They are YOUR lawyers YOU FUCKING IDIOT and they're not calling it that so that it could actually have a fucking chance of passing!!!!
They are YOUR lawyers YOU FUCKING IDIOT and they're not calling it that so that it could actually have a fucking chance...
>Not my lawyers's also his fucking supreme court
he's legit autistic for fuck sake
I hate Trump's tweets now that he is president. He is giving them ammunition.
We were so close to a ban also. Why.
He's retarded. We all knew this. Sup Forums just doesn't care.
wtf I hate shills now
> "Waaah why won't Trump tone it down so we can slip the ban through"
This is literally cuckservatism, you faggots. He's sticking to his guns because he's trying to change people's minds and prove that he's right. He's not going to use a euphemism to slip it through because that would defeat the purpose.
>They are YOUR lawyers YOU FUCKING IDIOT and they're not calling it that so that it could actually have a fucking chance of passing!!!!
Might be worth mentioning to you that the cardinal rule in statutory interpretation in common law countries (and that includes interpretation of instruments, orders, rules, regulations, etc) is that you do not have regard to extrinsic evidence in interpretation unless you cannot interpret the clear words alone.
That means that he can call it whatever he wants on twitter, and the judiciary still has to look at what the order actually says, what it prescribes or prohibits or otherwise commands to be done, and from that they then turn to whether power exists to make that order.
Going behind the order to understand the motivations of the officer who made the order is absolutely verboten in statutory interpretation. The ruling against the order in Hawaii was flagrant and overtly political.
He should shut up about this.
>"speak softly, and carry a big stick"
What is gonna happen in the next 24 hour news cycle that needs distraction? Is Qatar gonna be silently blitzkrieged by KSA?
Hang yourselves like the kikes you are shills. Selling your soul for thirty pieces of silver? Pathetic.
>He's not going to use a euphemism to slip it through because that would defeat the purpose.
He doesn't have to use a euphemism at all. His office has the power to issue such an order by virtue of statute. Provided the order itself isn't a ban on a religion (establishment clause territory) he can order a ban on travel for residents of x country and that is not ultra vires.
Further to that, by banning everyone from, say, Yemen, the order cannot be logically construed as a ban on muslims: there is going to be at least one atheist, christian, bahai or scientologist in Yemen, and it would equally affect them, so the argument has no merit.
You seem upset OP. Sorry Madame Hillary didn't win like you dreamt would happen.
Always take the most extreme position and then negotiate from there. The OP is a cuck that wants to start in the middle and negotiate to the left. The SC case is an automatic win so he may as well make it as radical as possible going in. OP is a weak sad fag.
Only reason he's tweeting right now is because he knows the media will talk about it for the next 3 days straight. If he goes on rants, more press.
He literally said in his inauguration speech that the white house is at war with the media. Just look at his latest tweet. Anyone who calls him an idiot for speaking his mind on twitter doesn't understand the game at all then.
Oh no you faggot, they can talk more shit and make more slandering articles! How will he survive knowing people don't like him?
>when an Australian is the most sensible lad in a thread
Unfortunately, that's not the way the judicial has been interpreting his travel order.
You already posted this thread.
It has always been a 'travel ban'
>Non-American being critical of Trump
Worry about your own shithole, you filthy, squatting, tracksuit wearing slav. Don't you have a street fight to get into over the glory of your awful eastern bloc apartment complex?
STFU fucking croat
These are people that want to have political reach from the bench - wholly unsuitable for the role. I highly doubt that bizarrely dubious decision will survive appeal. As much as some judges like the idea of blocking the travel ban, do they want binding ratio confirming that the proper approach to interpreting an executive order is to first find out what the judicial officer 'thinks' the motivation for the order was?
That would mean opening the floodgates to frivolous judicial review of myriad administrative action. Doesn't matter what Shaquanda at the DMV wrote in the letter refusing your application for a heavy vehicle licence, she wrote on twitter that she hate whitey, and that was why you were refused.
All of this stuff hurts his approval numbers. Nobody wants a head of state that engages in wars with everyone every single day.
Have you not been paying attention? He is emphasizing it now for a reason. I think he is fed up with tip toeing around the snowflakes. He has a point also these un-elected jurists are fucking things up......
FFS Why can't he shut up when it's good for him.
and he picked black
>Russians lead an extremely successful civilization
>We should hate and fear them more than islam because the Left thinks they hacked the election