Post redpilled movies
>inb4 there are none
Post redpilled movies
>inb4 there are none
Never mind then.
I'll just go to bed.
The Matrix
Falling Down
Demolition man
v for vendetta
carlito's way
Children of men
Even the nigger who's supposed to be saving society acts like an uppity nigger
Eyes wide shut
Earnest goes to jail
>redpilled movies
L0Lno fgt pls
people are redpilled; not movies, you retard
You must be new, these threads were a weekly occurrence 2015.
Fuck off were full.
Also Naked 1993 - Mike Leigh (forgot to put a film)
Lord of the Rings
Not a movie but Little House on the Prairie is a good thing to see
The book is incredibly redpilled. The film is some sort of taco mexicunt refugees welcome bullshit that has no internal logic whatsoever.
Damn 2015, you're such an oldfag man fuck that newfag
Never claimed I was old m8, just not new.
Pay Debnts
12 angry men
I came here in 2012 and I consider myself a newfag. You kids sure have a fucked up perception of new and old, just saying famalam
This show teaches lots of lessons:
When a black man hangs out with white folks, he might end up in a tree.
Sleeping with a black woman leads to a bad end.
Muslim men like it up the butt.
The only way a white woman can truly love a black man is if she is an undead zombie.
Russians can't cook and they don't bathe.
The Grim Reaper is a dog that works with cats (don't ask.. it didn't make sense to me either)
And the best lesson?
"Because Odin dared me to" is not a good enough excuse to get in a fist fight with a drunk leprechaun.
Triumph of the Will
>Video outlines the far-right concept of eugenics.
>Comments are an endless series of FUGG DRUMPFs
What's the average IQ of Youtube?
If you want to watch niggers be niggers watch City of God.
This movie isn't red pilled.
More like... this movie embodies 95% of Sup Forums
Absolutely not.
>inb4 there are none
There used to be
>Triumph of the Will:
>Victory of Faith:
>The eternal Jew:
>Day of Freedom - Our Wehrmacht:
S.F.W. has a redpill on the role of celebrity and mass media on how it shapes culture. Worth checking out if you were an 80s kid and grew up during the onset of the MTV grunge era.
Also worth watching if you're younger and want a good snapshot of what that GenerationX spat was like.
Kekd pretty hard at that pic
Africa Addio will unironically make anybody who watches it wish that Europe never gave Africans control of Africa.
I don't get why it's in this thread but everyone should watch this regardless of ideological leanings. Next to Phantom of the Paradise it's De Palma's best work.
Kubrick's true Bogpill was Full Metal Jacket. Institutions which systematically dehumanize us are the true evil.
>City of God
Favela Monkeys somehow managed to make a crime-movie better than 90% of American efforts. I'll never understand how City of God happened.
>Africa Addio
Looks amazing thanks.
Dark Crystal
Skexis are the jews
Gelfs (or whatever they are called) are the master race
The dark crystal is the TV mind control braiswashing.