Is there any logical answer to the choices our governments make about these two countries?
Ally? Enemy? Why?
How can we wake up our leaders?
Pipelines/diplomatic leanings
one screams death to america and the other one wants to destroy the country that screams death to america
the enemy of your enemy is your friend
Oh, mittens...
Mittens no.
Your alliance with the Saudis is the reason your dollar is the world's reserve currency and your country can take on limitless debt and control the interest at which it is paid back.
The dollar used to be backed by gold. For the past 50 years, it is kept propped up by being the only currency that can be used to purchase oil on the world markets. This is so thanks largely to the long-ago US deal with Saudi Arabia, in which the Saudis agreed to sell oil only in US dollars, while the US agreed to support Saudi political and religious projects (of which Al Qaeda and ISIS are outgrowths)..
Countries which tried to break this monopoly, like Iraq (which wanted to sell oil in euros) and Libya (which wanted to sell oil in gold) were ruthlessly destroyed.
If there's ever going to be a military campaign to destroy Saudis and bomb their infrastructure to shit, I'll join it.
None of them are my friends, but I hate Saudi Arabia more. They and Qatar are the biggest exporters of Wahhabism and I would like nothing better than seeing their cities leveled to the ground and the West sharing the spoils brotherly.
>I would like nothing better than seeing their cities leveled to the ground
Calling dibs on Mekka. It needs to be defiled, not destroyed.
But the Saudi's promote Wahhabi's who attack the west. You are speaking the media line but that's not true. Iran does yell DTA but don't practice it. The Saudi's are not my friend !! They lie and pretend to be the wet friend, so they can do what they want.
The US dollar is valuable cause of our economy!!
It's a matter of perception and right now there is nowhere else to go ( Do you trust China ).
one is a threat to Israel
Me to but I would say we take Mecca & Medina, let the roaches come to us. Just destroy their military!
>the US oppose democracy to stand with dictatorship
lol, modern USA is just a shadow of fromer greatness. There is nothing left from ideological basis this country was founded on.
All the Sunni nations lie to the west then undercut us and promote terror. It is in their interests for a world Caliphate!
I've studied MENA for 6 years, anyone pretending the situation is more complicated than this is stupid.
fuck them all.
Can we change that?
Not a Jew, a Southern white conservative Republican who thinks for himself!
The death of intellectual debate is the death of western society ?
Yea 2 democracies in middle east Iran, and Israel. Could Russia except Israel and help make peace between Israel and Iran? Turkey has become a dictatorship!
? MENA have not heard of it.
>Not a Jew, a Southern white conservative
Kike servant
Googled Middle east & north africa
Stupid people make me sad. we will not get anywhere like that. read a book or something.
Is that even possible?
at least be funny
Muslims achieve space travel pic related
Good question I guess it is up to them. We in the west will also have to prove it to our Gov. and that we will not put up with them selling us out anymore!
What I find interesting is that the mainstream US public is kept so completely ignorant of the reasons for their country's decades-old, close alliance with the Saudis. As far as I know, this is not something taught in schools down there, nor mentioned by analysts in the media. There has been no attempt at a "PR/propaganda" campaign to educate American citizens about the benefits.
This is a vitally-important alliance for the US, but since the US public doesn't understand why it is important, they could theoretically elect a President who would simply undo it.
What this suggests to me is that the US public actually has pretty much no influence at all on the course of US foreign policy, and that the US Deep State is not worried that their own preferences can be overruled by democratic vote.
Would think of 2 reasons Oil, and working with Sunni's for Israel survival.
Most of US public is brainwashed by media (Iran the great EVIL ) , who attacks us?
Your economy is valuable because of the US dollar. Your total private+public debt is $175,000 per American citizen. The reason you're not in default is because the dollar's status as world reserve currency allows you to control the interest rate at which this is paid back (meaning that it's actually more like tribute than debt, since you keep taking on more and more, and making the interest on it less and less). The reason other countries are forced to go along with financing your spending is because most of them absolutely need to own lots of US dollars in order to buy oil. The reason for that is largely due to the US-Saudi alliance.
Yea in the 70's interest rate was 14% this limited building new anything.
We owe so much due to welfare !! I do not think this is a good thing. When the check stop the great American chimp out begins!! Oil is cheap right now, money is cheap right now, reallity is expensive. The cost of everything being free will bankrupt us.
Neither is an ally but seeing how Sunni Muslims make up 90% of Muslims and 100% of terrorists in the West, the Saudis are the actual threat.
No, but Iran would be a great ally. It's also an old Indo-European civilization and a rich culture. Also all Islamic terrorism is carried out by Salafists who follow Saudi Salafism. There has never been a single instance of Shi'ite terrorism.
That's not true close to even split. Sunni's 100% terrorist yes.
Don't know if i'd go that far no terrorist. But Shia seem to be more rational. Do come from a civilization Persia.
