>another DUP surge on the way
How's it feel, mick?
>another DUP surge on the way
How's it feel, mick?
would be bad if sinn fein were not "brits out blacks in", so grand. also can we agree that pic related is objectivley the best flag of NI
tfw voting loyalist just tp make sure the nuts on my side don't go mad with power.
They are ideologically p0zzed and will ruin all our lives in order to have more brown dicks swinging around in NI.
I don't even acknowledge Northern Ireland as existing so who gives a shit
You'll always occupy stolen land and unfinished business
>failed, made up republic that only exists because britain allows it to
That is a st patrick flag, fenians stay off our british flag that I posted. Only the british red hand is allowed.
>inb4 cathocucks try to shit up the thread
t.arlene foster
lol no we fucked u into submission to get this piece of land, and we would have the other piece too if not for sellouts in the country
There's only ONE Irish government
NI only exists on paper, that can be changed
Collins knew his tactics wouldn't last forever and he knew that eventually his time would ran out, so he settled while the British had their resources and attention elsewhere.
When you refused to fight in ww2 you truly settled yourself as a meme of a country, while proud Ulster men and women went to fight nazis.
NI isn't irish clay, ROI is Northern Irish clay.
You said it brother, Northern Ireland will ALWAYS be british, as it always has been.
>Calls us mick
>Posts flag about an Irish Gael claiming Ulster for his people
Unionists are pathetic. All of your history is just a cheap identity of denying association with us while you steal our history and symbolism. It's laughable. You didn't even have the creativity to come up with your own British name or flag for your so called British land. You could at least put in some effort when forging an identity out of nothing.
I suppose your fond of this international communist world? I suppose you unironically believe the holocaust happened you pleb?
Ulster got so vigorously involved because they are insecure af about their position in the Union and desperately want to prove their value becuase they know the UK doesn't fucking want or give a shit about them and would love to get them out of their hands, everyone hates you.
Ireland didn't get involved because it's a strong, independent country that doesn't need to suck dicks to secure it's position.
>this level of damage control
Ulster Loyalist culture is more loved and represented in the world than thousands of years of """Irish""" """"""culture""""""
you literally cannot prove me wronG.
>Ulster Loyalist culture is more loved and represented in the world
you've never been outside NI.
>let's take out our frustration about Muslims CONSTANTLY murdering our people and slowly displacing us left/right on other white people, that'll show em.
Isn't it tea time in bongistan? After the Danes conquered England/Scotland/Wales you took out your butthurt on Ireland as well. Time to stop this vicious cycle and work together to remove the brown/yellow menace.
Yes I have. Sure, it isn't a global movement, but kindly point to where actual irish culture is represented anywhere, ever?
It's a meme, it doesn't exist.
Just like the idea of ireland as a country.
Thankfully you have yet to accomplish a single thing of note.
Nobody gives a shit about you, most people don't even know Northern Ireland exists
While WWII was occurring, despite your "proud Ulster men and women" fighting England literally tried to give you back to us in exchange for giving up neutrality, you belong nowhere. Your hated by both Britain and Ireland. That's why you throw so much shit fits and are you insecure about your "British identity"
>not knowing anything about anything, yet again
Fuck off Americlap.
The PM herself said she will never be neutral about wanting NI in the UK, so you're literally wrong again, mickboy.
When will you thieving bowsies ever pack your shit and fuck off back to Scotland (where you come from) and give us OUR country back?
I was talking about Churchill giving away Northern Ireland in exchange for giving up neutrality?
Exactly! Return to your homeland! Where you belong.
It's like if the black people went back to Africa, you'd be better for it, more relaxed and outside occupied territory.
If you love Britain so much, return.
>not knowing your own history
Shameful display.
At least the Irish were able to defeat the Danes. Brian Boru was a badass motherfucker. Carry on fighting your own people though, makes sense.
fenians btfo
>kindly point to where actual irish culture is represented anywhere, ever?
>It's a meme, it doesn't exist.
your tactics for gaining votes here are to be racist it seems...
M8 people love Irish culture. There are 40 million americans who won't shut up about being irish.
