
Proof it, Chunk.

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He speaks truth.

>almost 2k likes
the world is truly mad


Cenk proves everyday that it is in fact possible to have an IQ in the negatives.

He ignores the fact that this shit happens all the time now.

It's because ramadan. This fucking moron

More like the right wing know extremists help their cause. Fucking roach logic

Nothing to do with coinciding with Ramadan.

armenian genocide

every attack is before an election somewhere cenk

Alex Jones rubbing off on Cenk

>if you get your enemy to bomb you, you win

>be roach
>deny the Armenian genocide
>hire Armenian
>treat her like garbage
Is he \ourguy\?

>expelling the muslim invaders helps their cause
>giving them free housing doesn't
Nigger what.

>Not a coincidence that all of these terrorist attacks happen right before the elecetions.
>Extremists know right-wing in West help their cause.

>left get all mad at right for "using tragedy to further their agenda"
>left also spouts shit like this on a daily basis

r34 of this?

>implying their cause extends beyond killing infidels

Armenia was getting ready for elections when... those damn right wing Armenians helped the young turks by... doing... something...


Take the islampill, bros.

Big words from a man who actively denies the Armenian genocide.

is Cem Oger from theYoungTurds now going full conspiracy retarded ? ololololol

ppls send him tinfoil hats


I fucking hate this guy no one would care about our little genocide if this fag didnt named hes show ''The Young Turks'' fucking faggot

kys unironically mudslime

Oh no, people are adopting attitudes and opinions that will make them less likely to be fucking murdered for no reason. How terrible.

Reminder that TYT also inspired the baton rogue police shooting


>If you try and stop terrorists the terrorists win

>right-wing in West help their cause


>in West

Fucking kek.

There is no Right Wing option in the U.K. elections.

Just Center Left and Far, Far, Far Fucking Left.

These terrorist attacks also occur AFTER and BETWEEN elections.

What a colossal fucking retard.

And they say race isn't related to I.Q.


Yeah these random mudshits who drive trucks into people and get shot are playing genius 4D chess with an end goal to get a particular political party who hates them elected.

Nope. These attacks are because it's Ramadan, as per the ISIS instruction manual.

The Right Wing in the west have nothing to do with their cause. They released a goddamn manifesto just before Manchester with their list of demands (which are pretty much the same as they've been since 2011).

Why do people like this Fat Roach larp as journalists when they're too lazy to use google?

Theres in no right wing in Britain though there's multicultural corporatism or multicultural communism

what is "civilization jihad", Cenk?


Cenk is with them. Always have, always will.

what did he mean by this?

>tfw seeing normies on facebook CELEBRATING the terrorist attacks

>"we deserve it for the 30,000 Pakistani children killed by American drones this year alone"

It's getting funny out there.

This need exposure, spread it far and wide

Sadiq Khan was legal counsel to one of the 9/11 terrorists


draw and quarter him

Cenks typical day

I think Ramadan is real reason

He is just a hair away from blaming Christians for not submitting to Islam

This fucking sand nigger has shit for brains

how is he wrong?

Terrorist equals = right wing cus it helps both causes cus they both hate normies, don't listen the news saying Isis order attacks on Ramadan it's not our holy secrete celebration is them
I am totally not a Saudi shill getting my pussy wet watching the world get Islamic metastatic cancer everywhere

>ppls send him tinfoil hats

His violent

wtf i love islam now

>Muslims hold a lot of societal decency beliefs like right-wingers do as well.
>But really any kind of culture will be like this.
>Muslims are like right wingers
>We should bring in more muslims

I think it's true that hostile rhetoric towards immigrant might have a radicalizing effect on them.

But more importantly, if the right had been in power in the first place there would be no immigrants to be radicalized.

dirty genocidal buffalo

Anglos are inherently liberal cucks it seems to me. The UK is gone, their own people want it gone lmao.

Which party is making it EASIER for radical Islam to attack Western countries? The on that invites/lets them in, or the one that keeps them out?

Fuck nonwhite shitskins

And they were blaming the Russians for everything back then too.

>But more importantly, if the right had been in power in the first place there would be no immigrants to be radicalized.
or in Britain's case if the right existed at all

Cenk is saying that the left votes for more terror attacks, because the right wing doesn't like seeing children blown to bits, which is 100% correct.

Armenian Genocide.

Cenks been going insane lately and thinks any Muslim terror attacks are secretly right wingers trying to help their cause.
That man ain't right

Except it did not happen in the Dutch, American or French elections so Cenk is a dumb cunt once again.

>Muhammad had temporal lobe epilepsy
sounds about right

Fuck Cenk. Fat fucking roach.

my name is Sink and
i make shit up all the time

clearly the winning strategy is to stay the course and do absolutely nothing.


Cenk wants you to die or be raped for the glory of allah. Nothing wrong with that, we need to stop being xenophobic about people who kill or rape you, if you offend them.

maybe because it's the holy month of ramadan that they are exploding more often?

Not eating all day makes them cranky, thus they kill and rape a bit more.


1d muslim chess
ibrahamfs BTFO-ed

Chunk is a Moron youtu.be/DkmdvvCGhzw

That would be a great commercial for Snickers. Have a Muslim raping an 8 year old girl, and someone hands him a Snickers, and he turns into the mayor of London.

Are the young shits even relevant post trump????

>applying logic
>Cenk Uruk'hai
desu you have to pick one

WTF I love extremists now

Doesn't this guy have some Armenians to kill or something


>terrorists do terrorist shit cuz they want to put people who want to exterminate them into office


was just about to post this

That Cenk, he is nothing but a cheap watermelon salesman! On a side note, damn, this guy is one fat dumb ugly roach.

LePen lost.
May started losing the advantage because of the attacks and it won't be UKIP who benefit.
Fat Roach better apologize Arrmaians desu

Let more Afrikans in your country Mario, soon your mom's going to bring in her new black boyfriend and have you watch while she gets plowed by the BBC.

>just be more tolerant
>love conquers all
>if you kill them they win

Yeah that's why they killed 200 people on Spain in 2004 so Socialists could win and remove militar troops from Irak and fuck the country years later.


inb4 Ana Kasparian - "I'm fucking better than you!"

Politics aside - would bang.

Would someone please dispose of this fat turd?

That explains why ISIS was created under Obama's watch

The British right has been in power for the last seven years, while doing jack shit to stop terrorism. At least Labour under Corbyn will stop pissing Muslims off (and creating more refugees) by bombing their countries.

You know Sink Yogurt probably hit that and they role play armenian genocide rape scenarios, just saying

Dont stick your dick in crazy, leaf

Left-wing retards are easily fooled by the trickster archetype, roughly speaking.

>if you kill your enemies, they win

Haha, good points. She keeps herself reasonably fit though. No pink hair/nose rings/slobby fatness.

Maybe a good banging from a right-winger would wake up that Armenian pride or something.

Are people just supposed to sit down and cry? Is that all we can really legally do? Anything else is uncivilized and aids the enemy? Fuck me.

Cenk is literallly one of the dumbest motherfuckers in politics I have ever seen
Watch him debate anything

If you invite them in, they are like these guys is pretty cool, lets not go in.
If you don't invite them in, that's offensive so they will REALLY come in and that's why terror attacks happen.
So invite them in.

Maybe I'd take him more seriously if his channel wasn't called "The Young Turks". Yeah, I'm going to start up a channel called "The Hitler Youth" and hire a Jewish woman.

Well, he's most likely right, but that still doesn't change the fact that: less muslims = less terror attacks.

No muslims = no terror attacks.