to suicide
I disagree. Seems like she's draining $4129 a month.
she looks like a balding Lauren Southern
Jesus fucking Christ. Why would anyone even pay anyone for Youtube videos in the first place?
Don't be too jealous OP there isn't really anything wrong with what she is doing so what she has a pretty face then she is smart for marketing it like don't act like if you were a pretty girl you wouldn't use ur looks to ur advantage
So fucking pathetic.
Kill all beta cuck providers.
think of it this way
it's more like she's taking money from a bunch of losers
if you are actually stupid enough to pledge, then you deserve to lose money
Males are so pathetic.
"Ooh I'm a cutesy pretty womaaahn and I tell you all the things that you wanna hear, and white genocide is bad, but civic nationalism is all the rage, hey here's my paypal/patreon, can you pleauuush give me some cashh? Thankieees"
I bet you never saw her without makeup either.
>Being asspained she makes more money than you for doing less work than you.
Start your own YouTube channel then, faggot.
Nigel is buttblasted at freemarket capitalism.
Honestly I'm tempted to do
But it's always for people working hard and doing works that isn't rivaled anywhere else on youtube.
>Jordan Peterson
> Ryan Dawson
But i'm not the kind of guy to pay 10 dol/month to my internet waifu because I find her beautiful, fuck those cucks
>have a vagina
>dont get too much obese from chocolade
Is this the ultimate formula for a good life ?
$50k a year for doing absolutely nothing.
girls are selling their poop now, this is nothing
>Start your own YouTube channel then, faggot.
I don't have boobs and I don't use make-up either.
>"We must support Stefan Molyneux and Styxhexenhammer for their insightful commentary on current political issues."
>young woman does the same thing without looking like a slob
>"Fucking cam whore!"
She looks like a Finn
Until age 30 yes but then you get wrecked
Hardworking males are late game carriers
Pretty females are early game carriers
>there's 574 lonely fucks actually giving money to this bitch in hope of getting recognized
and you wonder why western civilization is done for
this desu
roaming bestgirl red pills tonnes of normies
cant fault her for it. im jealous i cant score big like this.
I would pay shoe0nhead to shit on my chest
Why are you complaining? 500 people want to give her money? Fine. She cant collect from the government, has to pay tax on it, and the idiots giving it to her still have to pay taxes. They all lose money, the government makes more, we win
Bottom left is qtest
Sick of these cunts larping as "le traditional women"
You can tell just by looking at them that they've had more dicks than I've had dinners
I give a dollar a month to one guy I like because he is a mechwarrior autist and that is a very niche market.
Why do people throw money at Patron/Kickstarter users?
Is this you TL;DR?
Anyone who pays money to a Youtube skeptic is a cuck. They have all done the same shit dince Gamergate, but at least Roamingmillenial has a pretty face not a fat kneckbeard or stupid avatar
Blaire white overcame the same challenges user, just believe in yourself
The problem with most cute, young, female, conservative/alt-right youtubers is that they don't add anything new or interesting.
99% of them are absolute entry level redpill. It's essentially your "opinion" or what you already (should) know reverberated by a cute female voice.
I'm sure that once the "Skeptic Community" thing fizzles out Armored Skeptic and Shoe will film their bdsm sessions and sells those.
Armored always was a whore.
>feels bad for Shoe
Who cares if theyre larping or not. Normie women will see it and realize its okay to be right wing. Literally red pilling normies w their clickbait looks.
Top kek
That's just like, your opinion man
>hammer shark eyes
>negroid nose
>dark skin
Tfw this is a 8/10 in Usa.
Topkek best thing i've heard in some time
Youtube is a visual medium, might as well have my views reinforced by a pretty girl. Kinds lkke having hit weather girls
>right wing
none of them are right wing
Its not wrong. Its just pathetic (referring to beta orbiters). And if I were a female (even a good looking one), I would at least try to be one of actual substance rather than fitting the stereotype.
>being petty ass blasted someone's making that cheddar and angrily posting on a Cambodian Etch-A-Sketch website instead of hustling yourself
Wew hoo ladie.
Is this better?
women can age phenomenally if they take care of themselves
30's just around the time your metabolism stops giving you a free pass
Cos theyre white
I wish people were actually dumb enough to pledge to give me money :(
I should make political cartoons. How much does Ben Garrison get from patreon?
Semantics. Theyre certainly not sjws
>roaming milimeme is better than styx
Kys white knight cuck
Why does it bother you? Are you compelled to give her money? If not, what's your problem.
Pretty girls jumping on the right-wing train is a good thing. We need numbers, doesn't matter if it's money grubbing females or thirsty betas. Anything that adds to the momentum is a good thing.
Women older than 25 are usually trash. 13-15 is prime age
>Believing women have serious interest in politics.
>Not knowing women will parrot whatever the dominant group does.