I think your racist tactics will backfire. I'll be voting sein fein now. I'll tell them ttPCDm8o convinced me on Sup Forums's /pol
>A bunch of butthurt brit bong faggots got upset over Irish independence and instead of fucking off home they decided to stay.
I laugh when Unionist go on about "muh history and muh fleg". One could compare it to stolen valour because that's what unionists have done. Stolen a part of our history and claimed it as there own.
NI will reunite with the south. You just Ahmed.
This, you can see the irony of these eejits complaining about terrorism. The only reason they got their houses and land in the first place was by the barrel gun. Fucking bastards.
Shut the fuck up you traitorous cunt
>Irish culture
alcoholism, emigration, papism and terrorism
cromwell was a jew but he was right about the irish. they are vermin and should be eradicated
Ulster is Irish tiocfaidh ar la
>An artificial non-country having the fucking audacity to question the legitimacy of another country's culture
jesus christ
Someone explain why the Irish hate Trump for wanting to build walls on the Mexican border, but happily live in cities with "freedom walls" surrounding them. I'd appreciate a concise, non-spergout answer.
Irish are so cucked that they refuse to learn their own language and instead speak ours.
You're not even a country, you're just a German tank speed bump. You are an anachronism. A reminder of a bygone world.
Ireland has remained unconquered, unlike Wales and Scotland
I don't pretend to be a country.
all your enduring achievements have been either by british missionaries, norse invaders or by the protestant anglo elite.
what is irish culture then m8? alcoholism, a funny english accent and the color green. wew
oh yea, almost forgot the irish pathological victim complex
>muh cromwell
>muh potatoes
>Soulless eyes, black as midnight
Yeah he's anglo alright!
Sandy Row is an absolute shithole
You're as embarrassing as plastic paddies m8
Ireland has plenty of achievements, maintaining her honor and freedom is chiefest among them.I can't say the same for your pathetic "country" which is little more than a German tank speed bump. I'm sorry if we weren't as thoroughly involved in the transformation of the world into this modern industrial system that is in the process of destroying and consuming all things of worth. You seem to forget how small Ireland is, it has a population of 4 million, compared to 60 million for England. Yet, even at that we have over-contributed in literature and science. One example I can think of for an Irish invention is the submarine. Many of the most important Americans have Irish ancestry in them. Most of them.
Shankill is worse.
>Taking pride and identifying in another race
aren't you the definition of a cuck?
Both of you fuckers need a clip around the ear and Ireland needs to stop being salty cucks and siding with Europe. You have so many Irish diaspora across the common wealth yet you behave like continental trash.
>two wrongs make a right
Typical Irish mode of thinking.
This desu.
Hey fellas, I saw you posting flags and thought I'd join in.
>Many of the most important Americans have Irish ancestry in them. Most of them.
there were no irish in the usa before the 1840's. ans ince then, the only thing you have accomplished is transfomring the usa from a homogeneous, protestant country into a pluralistic shithole. you campaigned for "civil rights", you swamped entire neighbourhoods like the rats that you are, you invented the corrupt tammany hall and other east coast machinations alongside with the jews, the italians and other scum. cheap labour, money grubbing mafia and global sponsors of terrorism, that are your contributions to america.
irish have always voted progressive, either in the usa, or in Australia or wherever your greenish tribe has settled.
let me guess, you are probably also proud of the irish mob since you only know it from romanticized hollywood movies.
>stolen land
Yeah it's a lot more complicated than that. Ireland and England have been a part of a larger community for centuries and Ireland suffered greatly in the wrongly named English Civil War.
Sure it sucks, and maybe it's not "fair", but it's not stolen
>DUP surge
How do you figure that?
Druggie Paramilitaries telling people who to vote for will have the opposite effect
Then again, you fucks have all the cunning of a sardine
it's a only a meme, don't project your inferiority complex on me
>It's alright for me to do it but not you
Daft cunt
When they're blitzing your major cities, they sure fucking are.
Your posts are moronic and you and your country are irrelevant
Like, Belgium being a non country, artificial and only made for real politik, what do you have to be proud of? Show us what good Belgium has done why don't you? We are waiting
>the obsessed belgian is still alive
state of you
>tfw can't vote DUP in england
What's morally wrong with that?
