Sargon thinks women should be allowed to vote.
What do you think?
Sargon thinks women should be allowed to vote.
What do you think?
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>Sargon "every Pajeet and Ahmed can be British if they LARP hard enough" of Akkad
Yeah nah
I think he's a cuck
>listening to "youtube personalities" instead of just doing your own research
Haha honestly it boggles my mind how much time you people spend listening to other people talk. Do your own research and stop letting other people fill your brain with shit.
We got to this place in time cause the vote become free for all.
Almost none of my friends give a shit about politics.
They have a tier1 understanding of politics.
>I'll vote DF cause immigrants.
DF is too moderate. We need to stop all non-western immigration, not just limit it.
We just need to kill migrants and accept no shit skin as their culture is also, funnily enough, shit.
>he thinks violence is necessary or feasible
Shows how little you know.
I think so too because men and women have equal rights.
I think
They shouldn't be allowed to vote.
I think that he shouldn't be able to vote.
The only new things he says are when he covers the news but aside from that it's the same shit over and over. His videos where he "roasts" people are cringy as fuck between the forced laughter and what I hope is the fake rage in his voice. At least people like Mark Dice keep their shit short and concise even if the stuff he says is pretty repetitive at times.
That said, women shouldn't have the ability to vote nor should the common man. There needs to be requirements aside from being born such as not being on welfare, not being a 1st or 2nd generation immigrant, and earning at least 3k in that year or owning land. One or the other because owning land is becoming more and more difficult thanks to the feds.
suffrage should not be based on gender, it should be merit based. anyone who can fulfill the requirements (whatever they might be) should be allowed to vote. not that it matters since democracy is an abortion.
british sure, english no.
Why do I care what a Jew like Sargon thinks? He's just another kike shill for Israel.
>suffrage should not be based on gender, it should be merit based
By that logic only men should be able to vote. Liberals out.
Sargon is a tory cuck
ignore him
I think you should fuck off and stop making threads about yourself, Carl.
I agree, there are so many shitheads who dont even understand how their politics work, they just vote what the media says they should. You should have some sort of certification that gives you the right to vote.
Yeah the de facto certification should be "IF YOU OWN LAND", because that proves that your ancestry was smart enough to have achieved something and have a literal stake in the country.
>We just need to kill migrants and accept no shit skin
>They have a tier1 understanding of politics
I love when Sup Forums tries to pass off their fantasies as practical solutions that could actually happen in current society.
>ive earned the vote by being born with a dick
sure thing, mehmet
I dont know, look at the antifa cucks, their parents are probably smart, but they are just retarded.
Men are smarter, stronger and have been at the front of society since ancient times. What have women done to deserve voting rights?
Only people that work full time should be allowed to vote. Give brainwashed college kids time to see the real world before thinking their voice fucking matters.
>IF YOU OWN LAND", because that proves that your ancestry
These two aren't even necessarily related, but you're literally just advocating for nepotism in voting. You don't have to do shit as long as some land is passed down by your family
If you do that you should also take the right to vote away after they retire
Or else you have a country of old fucks deciding for the youth
If you think women should vote, you're a cuck. You're probably also pro gun control and immigration and virtue signal out of your ass.
But since cancer killed Sup Forums years ago, I'm probably in the minority.
>Or else you have a country of old fucks deciding for the youth
Ha you wouldn't say that after 30 years. Believe me old people aren't that stupid.
why women shouldn't vote:
Not saying they're stupid
Just saying that growing old doesn't magically make you wise and understanding. On the contrary, you get so used to your own routine that you slowly give less and less shit about the rest
Sargon is like Amazing Atheist lite with 20 IQ points less and twice the mount of arrogance.
Unmarried and divorced people should not be allowed to vote. They have no stake in society and no view to the future. Each first-time married couple should get one vote between them.
The whole 'women don't care about western civilisation' only applies to single women and to a lesser extent, single men.
And, land prices will go up, unless someone reclaims them.