>Pussy beggar "Red pilled" white knights still make her earn 4100$ a month.
Disgusting, stop giving these women a platform.
except Stef and Styx are real philosophers that have been dropping mad repills for over a decade
they are liberal pseudo-intellectuals. The right has already been disgraced enough, dont make it worse
Are you actually comparing Molymeme and this girl? She doesn't even understand the need for a homogenous European country.
Are you donating?
>wasted trips
It just seems so larpy to me
Spotted a donating cuck
>if you are actually stupid enough to pledge, then you deserve to lose money
The jews had it right all along. Fuck the goyim.
brittany is cute but annoying.
w/e its the year of the paypig
they arent right wing though. they never talk about any right-wing issues of substance, like why government is bad, why gibs are bad, why civic nationalism is bad/dumb, etc.
they just make feminists rekt vids and talk about immigration
Yes, sperm.
She looks like a nigger half breed...
Styx constantly cucks out for diversity. He's a shitskin loving civic nationalist and cares deeply about muh gays.
The fetal alcohol syndrom eyes are what make her cute
>not caring about gays or minorities
what are you? a fascist?
>I don't have boobs and I don't use make-up either.
Neither does Sargoy of Cuckdad, yet he still manages to make money.
Shoeonhead fucks niggers so I'm sure her ass is pretty stretched out...her shit will probably spray out of her prolapsed ass so be careful what you wish for.
I used to think she was pretty hot till I discovered she's a coal burner....
Hans is right for a change
at least he has original thoughts. broads like the one in the op just copy his material word for word
>lives in the second whitest state
It's better than nothing and normies need entry level bad goys to break the conditioning. Don't you understand that they will not go from MSM watching zombie straight to Dr. Pierce or anything remotely like that?
Why are you against this? Sup Forums isn't fucking Sup Forums.
That's because he's capitalising on americans liking being told what to think by a person with a british accent. It's in your colonial DNA, you bow down to the BBA.
This exactly. All of that money should be going to someone useful, like David Duke, Andrew Anglin at Dailystormer (who is currently getting sued by kikes), etc.
T.butthurt women hating that mad that he can't get any pussy.
Value is subjective and some thirsty autists clearly think her videos are worth the money.
Still better and more insightful than the hapa. And I never said I agree with him on everything. Besides, really, what can be done about gays anyways? Like, from a practical standpoint? I'm not a fag but I just don't give a shit about them, as long as they keep it to themselves.
>We need numbers, doesn't matter if it's money grubbing females or thirsty betas.
>Yeah dysgenics is a great thing. Eugenics is totes ebil nazi stuff :3
Danke Fritz, du darfst jetzt gehen ...
Go sacrifice some newborns to moloch or something
Actually Roaming is entry-level if her Richard Spencer interview is the first of her videos that normies see.
t. beta donator
>doesnt want to BLEACH and convert the nigger lovers
Low test detected
Because they want to fuck her and have zero chance. They're also mad that she makes more money than them.
Some things are niche markets. You have to pay for them to exist.
I've never even watched one video.
kys nu-pol, mud sharks are not welcome here
couldn't have said it better muh friend fuck the goyim, if they're stupid enough to throw their money at me im gonna take it.
op jealous some average IQ average-looking girl is making so much money from so little effort.
I won't donate a single cent even if she sent me signed nudes every month but honestly good on her.
More power to any woman who takes money away from pathetic beta males.
Beats sucking a dick for money i guess. You go girl.
Iv only ever considered it for niche things. Giving money to pretty women is a sign of retardation.
Its funny how she is shilling about capitalism and she is living of private charity
Witch is hitlers policy
Brittany is going to be in for a world of hurt when she hits about 25.
tfw the average colonial man in America was 2 inches taller than the average brit.
It's not interesting to you or me but it's ground breaking stuff for somebody new. Why don't you want pretty girls parroting our ideas? That's fucking perfect, it will attract more people and more importantly new people, as long as it's not crazy psycho bitches who will self destruct in dramatic fashion like evalion.
Girls like RM are signalling that it's now becoming socially acceptable to be anti immigration and anti SJW nonsense. That is a good thing. Literally nothing bad about it.
I'm more mad that probably all of that money is coming from Beta males. I know sure as hell girls in their 20s Don't have any money so the fact that our men have become so feminized is what alarms us
Riley reid fucks niggers too. Are you telling me youd kick her out of bed? What are you, a fagg?!
cuz its not authentic they come out in favor of abortion right when they got you
Patreon isn't charity for any of these YouTubers. Their patrons will cancel the moment they stop making videos.
>574 patreons
>560 patreons
I need to raise my reward tiers
What do you create? Also do you need to tax the income?
Oh look, shills shilling because they can't stand it when a pretty face disagrees with them.
daily reminder that if youre donating money to her or someone similar, you should immediately neck yourself