Irish have a specific nature which may not be expedient to Protestant society, that doesn't make them wrong or reprihensible, it just makes them what they are.
They came to the US out of necessity and starvation, they had no choice in the matter. They can't be faulted for that.
If they wanted a homogenous, high trust Anglo-Saxon culture you shouldn't have let other immigrant groups in, your at fault. But no, they assumed all that mattered was ideological and a country could be built on an ideological foundation and not a racial one.
Are those the ones who sell ecstasy for Israelites or are they another group of chinless, angry people?
>attempting to reason with an eternally buttmad prod
Sinn Féin majority and premiership incoming!
EU support a United Ireland.
Let's go!
Lets do it lads
jan van eyck, bruegel, Rubens, margritte,...
tintin, Lucky luke, the smurfs,...
invention of the saxophone, renaissance polyphony (ockeghem, josquin des prez,...)
congo colony was pretty sweet
chocolate, beer, waffles, fries,...
we have a lot of famous companies, like cartamundi, katoennatie, de nul, inbev, thrombogenics, janssen pharma,...
more nobel prizes than ireland aswell, and some nice scientific accomplishments like the big bang theory, contraceptive pill,...
>tintin, Lucky luke, the smurfs,...
I can't tell if this is a joke or not
>At the beginning of 2012, people of foreign background and their descendants were estimated to have formed around 25% of the total population i.e. 2.8 million new Belgians.[127] Of these new Belgians, 1,200,000 are of European ancestry and 1,350,000[128] are from non-Western countries (most of them from Morocco, Turkey, and the DR Congo)
>The largest group of immigrants and their descendants in Belgium are Moroccans, with more than 450,000[127] people. The Turks are the third largest group, and the second largest Muslim ethnic group, numbering 220,000.
holy fucking cucked and that was BEFORE the migrant crisis
so there isn't anything wrong with ireland getting swamped with niggers and muslims either? godammn the hypocrisy of you irish cunts is really incredible
well let's all have a laugh then
I understand the whole thing with hamburger education and all but please explain why Ulster is part of England when it's clearly on the island of Ireland.
>contraceptive pill
yea thanks for killing european birthrates you kike
>The Republic of Ireland in particular has seen large-scale immigration, with 420,000 foreign nationals as of 2006, about 10% of the population.[145] A quarter of births (24 percent) in 2009 were to mothers born outside Ireland.[146] Chinese and Nigerians, along with people from other African countries, have accounted for a large proportion of the non–European Union migrants to Ireland.
Made my day lol
english king wanted to subdue the irish so he invited scottish and english protestants to settle there.
what are you doing in the uk? shouldn't you be on your emeral isle?
We're swamping ourselves
19 posts by this ID
lmao fuck off
Lol, now I know you're a jew.
>english king
You mean dutch financed by Jews. There hasn't been an English king since 1066.
>Protestants will never ever have a foreskin
no more (you)s for you friend
I know, but we shouldn't make it needlessly complicated for a burger without a grasp of history
and technically, he was the king of england
>Protestants will never ever have a foreskin
that's america for you. and it wasn't a religious issue, but pesudo science for the 19th century, especially by the inventor of kellogs.
>being historically illiterate
>oh no, someone doesn't like the Irish, oh no, how can this be, it's like another Shoah, everyone like the irish
fuck you guys are pathetic.
>muh imperialist
>hate yourself, white devil
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind you know. And two wrongs still don't make a right.
>you guys are pathetic
Not as pathetic as being Belgian
An Englishman is lecturing me on right and wrong, trying to take the moral high ground. I'm laughing right now.
>Sinn Fein are globalist traitors
>fuck 'em
Given how sorry that list is, you should have at least included Van Damme.
Red Hand comes from Gaelic Legend and Culture.
How come Jew-cucked fake Christians from England and Scotland couldt come up with their own shit?
Unlike white dickheads with corn riws, stealing from the culture of the Gaelic Clans of Uládh was actul cultural appropriation.
Also, you will all be Chinese in 50 years, so be sure to keep hating the real native Irish, as your country fills with Asians and Africans as the Jews your fske Christian religion worships want.