I think an interesting rule to have would be that only married couples can vote, and that there is only one vote per household.
This wouldnt work because it are woman who mostly win the arguments. I think many divorces will come from that if the man strongly disagrees
Only married women or widows. No single women, no single mothers.
men are not smarter and we are only at the front of society because it is our nature to fill that role. what women have done to earn the vote is not relevant since granting suffrage collectively directly contradicts the purpose of a merit based vote.
dynasties can rise and fall in only a few generations. if some loser inherits land its unlikely he will manage to hold onto it.
>Belgian men...
TAA fanfag spotted.
>TAA makes endless videos of feminist comics. >Doesn't talk about the ideological implications of Postmodernism and the many shortcomings of all philosophers of that pedigree.
>Crowd sources the most popular positions
>Downplays the threats of marxism with obscurantism
>Downplays the implications of mass migration of islam with obscurantism
>Is a worthless libertine and philistine
>The most lazy argumentation I've ever seen
>Muh car crashes (fails to recognize cars are a necessity to our way of life, muslims aren't)
>Talks about Twitter incessantly
>Lays on a stupid Carlinesque affectation that sounds ridiculously forced. +10 cringe
TAA is a pseudo-intellectual who knows nothing of history, philosophy, barely keeps up with current events.. ect.
Ffs, he's scared to do videos on terrorism now because he knows there will be backlash, due to his weak argumentation and apologetics.
say what you want but at least we don't have to surrender our butter knives.
>listening to Sarfag of Cuckad
your first mistake
>Sarfag of Cuckad
>not Sargoy of Mossad
NO-ONE in the 21st CENTURY NEEDS to spread butter. The RBSS (Royal BUtter Spreading Service) is there to SPREAD IT FOR YOU.
Fucking foreigners with their obsession with butter spreading. It's not the fucking 19th century, if I have to eat dry bread for my whole life even just to save 1 life from a fatal spreading incident, that's worth it.
sargon says the dumbest shit from time to time
>women mostly win arguements
>inb4 sargon makes another video reading this thread about how he doesnt make threads about himself
yes, never had an argument with a woman?
They think they are right even if they are wrong, no mather how dumb it is.
His wife is so hot...
Is that really her? Proof please.
Yes, but they know they're wrong. All they do
is attempt to have you capitulate. You must be new.
Have you ever made a really terrific point,
just to have them come back with something ridiculous, then you proceed to scoff at them
and leave the room?
When they chimp-the-fuck-out, that's a win for you. You don't lose if they throw a fit..
Remember, laugh and dismiss. It's the pussy killer. Ultimate boss move. Be ready to have a box of kleenex/glasses/shoes/soapydishes thrown at you. When you get hit, pretend to be angry and leave. They will immediately call you and say sorry 6 gorillion times. Come back. Sex.
So European men are basically women?
I think he shouldn't be allowed to vote on who gets to vote.
what the fuck, why is his picture this? who does he think he is?
>le kekistan based sargon xD
Wow, you're a giant fucking pussy.
Please see yourself out. You have to go back.
Wouldn't mind an eligibility test for voting. Can't be good to give literal retards as much say as everyone else.
If women pass let em vote.
>who does he think he is?
It's not about who he is, it's about who he wuz.
Basically this.
>we wuz classical liberals n shiiet
My wife does what I tell her to do.
If she doesn't, I punish her with my cock and she's does what I tell her to do.
The key thing with women is that you want them to believe they're making decisions, that's not the same thing as them actually making decisions.
>They think they are right even if they are wrong, no mather how dumb it is.
as opposed to someone thinking they are wrong?
kys globalist cuck
maybe if you kill a few migrants others are gonna stay the fuck away?
I dont listen to faggots
Not even the Nazis wanted to kill all Jews. How the fuck are you gonna get people to kill all migrants?
you kill a few and others wont come
I've enjoyed watching him slowly become more right wing over the past year or so.