Sunni and shia have been always enemies and always will be, non of them will rest unless the other is completely wiped from earth
>one gives us oil
>one gives us grief
you're welcome
What has Iran done since 1980. The media line!!
One buys and sells trillions of dollars of goods with your country and the other doesn't.
Iran is ally. This country is more adequate and it can influence good in Caucas.
Pre 1979 we sold to both
1973 Opec stopped selling us oil cause Israel
Think for yourself not telling you what to think just to think for yourself.
How about the Middle East where terror comes from. Your point is valid to Russia. I am thinking more globally
I just watched a news about Quatar and saw that some women in this country even don't wear hijab.
So it's obivious which country is more adequate.
Honestly Saudi Arabia deserve sanctions more.
>but don't practice it
how cucked can you be? also stop regurgitating this meme about wahaabism, virtually all muslims are the problem
It's Putin's fault, he can let them to be colonised or even occupied by China and everybody in Russia will support it, but he does another business.
The former is what the Jews clamour to be...the latter is what they falsely claim to be.
It's sad to see people totally unable to see the big picture in geopolitics
must be a lack of intelligence
>implying than protestants are not
Only protestants didn't mix up with the territories that they colonised.
Polans mixed with finns in Russia, spanish and portugal people mixed with indians in south america and only anglos didn't do this.
Only protestants are fucked by evolution theory's question.
And etc
You country even now is trying to froce everyone speak English, but it's not very easy for us and most people will never speak good if they didn't learn your language from the childhood like I did
And even I heard English just like a nonsense speak like Simlish before 18
Thank you for buying the media line propaganda .
Maybe all Islam is cancer!
SA duh. Without them the petrol dollar is fucked and without it USA is fucked.
plenty of people can see the big picture. it's morality vs money, and the US chooses money every time
t. Samir
All this talk of Petro Dollar, yes the world runs on gas. Now they need our weapons, and food more than the US needs their oil. Europe needs Saudi oil. China needs Saudi oil.
America has a raging hardon for Semitic people, Saudis are Semitic like Jews , Iranians are aryan.... need more ne said.
It's not about the petrol it's about the dollar. Our currency is not fiat, it's backed by oil. SA is one of the biggest oil producers in the world. They sell their oil EXCLUSIVELY for USD. Anyone who wants to buy oil MUST BUY USD first. Anyone who wants to oppose petrol dollar gets rekt. Saddam wanted to sell oil for eurobucks.
That's BS we went off gold standard in 1933.
Second part more true. what will bankrupt US is welfare and social programs. Thx POTUS Johnson and Obama. Dollar strengh based on economy and perception, same with stocks.
Ultimately Islam is the enemy of mankind. When we deal in foreign affairs we deal with their government which may or may not be Sharia, or the extent is not as far as can be. Deceiving kafirs is a part of Islamic doctrine so only actions can tell whether they are acting as a secular or a Sharia state. We should deal with this issue first as the Sharia is incompatible with Western civilisation on any legal or moral basis. To Islam the unbeliever is a Kafir, or Kuffur, and can be decieved. Kafirs are to be subjugated and humiliated. As secular countries, our foreign policy on dealing as what we are determined by Islam as Kafirs to a Sharia governed country.
By your logic Russia and Iran could sell oil in what ever currency they want. China is working with countries to trade in Yuan. Most countries sell in dollars because it is stable. In 2008 Euro lost 35% it's value.
Maxim 29: 29. The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy. No more. No less.
Would like to reevaluate the Iran is our enemy.
Sunni's are our enemy!
I mean, when has it ever been? I don't think the average American knows how many wars they're in currently. None of them have been talked about let alone voted on.
And Russia is being destabilized (sanctions) and proxy warred (Ukraine, Georgia) for that very reason. The drum beat for war in the 2005-2008 period against Iran was very high, trying to make them back down on the Petro-dollar. The 'pivot to asia ' is a failed containment of China.
Basically the petro dollar is fucked, but its a slow motion train wreck taking decades.
OZ PM at a naval conference in SE Asia that the locals have to band together because there will be no great power protection.
The arms build up by Worst Korea, Shit Posters and Nips is quiet but real. Malaysia Stronk, Sings and Vietnam are also adding to their naval and air forces.
Basically the long term planners expect war in the South China Sea before 2030 and they don't trust America to still be effective.
Sunnis and Shia are enemies. Its a racial thing, every race has its own variant of a major religion.
Church of England.
Greek Orthodox,
Russian Orthodox.
1001 versions of Southern Baptist.
The Kirk.
Roman Catholic.
Have to make sure the head of church says gods on our side when we go to war, so we all have our own church.
Anyway, just because they hate each other, does not mean in any way that they are our friends.
Also don't forget that Saudis can drop their oil prices for a wile influencing the whole market. A third of Russian GDP is oil/gas. When oil prices drop the ruble loses value. Also the can fuck with Russia by getting her b& from S.W.I.F.T.
And Iran fucked with the Sauds by sinking Swift.
Proving once again that aluminum is not for warships.
I get your point though.
