South Americans rescued lions from circuses then sent them to their natural habitat in South Africa, then a couple lions got killed by humans
How the fuck is South Africa so incompetent at conservation

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And here's the archive
>newsweek com/lions-killed-decapitated-poachers-south-african-sanctuary-just-year-after-620924

Do you ever rest?

literally who gives a shit

Hypersleep in between the shill alarms.

White people care about the preservation of biodiversity and protection of ecosystems and species

I make a thread and 2 seconds later you already make an archived link

Losers with too much money and time to waste care about the preservation of biodiversity and protection of ecosystems and species*

The moor in you is really showing

Here you go. No arguments left.
If you cared so much about nature you would allow the inferior species the lion, unable to adapt and counter human evolution, to die. That's how it's always been since the dawn of life on earth my maori nigger friend.

Don't be so arrogant to think you can save shit. I got my IRL problems and thus saving lions is of least concern to me.

It's called having thousands of square miles of wildlife sanctuary and only a handful of game rangers to defend thousands of animals you dingus

Rangers are ridiculously understaffed, underpaid and underappreciated

You yurocucks are so flooded with cultural enrichers in your authoritarian dystopia that you are completely blackpilled
I love living in a free nation where I care about the wellbeing of other species because they add beauty and wonder to our planet and all form part of the glorious harmonious ecosystems that resulted from billions of years of evolution

Why don't you guys fund them enough?
Where do your taxes go?

It's Africa, where do you think the money goes?

It goes to shitty social projects to keep the same deadbeat criminals out killing animals alive

Put them into australia so they shall feast on kangaroo flesh.

You should bring back capital punishment

Checked. No shekels today.

>abc net au/radionational/programs/futuretense/rewilding/4797634

Nah, what we really need is to bring back apartheid

99% of anything that's ever lived on Earth is now extinct and humans did nothing to cause it. Factually speaking more lions exist in captivity than in the wild, so funding breeding programs in zoos is the answer, despite the fact it violates the circle of life in nature.

That's an interesting concept
They could make a huge safari area in the desert to fill with endangered African animals
They would have to make it so Australian native wildlife isn't affected though

How would you do that though
The only way to make it last long term is to slowly genocide the blacks by sterilizing them so they don't rise up again like last time
but then the international community would freak out then sanction you to the ground

I didnt care to archieve as the article was good and deserves clicks! Do your part to support quality journalism!

I heard somebody wanted to put rhinos there too. Its weird that it hasnt been done yet, they will be exterminated in africa for sure and large mammals breed so slow that their population wont get out of hand as they can be contained , counted and observed easily.

I think the cost of conserving rhinos in Africa is much cheaper than importing to Australia
The money spent on importing rhinos to Australia could be spent on hiring heaps of armed guards in Africa to patrol the Savanah