Fascists were in favor of women's suffrage before many European countries instated it
Being against it makes you on par with muslims
So now sharefags use the globalist divide.
Nice try pathetic shill
>Hexes the muslim hordes
>Champions welfare cuts
>Opposes Paris Deal
>Opposes TPP
>Massive regulatory overhaul
>Opposes Syria invasion. Which means he's not Israeli puppet you dip.
>Scales down hostilities with Russia
Just because he plays there game, doesn't mean he's one of them.
"but.. but.. Saudi Arabia!" - we make money, we need them to prop up our dollar fucking idiot.
"but.. but.. Capitalism is wrong!" - Noncompetitive cuck who wants gibmedats and subsidization of niggers.
He's a cuck, but I think he's getting better, he used to be pro-remain, now hes anti-EU
In what respect? I haven't watched a video in 2 years. Too damn long and it's the same shit over and over again.
>kill all migrants
Read better, lurk moar.
No, no woman in workforve or in politics
>allowed to vote
He's right.
He's wrong.
Sargon's ideology is not based on what is effective and good for society and people in the long run, rather it is based on what sounds really nice and easy to as many groups as possible.
He is the equivalent of the doctors who used to recommend smoking cigarettes as a health benefit decades ago.
If he was a remainer it wasn't for long. He made some of the earliest pro-brexit videos I found.
>Danskernes Parti
>Opposes Syria invasion
they've already invaded syria
>Scales down hostilities with Russia
they're worse than they've ever been
idk i guess im just a sharebloo shill or whatever for realising that this guy is a neocon sellout, whatever happened to sanctuary cities?
The media is ramping up hostilities not Trump.
Special Forces operate all over the world. Always have ffs. Being this new.
Sargon is a Marxist so of course.
Kek you wetsern faggots treat dumb cunts as your equals and then you are shocked that they vote the shit way,say or do dumb things.
When you are a bunch of efeminate weak faggots you are suprised when they jump on manly nigger dick.Kek keep being faggots,women are dumb and must be guided by men their place is at home taking care of children and cooking /thread.
Also if you white knight for those degenerate butches you are unironically a cuck.
You should only be able to vote if you've paid taxes within the last election cycle. For federal elections, this means only 50-60% of people would be eligible to vote, and basically no niggers or single mother welfare leeches would be allowed to vote.
its not shareblue you fucking t_d faggot. anyone who allies with jews is not going to be liked by Sup Forums
>The media is ramping up hostilities not Trump
wrong, the syria strike made them worse, now trump is going on about muh russian aggression like the good little neocon puppet he is
>Special Forces operate all over the world
oh i guess that makes invasion okay then, they're there fighting for and training islamist rebels too, so baste
people seem to have forgotten what trump was like before the election, compare 2015 trump to 2017 trump and you'll realise we've been sold out
There's nothing wrong with allowing women to vote if we remove the harmful parties they often vote for.
The big problem with modern politics is that they allow for free Western society to abolish itself. The presence of Marxism in Western politics is a thorn in my eye, because it's a political system who's entire goal is to construct a totalitarian society where the state tells you when and how to shit. And I'm not talking about stuff like healthcare or social security, I'm talking about leftists banning criticism of their very ideology. With Islam we get the same shit. Why the fuck are we allowing our system to give power to foreign theocracy? For Christianity you'd have to go back to Medieval times for when it was as totalitarian as Islam is today, and even then it was positively liberal compared to modern Islam.
Not to mention all the incessant brainwashing and social engineering lefties commit. Do away with that crap, and women are perfectly capable of making choices. But as it is, they're more vulnerable for the optimistic crap morally bankrupt parties promise. And they are always its first victims, too.
Thread theme.
Name one US Presidential candidate that would be better, who actually had a chance of winning. I'll wait..
>You have Merkel you stupid cuck.
>Name one US Presidential candidate that would be better
well shit i guess we better support him now because hillary
also nice picture, i can tell that took you a lot of time to make