Was it Jews?
Was it Jews?
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It was Jews.
I've watched the footage 100 times. I don't get why Jackie acts so weird. She reaches over the back of the car as if trying to retrieve something. Fricking odd.
proof faggot
its always jews
Burden of proof is on you. It's always jews unless proven otherwise.
Probably at least in part. Back then you weren't supposed to know about Israel's Dimona plant and nuclear weapons, and JFK didn't quite suck enough Israeli cock on that matter. One of his more offensive transgressions.
The wise Norwegian speaks truth
Yep. Kennedy tried to shut down their nuclear program.
Now the Israeli's are using thermonuclear blackmail to control the world.
She just saw her husband's brains blow out the back of his head. You'd act a little weird too.
She said years later when she watched the footage that she had no memory of crawling on the hood of the car while it was still moving. That's how much in a state of shock she was.
>muh everything was by jews
He wanted to completely cut funding to Israel, and named Jews on many occasions as the aggressors of war in the Middle East. So, yes. Mossad killed JFK.
Pretty much yes. Lurk more, reddit diaspora. You will find out that Jews are even the reason why you have no friends and your life is terrible.
Of course it was Israel protecting their nuclear weapons.
time to go back paco
>go against the banks
>get assassinated or die under mysterious circumstances
>go against the Jewish Bankers
Also, reminder that if you've never seen the JFK movie by Oliver Stone, you are missing out.
It is literally the single most redpilled movie ever made.
Oliver Stone said that he lied to highers up in Hollywood and told them he was making a JFK biopic and that when they found out it was about the JFK assassination conspiracy instead, they were furious and gave him death threats.
The whole sequence with Mr. X where he talks for 15 minutes about the military industrial complex is so fucking redpilled, that there's no way it would ever have been allowed to be made if (((they))) knew about it.
Really written piece about his relationship with Israel
inb4 pakis, they dont give a fuck about "antisemitism"
baby don't hurt me
JFK was a jew, so probably not. Or maybe, since he was talking openly about shutting down the (((CIA))) and the synagogue
Do you think Mossad was that advanced in 1963? My bet it was mostly CIA and a group of (((noble muricans))).
And if you like Mr. X, check out L. Fletcher Prouty. I can personally recommend his book, "The Secret Team." The preface alone pretty much tells you everything that's going down in the world today.
It's always the bankers.
It's pretty much an open secret at this point that it was an organized military coup d'etat with Lyndon Johnson as one of the main conspirators.
Everything was jews. Your mom is a jew. I am a jew.
Isn't that the guy he's based on? I see what you did there.
Oddly enough, the (((media))) was throwing fits the other day before the Paris Treaty announcement that if the US backed out then it would be collaborating exactly those countries not having a Rothschild central bank.
It rly maed me think
yes, it's THE bertrand russell.
No it was the Fenian conspirators of the Bohemian Grove, an ancient Druidic order who are the puppet masters of International Jewry and have controlled America for over a century.
The Jews are just a bait for the true conspiracy, which is so deeply ingrained and advanced that it masterfully conceals itself, carefully portraying the Irish as inept and innocuous when in fact they are precisely the opposite. Even the Jew will bow to the Irish man.
As an Irishman he was aware of their ploys so they were forced to remove him.
It was the CIA, the FED and the Cuban Mafia. I believe this was the exact point in history where the shadow government came to existence completely, from that moment on elections in the USA are totally irrelevant, only the shadow government rules
1 - FED jews elaborate the plan
2 - CIA jews work on the plan, creating the means to execute it
3 - Jews from the Cuban Mafia era used as pawns and "dirty hands" to complete the job
That's what I believe
This is a piece of it, but it goes much deeper. JFK was in a feud with the Israeli PM at the time, which is by proxy, The Rothschilds. Few know this.
A jew redpilling us about jews?
I don't think so.
Nukes don't even exist, dumb ass - otherwise there would be some radiation at Hiroshima ground zero, but there's not!!!
I don't know if it was the kikes, but JFK was a true democrat. He challenged the (((banks))). What a fucking patriot.
just posting this WIP in the first thread before i leave for my exam. image and name need memification.
are you retarded
watch this for the truth m8
>tfw megyn kelly preassures Putin and he reverts to "muh CIA did JFK in" as a what-aboutism
old vladko is losing his touch desu
All good questions Bert. No answers to this day.
isn't it -supposed- to be declassified any day now?
By this October.
>Do you think Mossad was that advanced in 1963?
The files will be released to the public in like 2038 or something.
Conveniently long after anyone who was involved can answer for their crimes.
And by then, people will be even more bluepilled than they already are, so no one will care about the truth when it's finally revealed.
it's always the jews user
he definitely would be one of us
kys kike
The guy who assasinated him was assasinated by Rubenstein later. Rubenstein, you cant make this up.
Aren't the secret archives supposed to be released to public at some point? After 50? 100 years?
They were ordered to be opened 75 years after the assassination, so that would be in 2038.
