>A Nigger named Hans
Facebook showed me this as an "ad"
What are /pols/ opinions on this?
A Nigger named Hans
And showing the nig reading has to do with the topic how?
He is a legend
What about it? Black people culturally appropriate white people names all the time.
Wow a black man not bullshitting himself and everyone else by going to a college thats way above him expecting special treatment, but instead choosing a different sphere of honest work.
Absolute legend around here.
Btw. I knew a black dude names "karl schwarz"
He looks German to me.
Yep. There's also Levartis Burton, who is known in the USA as Levar Burton.
Fun fact, a combination of the fake African names in the Roots publication in Readers Digest with the famous stars Latoya Jackson (her mother that it meant The Toy in French) and the shortening of Levartis to 'Le'var are pretty much the entire source of modern black American nomenclature.
Can anyone photoshop that picture so the magazine is upside down?
Never heard of him desu
looks like a typical german. What's the problem here?
Just proves that Facebook is cancer.
I would love to change Facebook's ads with my own. Just for funsies. (pic related)
Nice joke there putin
your post explains why your country is replacing whites with arabs and blacks
What the fuck is this shit, why are is king queen out of the game, on his side.
>er kennt Hans Sarpei nicht
is he missing or something?
Lost white pieces next to him right?
Hans Sarpei is a fucking legend.
Also german or german-inspired names aren't that unusual in Namibia for example.
I even knew a black guy whose first name was Bismarck,
oh yah, a real grand master. Kek
he's playing checkers with chess pieces and he's losing.
someone make an expanding brain me me about this.
>Somewhere there is a white boi named Tyrone
Just made me wonder...
we wuz kangz
>implying a nigger is intelligent enough to play a game like chess
baguette pls
>lost king
that determination tho..