What's wrong with centrism? All I ever see is negativity towards the ideology.
What's wrong with centrism? All I ever see is negativity towards the ideology
The negativity comes from three directions:
First, obviously, is extremists who want to counter the culturally prevalent idea that extremism is inherently bad.
Second is as a backlash against smug younglings who hide behind centrism as if it is an immovable position and who think they can achieve intellectual high-ground by splitting any debate down the middle.
Third is people who misunderstand the "appeal to the middle" fallacy and stretch it to mean "Any middle position is wrong"
Its not edgy enough for most kids on Sup Forums
people see them as cowards.
This, people hate pragmatists focused on solving problem and making deals.
Centrism's approach is wrong because you want to find balance for the sake of balance. There is no balance between the honest and dishonest when you're seeking truth. There is no balance between a good man and an evil man when seeking justice and fairness.
You do realize that there are left and right wingers who take concepts and ideas from the other end, right? Trying to go the full spectrum is retarded anyways. National Socialism for example is pretty Left Wing for an ideology associated with the Right.
Anyone who looks at centrism as a literal split between two sides is thinking with the wrong mindset if you ask me. I don't think that most real-world problems can be approached with solutions or opinions that fit on a completely linear spectrum.
The way I see it, centrism is more about compromise or using a sort of "skillful means" approach, looking at each individual case as opposed to applying a single ideal to everything.
It think it gets a bad rap as a harbor for indecisiveness and/or laziness, since it is a pretty safe position to take and you could avoid any strong opposition with someone else. Though for people who are actually serious about instigating change or something, it seems like the logical mindset to have in order to look at issues more comprehensively.
>Centrism's approach is wrong because you want to find balance for the sake of balance.
wew lad
There is a widely spread misconception that centrists hold no strong beliefs of their own
Cute pic, dude.
What anime?
because approaching situations in a case by case basis instead of rigid adherence to a set of ideological principles gets called out as "flip flopping." leaders are traditionally scorned for acknowledging when the "other team" actually has a good idea.
Life being a constant struggle between cosmic forces of good and evil is an autistic way to view the world, and that's exactly the type of thinking that the left vs. right dichotomy plants into people's minds.
>all conservatives are racist nazis!
>all leftists are anti-white SJWs!
There are clear differences in things like truth and untruth but applying that line of thought to complex issues leads to conclusions that are more untruthful than not.
The problem is that there are arguably two 'definitions' of centrism. One is where a person looks at both sides of the political spectrum and decides to try and make equal compromises. These aspects are not necessarily confined to centrists, you can find them in liberals and conservatives as well. The difference is that these people we call centrists tend to do this way more often. The other 'definition' is a person with a mixing of right and left wing views. For example, this 'definition' is similar to how calling someone a liberal just means that you are assigning them a certain range of places on the political spectrum(simplistic, I know). Since some countries are more liberal/more conservative than others, their centrists could also be more left/right than those in other countries. Things get more complicated in that real centrists are never usually one or the other and they often combine the two in varying ratios.
It's easy to say that centrists have no opinion and are just people pleasers when you forget the second definition. It's also arguably possible to say that centrists are too extreme in one direction if you hold a radical political view like anarchism.
Why the fuck are all the flags unknown?
The spooks are having a conversation shut up.
Moonposters newfriend
Centrists don't understand anything but want to seem above it all like the pseudo-intellectuals they are.
Quiet, or They will hear us.
>all the post numbers are in sequence
>within mere seconds of each other
>unknown flag
Is that you CIA?
>Being THIS fucking new
Moving threads has only been a feature for a few months, you must be literally fresh off the boat.
You mean cowards?
Sup Forums is just far right.
>covering for the CIA
Yup checks out.
Wut? You are literally surrounded by the enemy if your position is in the center of them.
Because (((centrism))) only goes to the left.
If it can be called an ideology at all it is the ideology of prostitutes. Just grab what's convenient for you now and contradict yourself later doesn't matter you re just trying to get paid.
There's nothing wrong with centrism. Even the ayylmaos are centrist
Itt: strawmans
it's one of these threads again
"Centrism" is just leftism trying to deceive rightists.
sochie is so cute!
>moving an actual intelligent political discussion to Sup Forums
wrong place janies
that is some hardcore scriptfag samefagging
hey dipshit, you fucked up
Where are you faggots from and are you aware Hitler did nothing wrong?
Depends on the kind of centrism you're talking about.
Centrism isn't an ideology.
>Far right
A lot if people over here are NATSOC wich is center left
what a load of complete and utter drivel, I'm not surprised it comes from a thrid worlder
Centrism doesn't exist.
It consists of many radical views pointing in different directions or is just A-political.
Do you want terrorism to stop ( it would require you to deport all nonwhites/asians)?
If you don't deport them rerrorism will go on, innovent people will die and all of this because your political view is radical anti-racism even if it takes lives.
Deporting all nonwhites would be radical too.
Pro EU exit or against it?
again, no middle ground
The illusion of centrism is only created by many radical views put together in an unstable mind.