The UK would never elect a Marx-
The UK would never elect a Marx-
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He's not a Marxist.
>mfw I have to vote for this twat cus the other option is SNP
The UK is dead and gone.
Get out while you still can.
No he is, your triple dont deceive us.
Just vote tory. Better security, stronger stance on brexit, closer ties with Trump. Win/win.
>hurrdurr Internet surveililance is bad
Only if you're a terrorist sympathiser or pedo.
Do it, UK. You need to crash and rebuild.
>Does a rally in one of his safest seats
>He's unsuprisingly popular there
Say it wih me folks, Prime Minister CORBYN
Economics are a mere distraction at this point.
What matters are borders.
Unfortunately Corbyn is open-borders, as are the Tory party truthfully.
No mcdowell his right hand man is the marxist, Jeremy is a terrorist sympathising socialist.
His voting base are a bunch of fucking degenerates
He pretty much is, though.
Any Labour retard is essentially a Marxist pawn.
good goy
Where the fuck is that shithole? I would have thrown myself from that bridge if I lived there
I hope Corbyn will win, the faster you reach boiling point, the bigger chance you have to turn far right.
Fuck off.
Found the pedo
Nice trips comrade corbychev!
Nothing to hide, nothing to fear.
I'm voting Lib Dem, but only because my constituency is red
>Just vote tory
Lol no thanks you brainless cunt
voting UKIP even though they're meme tier at this point. Will not vote labour, cannot bring myself to vote tory, and the UKIP manifesto is actually quite good.
Literally meaningless.
God bless FPTP.
Good lad
Ignore the Tory shills
Why is it that every economic Socialist must also come into the same package as the cultural Marxists? Why is it so hard to take a short break from wanton capitalism but without embracing cuckoldry and guilt-tripping those at the top? It's hard to believe these concepts are inherently mutual to one another.
UKIP's lost it's central standing point; it's got no chance.
It would need literal rebranding to even have a chance.
Because socialists need paki votes.
Please let him win!!!!
The drivers behind the political shift to the Right are going nowhere. If anything Muslim terrorism will increase. The more of these idiots, (like Corbyn, Trudeau, Macron), win the more it will drive people to the Right. They may even hasten what is to come.
The older I get the more i've realized these swings in the pendulum build for some time, years, before the big swing. The momentum for the swing to the Right is still just building.
That guys right eye looks like Usain Bolt doing his victory post.
Lads i am honestly pretty close to leaving the UK.
I have a house, trade skills and military experience.
Feel like an outsider in my own country.
Just move to Cumbria, drama queen.
He is fine, its the illnumerate Diane Abbott I'm worried about
nigger, in the uk even the "conservatives" don't dare to accuse islam, the uk is fucked.
Just get out of the big cities
I get that. As much as I would love for white nations to get their ethnic bearings back together and kick out all non-whites, there are already far too many 2nd generation foreigners to do that in a way that won't end up in a massive embargo slap from the rest of the world. So say they still run on the platform of "we'll look out for the national interest, protect the economy from speculation, and invest on social programs in order to help the poor reach the middle-class"; what boggles my mind is why is it that also means the whole bunch of Marxist shit that reads straight out of some tumblr blog.
Can't someone just rebrand Strasserism without naming the jew too hard and take over the left? I'm sure it can be done.
Trips of truth
Just got a another personalized Vote Tory letter through to my Labour safe seat.
Are they still expecting a landslide after this shitshow?
Go to Scotland, there is less muslim htere?
>Surveillance is bad only if you're a terrorist sympathiser or pedo.
The absolute state of Sup Forums 2017. Where the fuck do you newfags even come from?
Fucking kek
UK is gonna cuck for corbyn, he will force you back into the EU and Murica will be the last bastion of freedom on the planet.
Damn it feels great to be an American
Come to Australia. Now.
>Better security, stronger stance on brexit, closer ties with Trump
you forgot: no more Sup Forums
>the future is totally fucked vs the future is totally fucked
ncie bong politics
Full of uni students and the unemployed since this was on a monday and every one else is at fucking work
My gf has been trying to convince me to move there, i was looking online and for my job i can earn tripple if i work FIFO.
What is Melbourne like?
Tell me when Baudet is PM.
Not gonna happen my Moorish friend. Zuckerjew has a minefield laid out in front of him with censoring shit on Faceberg during his Presidential run. One overreach and the backlash will be fierce.
this desu
always need more poms
In all seriousness bin that knife bruv
>the UK has real political parties unlike the US
>now choose between a communist Marxist ISIS sympathizer and a neo-con globalist dictator ISIS sympathizer
>What is Melbourne like?
Combine the degeneracy of Los Angeles with the poo-in-loos of Southall.
>America would never elect a petulant little chi-
I don't think you've ever been to LA
They're desperate and the Tories refuse to protect them. They'll elect the Marxist, and then wonder why there are not only more terror attacks instead of fewer, but also have no food any more.