Already being done. Russia could cut off Europe, in winter that would destablise the market. Europe would be better served to make nice with Russia than Saudi's (I think).
Lol ok Ron Paul
The logical choice obviously Iran, it's not even up for debate.
The choice for business though is Saudi, our foreign policy will reflect anything pertaining to big business.
They're both our enemies, no saracen is a friend of the west.
TFW Saudis and their allies are scum, their leaders praise ours to their faces while funding jihadists behind their backs. Their endgame is a global caliphate, the Sunni alliance needs to be destroyed. We can make a temporary alliance with the Iranians like we did with the Soviets in WW2 and go back to being enemies after.
I'm sorry if it hurts, it's my own opinion, also I even respect anglos, but it's a fact.
That is a valid argument I give you credit. Wish more people used their mind.
At what point does our children overpower I quest for $$$ / oil?
>hands rubbing together
None. The other promotes Wahhabism and Salafism. The other side promotes Khomeinism and Wilayat Al Faqih.
Exactally my point on Sunni's
I would like to give Iran a chance, where they lose their minds at some point we would deal with them then, also Russia could be helpful.
Wahhabi's are the terrorist in Europe and US, that means you or your lleaders. Their are a lot of Shia in Arabian Peninsula !
This guy knew what was up.
Also, check out the image on the left and see how the most heavily "in debt" countries (unfortunately, this graphic is a bit outdated and seems to only mention public federal debt, not private or provincial/municipal, but one still gets the idea) tend to be America's closest allies, while the countries with the least debt (on the margins) such as Russia, China, Iran, tend to be either US enemies or neutral.
The high interest rates which one would expect to be present in the most indebted countries, instead get shifted to countries which are in much better financial shape, objectively speaking, and which have little debt.
Even the Baathist Syrians, an SAA, Iran, Russia, US alliance. The Saudis and Egyptians would shit themselves and the days of wahhabist terrorist attacks would be over.
Neither, this is /OurAlly/.
Iran allows women to drive and Churches (plus Synagogues) to exist. Saudi has more oil .
Lets try that the other ain't working
Been saying the same thing here for days
Enemy, of course. The fact that you even need to ask is astounding.
Saudia is sunni-wahabi.
Iran is shiite.
They hate eachother and like Russia and America in the cold war, both fight for countries which they influence. Only not in a cold war, but with weapons and terrorists and thousands of victims.
Yes, because Iran has a history of backing militias and terrorists organisations that attacks the west and whose whole aim is to conquer the west and establish a caliphate. Not to mention funding Islamic organisations that have become a hotbed of extremism in the west.
Go fuck itself kike.
Why does being the reserve currency mean we control the interest rate?
And why does other countries buying oil with USD benefit us?
These are probably stupid questions but I don't know much about economics and I've never really looked into this.
Iran backs Hezbala and Syria. These organizations attack Israel, can Israel make peace with Iran? If we realign with Russia, Syria, and Iran can we get Israel on board. These views are going to shake things up for sure. Iran Does not attack US or Europe..
The only people problem with your theory is that only one of those countries actually support terrorists
This, Iranians are peaceful towards the west. That being said, they still can't be trusted simply because they're saracens.
Yesterday, I read a comment that if you have 3 Arabs, you'll have 5 (doublecrosses- I forget the word used). Like Jews, Arabs are treacherous by nature and can't be trusted.
Persians are not Arabs.
We've meddled in and screwed Iran (in concert with the UK) multiple times.
Saudis could openly support ISIS and take the blame for 9/11 and US still wouldn't brake an alliance with them.
First question: The interest rate is set by US Gov to limit inflation and create an enviroment for growth. Not to do with reserve but to keep dollar strong and stable.
Second question: Some would say it makes $$$ the reserve currency. I would say stability make $$$ reserve currency.
True bump
How can we change Gov view?
I'm in US , think Gov is wrong. Would like to see an alliance with Russia, Syria, Iran, Israel. Oil not worth kids / little girls damb goat fuckers.
I don't see anything wrong with Iran supporting groups that are defending Shias and Christians from Sunni Wahhabi terrorists and Zionist expansionist scum. They don't attack our countries or have any plans to brainwash their diaspora to attack us, we shouldn't attack them. People who criticize Hezbollah for attacking Israel assume that Israeli's are angels who dindu nuffin.
Iran / Israel play back an forth that is all
you forgot the tolerance, in Iran there are more regions living and prospering in peace then in saudi arbia witch is a Diktatur.
Show me a christian church in iran and then one in saudi arbia.
Show me a juden in iran and one in saudi arbia.
bump \
bunch of Jews in Iran IDK about Christians
Last I heard Mohammed killed all the Jews in Saudi Arabia and Christians only in work facilities.
That eagle is about to get rekt. Cats eat birds. Plus the bird probably has nukes that we let it develop, fuck him man.
Iran has close relations with Armenia and even has a few Armenian mps. About a quarter offal million Armenians live in Iran