>in 2038
It's not that long anymore... Do you think they'll really open all the stuff? Or do things just get lost in time, due to arbitrary reasons...somehow..
Like I said in this post
Why wouldn't they release the truth? Everyone responsible will be dead by then, if they aren't already.
And people in 20 years will be even more into bread and circuses nonsense and care less about politics than they do now.
It's always the Jews.
Yup, he wanted to audit (((Dimona))) nuclear reactor.
Its always the kikes youtu.be
that really cleared things up for me
Hitler knows (turn on subtitles)
Lindon Johnson and his clique ordered it, CIA's Richard Helms (was running MK-UKLTRA for a time) carried it out with the help of Miami Mob run at the time by Santo Trafficante Jr.
>Ctrl+F "Evidence of Revision"
cmon you guys fucking amateur hour over here
Wrong. Shes trying to help the body guard that was on the second car that was supposed to be on riding on the back of JFK's car. He jumps of the second car and try's to pull him up. The bodyguard said it in the video. He coulda saved JFK. He might have been in on it as well. Why would you leave the fucking presidents car for the one behind when you were specifically told to be riding on the back.
Yeah and the reason for that was because the US was sending chemicals made in a Pennsylvania factory, that were used to creating nukes. He was angry and tried to stop that. In the end he was shot
How could JFK be elected president if he was a threat to ((((Them))))?
didnt he openly like hitler?
He wasn't a threat because he didn't know what was going on behind the curtains until he got into power.
And I don't think so?
>He wasn't a threat because he didn't know what was going on behind the curtains until he got into power.
wish trump would do as JFK did, but no he just let himself get assfucked by jews
>And I don't think so?
maybe not openly but he wrote a lot in his diary
CIA and Lyndon B Johnson mainly.
No way it was Jews, I bet it was those intolerant white supremacists instead.
No he faked his death
Fuck JFK, Kennedy family is just as crooked as the Clinton's
Reminder that he only won Chicago because daddy fixed it for him
Also, this isn't exactly well known but before WWII in the 30s, JFK traveled all around Europe as a journalist and basically hung out with Nazis in his spare time.
It's not too far fetched that they converted him to National Socialism's ideals.
Also, his Swedish gf in the 40s (before he met Jackie) was wiretapped by the feds under suspicion of being a Nazi spy and JFK as being an accomplice. This was all even before he ran for Congress. Make of that what you will.
He fell for the meme that the president actually holds any power. He made a fatal error of judgement as he took on the establishment publicly. If he had worked from the shadows and fought fire with fire, it would be a much different world today. Fucking Kennedy, he was so close God damn.
Well if you dont realize the magnitude of the shitshow we find ourself in Paddy then I highly doubt a single post will change that. Youve got some reading to do nigger.
Wan't there some act or other change in USA legislation after JFK's death, which elevated CIA above the president? Like, if president intrudes with CIA business, he is to be impeached o whatever.
i.e the pefidrous anglo
I'm not sure about that, but the original National Security Act was quickly turned on its head by Allen Dulles. In broad terms, the CIA simply infiltrated other parts of the government, held a sufficient number of seats on the National Security Council, and then set it up so that the CIA, through the NSC, would wind up dictating to the president what to do, and the only job of the president in that case would be to green-light whatever the CIA wanted to do.
The CIA was only ever supposed to be a centralization of intelligence, with an extremely limited capacity to take any actions and only those specifically ordered by the president through the NSC.
But give them an inch and they take a mile.
Its always jews.
no, it was the alt right.
In other words the Russians hacked JFK?
>"JFK was a Jew"
Stupid fucking idiot, he was a Catholic
>South Africa
calls me a nigger
White South Africans are whiter than Italians.
Dont you get it, its (((Wikipedia))) rules: if it makes jews look bad it is not a reliable source.
inside/israeli/jew job like 9/11
You say that because you heard that on Sup Forums.
Have you ever travelled to Italy? Or outside in general because most of the people here are NEETs staying at home.
Look, there's literally nothing wrong with being Italian. I grew up in one of the US's largest concentrations of them and they're great people.
when i lurk more all i find is conspiracy theories and more reason to think jews are marginalized
then again i actually think
Say that to Bolsheviks who killed Millions.
it was eternal anglo
Like 9/11, it was Jews with the help of everyone else.
read the book Final Judgement by Michael Colins Piper. He is a Conservative, who VERY strongly makes the case it was the Mossad. It is irrefutable really. They have tried to stop this book from being sold.
Authors of books like, Rush to Judgement (canon for JFK research) say that Final Judgement, really is the final judgement.
There used to be youtube videos, showing the gist of his research.
Fuck Oliver Stone.
He was elected by Jews. Like when he was elected to the House of Representatives, representing Brookline Mass. one of , if not the jewiest towns in America. Same district his great-nephew Joe Kennedy III currently represents. A Kennedy couldn't get elected in a Catholic majority district in Massachusetts or anywhere else. They work for the Jews. Like Ted Kennedy and his shilling for the immigration reform act of 1965.
Trust me, JFK was not a jew. His dad despised them