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Not many lefties here...
fuck this board has gone to shit
>actual commie and a "im 15 and politics is real interesting"
get on the helicopter comrade
Capitalist scum got some balls huh.
I'm driving it fuckhead.
The fuel pays for itself.
fuck the jews really got to ya didnt they
i didnt know sweden was THAT bad
now spread those cheeks of yours abdullah just got off the plane
>is a capitalist
>believes Jews want anything to do with anti-capitalism.
You are controlled by jews and will always be, capitalist.
you gonna keep your shit arguments going
jews are the ones advocating cultural marxist, commie propaganda, multiculturalism, feminism, egalitarianism do you want me to continue.
your so far down the path of cognitive dissonance you think you have any basis in reality,
you fucking disgrace to society, you are so far up your own ass you cant think clearly you have been indoctrinated to the next degree
i hope you get raped by a somali
sorry low qual
Capitalism is as cancerous as communism.
Fascist here.
Cappies can get fucked
>actually believes Jews like Communism
>the majority of private owned businesses are own by Jews
>jews want that taken away from them
Why would Jews want multiculturalism, they hate muslims? Jews want shekels, not niggers. you fucking cuck.
Sup Forums needs a collectivist purge
Your ride is ready Sven. I'll let you suck off Ahmed one last time.
we need a retard-purge, you'll be first.
you know who wants to destroy every nation and keep there own
>flood western countries to destroy them and actively promote leftist ideals
wow i wonder why they would want there biggest threat destroyed
>the majority of private owned businesses are own by Jews
>jews want that taken away from them
no they want full control over the country so they can rule over us
they want to destroy whites because they are the biggest threat to them
jesus christ are you actually this young
Join me my brothers and sisters
You are taking this really seriously, I see.
>Socialist in America.
You should move out.
>Libertarian Left
american education
You don't even know how the fucking spectrum works, that is Anarcho-communism/socialsm. How does one cuck as hard as you do?
your the niggers shilling i see theres no point arguing with actual retards as they cannot comprehend facts.
the time for arguments is over
Have fun, you took the bait really fucking hard anyway.
>Like there are any commies on Sup Forums
Socialism is authoritarian as fuck
wheres your arguments tho
Fucking commie. That's not Fascism.
Its pure fascism
>tfw more conservative than mart sharters
No, it's actually not, the Idea is at it's core "liberal" but a communist nation is in practice impossible so an authoritarian state has to be set up for it to stay alive. Carl marx isn't athuritarian, Stalin is.
Communism is libertarian, but to get there-and to keep everyone from not dying-is authoritarian socialism
That is EXACTLY what I wrote.
Then why were you denying that socialism is authoritarian
Because in THEORY it's not. in reality it has to be to sustain itself.
also your pic in is bullshit.
Theory is irrelevant
It's not exactly right, but I used it to prove a point, and that point was proven.
National socialism should be more left and small things like that, but generally it is right.
Strasserist National Socialism aka best National Socialism should be where NatSoc is.Hitlerite NatSoc is pretty rightist.
Theres so much wrong, reading further
Why don't you use filteries ? It is 100000x better than ((political compass))
Use filteries.com
>Carl marx isn't athuritarian, Stalin is.
You forgot to mention 99% of all communist leaders were authoritarian as well, Sven.
How about you come with me right here behind the sauna