Dude, Trump admitted to lusting after his own daughter and you think the Zucc will go down over "facebook censorship"? Lol
Dope statue
I wonder how many nicks people got making it
Yeah it was shit.
I dont think it has a chance, more of a protest vote I guess, but they're certainly better than the tories.
>-ina bashing hero and god among men who's tactical prowress fools his enemies into thinking that he has flaws and then falling directly into his trap.
Thats what you were going to say, right? I can only assume because you seem to have some kind kf trouble completing your sentences
"bin that quran" when?
Why does the current political climate seem so...familiar? ;)
The government have banned 12 far right and nationalist groups this year in the UK and lists them as domestic terrorists on the same list as the Islamists...I wonder why? Almost like (((they))) know the way the climate is going and trying to do damage control prior to the big event.
Corbyn is willing to name the Jew something May won't do
>Muh nothing to be afraid of
The gov in the UK already arrests people for speaking out about Jews and Islam I don't want it to get even worse.
Corbyn has the chance of turning other far right May will not and she will still ruin the country
Yep. It plays directly into the narrative against the authoritarian left and we all know he was already doing that shit last election.
Not only will Zuckerjew tank his campaign doing this shit in front of the entire nation, but he'll set his cash cow on fire doing so as well.
communism is superior to capitalism which is why people who are communist are proven to be more intelligent which Bill Nye said.
Glasgow, so don't be surprised. lel I actually recognise one of the people in the front row.
>Just vote Tory
If I was British, as much as I want a harder Brexit, I just wouldn't fucking vote.
They're both absolute garbage.
Did he actually say this?
All the options fucking suck
No matter who we pick, we will get more Muslims, more bullshit lefty laws
Only tiny details are different
>Bastion of freedom
More like bastion of fat niggers and spics. You will go first burgers, in a few years, just a reminder
i've been ignoring what's going on for the most part. but from what I understand the decision is between a complete lefty marxist that wants to control your thoughts and a complete lefty marxist that wants to control your thoughts?
The Jew fears the Jez
You faggots need to vote UKIP
>>hurrdurr Internet surveillance is bad
>Only if you're a terrorist sympathizer or pedo.
I disagree but they are still a much better option
Don't vote then.
Come to us fellow Brit, you are always welcome.
I already posted my Tory vote off last week. Feels good man.
voting UKIP
it's in gateshead, you plonker
read up on the masonic and hegelian dialectic. (((they))) salt the field of politics on both sides with their ideas so that no matter who wins (((they))) win.
they present both the thesis and the anti-thesis and push only these two possibilities so that no matter which side the plebs pick it's a win for the elite and the plebs end up with boots on their necks.
>Internet regulation and censorship is only bad if you're a terrorist sympathiser or pedo.
Fuck off retard
reminds me of Molech but insted of babies it eats knives
State of you
Actually lefties are terrified of this happening as there are rumours abound of the PVV in heavy communication with FVD behind the scenes. Since FVD started a successful youth movement, has called to make their own march through the institutions and is branching out to local politics FVD and PVV seem like a good match since they agree on major topics. While the PVV's top down party structure without members to prevent LPF-style drama of grossly incompetent opportunists getting a lot of power in the event of a Wilders assasination. FVD is building a movement, it's own institutions so they can strategize long term. With PVV aiming at the working classes and FVD aiming at the educated classes and attracting a youthful following, which is quite remarkable for a conservative party, lefties are feeling the heat. They now try to discredit FVD as a [fill in a demographic]-ist/phobic and since they aren't very successful with that they're writing opinion pieces stating that the left should just ignore them so people don't begin to think that they're a genuine player in the political arena. Ironically they are only emphasizing that FVD does appeal to intellectuals.
>t. 54%
Why would anyone want to move to that Liberal, over-taxed shithole?
With all the shitskins being imported and being so close to Indonesia, it is just a matter of time before the Muslims take over your country.
I think the only English speaking place on the planet worse than the UK that is still controlled by white people is OZ.
so May expected this to be easy win for her but it seems that fascism is already again on downside curve, thats a good thing. socialism works and communism was never tried, thru socialism we can achieve communism and great things after that. bright future ahead of us without racist, sexists bigots in multicoloured europe free of hate
>always need more poms
Mate, the last thing on earth your country needs is more whinging poms.
Newcastle, the only major northern City to vote Remain.
Zuckfuck has zero chance outside New York and Commiefornia.
That dam jew hating flyover country....
>More like bastion of fat niggers and spics. You will go first burgers, in a few years, just a reminder
I love people that forget the white right in the US has more guns than the armies of most nations.
Leeds did, by a thousand votes, but that is down to the massive student population same as Newcastle.
Hugo and Harriet stay Up North after Yuuunaay because it's like so cheap