Today's alt-righters fascination with Russia is not different to past leftist fascination with USSR.
The same level of stupidity.
Today's alt-righters fascination with Russia is not different to past leftist fascination with USSR.
The same level of stupidity.
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Ehh, the main difference is that people of USSR didn't like the communist party, while Putin has 80% approval rating.
You have old data tovaris, now it's more like 97%-105%
Joke if you will, but the polls from anti-government and western pollsters align perfectly with that of pro-gov ones.
The point is, putin has good ideas, and frankly I don't see why polls are so bothered by them given that PiS and ER have more or less the same political agenda, if anything PiS is more right wing/
>right wingers like a right wing state
I don't like the Russians, we have bad history, but at least they know what to do with uppity sand niggers.
The soviet union was a failed state.
Russia is still alive.
Only retards dont like putin
I dont trust any nation except Poland and Hungary
Everything else are just muh we hate muslims bu when it comes to war thease are only that will fight like we always did together
>at least they know what to do with uppity sand niggers.
You do know that there are more muslims in Russia than in the UK, France and Germany combined, right?
PiS are literal commies, they follow exact program as Polish United Worker Part in 50' and 60'. Also chill out, after Jelcyn it's not hard to be likeable, especially if you are ex-KGB who knows thing or two about propaganda. BTW how is his approval among mudslims?
Nobody here cares about Russia. It's a shit hole.
You do know they live pretty much secluded from everyone else right?
>One wants to save the WHITE RACE AND EUROPE.
>The other wants to destroy the White Race and turn it into a mongrel subhuman race used for cheap labor and obedience.
Pick one and ONLY one fucking libcuck faggot.
And the only people that wanted the ussr were the filthy kikes not the russian people.
Yes, and whenever they get uppity, they get fucking crushed.
>wtf is Chechnya
todays liberals are the republicans of the late 60s
talking shit and doing nothing. come on canada start a war with russia ... oh wait your not going to do anything?
well i guess the more things change the more they stay the same
Germany also had waffen ss serbian division you faggot .
This, except leftists supported USSR because it agreed with their ideology.
Alt-right support Russia because they don't know what it is.
>Leftist fascination with a regime that killed millions of people, including millions of leftists, is the same as right-wing fascination for a regime that opposes globalism and isn't known for killing many people
Okay skippy
>The same level of stupidity.
FTFY: The same level of autism.
a fucking shit pipe wiggler
I will forever be greatful for hitler and HRE
but if it comes to war i think we will need to fight another front on german border
>BTW how is his approval among mudslims?
Pretty good, which is one of the things that helps them to remain productive citizens rather than terrorist monkeys. He build them a giant fuckoff mosque in Moskow to keep them happy.
The war is now, and has forever been, between globalism and nationalism. International Communists are Globalists.
No real leftist considers the USSR anything but a complete failure.
Yeah so what?
We had them seince 1553.
yet europe imported same amount in just 20 years.
in the next 20 years every single country in europe apart from butthurtbelt will have more than 25% muslims population.
Exactly, fuck putin.
These fucking alt-lite idiots don't understand that Putin is not our fucking hero but he is a Zionist Shill Puppet like everyone else.
He has allowed millions and millions of Mongrel Asiatic Muslims from former Soviet States like Central Asia, Siberia, and the Caucuses to flood Moscow and St. petersburg.
Native Russians , the real fucking Russians that are a Nordic/Slav mix are dwindling in Numbers.
The Jewish Bolsheviks targeted the Russian people and exterminated 60 Million of them, can you fags imagine how much priceless Russian Dna was lost forever? How many Russian Generations and Blood Lineages were fucking lost?!!!!!
Now Russia is filled with the Descendants of Communist Red Army Scum and it's getting flooded by nonwhite Mongrel Asiatic Filth.
I also read that Niggers are about 50,000 in Russia but this is a very old census number.
Now it has to be bigger and of course they are producing mongrel nigger monkeys which are fucking up Russia even more.
Open your fucking eyes and realize that only NatSoc and Fascism can save Russia and the rest of Europe right now.
We must bring Imperial Russia back which was a Holy Aryan Reich, The Third Rome, full of 100% purebred Russian Stock
A real Russian looks the same as a German, anything other than that is a filthy mongrel.
He is a good politician, that one I give you Ivan.
True. Useful idiot subversion knows no right or left.
t.mongrel turk
Pshek shut the fuck up
Its not the same thing, Janick
>1 post by this ID
No, it's actually ex-USSR fascination with US. The roots are different, the goals are different the only things that are the same are languages and an idea that there is a country out there that does things the right way.
Alt-righters don't even think of Russia dum-dum, lefties do.
> wtf is 20 million islamic shitskins in Russia
Fucking idiot. These Muslims are mostly Mongrel Asiatics from former Jewviet States like Central Asia, Siberia, and Caucuses.
Only about 5% of the Muslim population is White.
We need to purge these invaders, they have to go back !
>Alt-right support Russia because they don't know what it is.
now go fuck your kangaroo
> thinking us real Alt-Righters believe that Putin is a european hero.
Alt-Lite cucks believe in him not us.
>wtf is Chechnya
A Sharia Law ethnostate only nominally being a region of Russian Feferation that we pay huge levy to so they don't start blowing commieblocks in Southern Federal?
Fucking German diaspora cucks
Its funny how you think that everyone want to be nordic...
What did nords ever did?
Russians are slavs ffs and they are better than you nord
You were considered dogs by romans stop thinking so high of yourself
fuck off steinberg, nobody cares about russia, it's a degenerate shit tole that will collapse just the same as the west.
>ethnonationalists love russia
that's complete nonsense and you know it. it's a multicultural and multiethnic piece of shit.
>leftist fascination with USSR
reds such as yourself being complete retards, how shocking
Why ?
Why not just unite and topple our governments and create a Holy Aryan Empire ?
> pandering to mudshits
> flooding mainland Russia with Mongrel Asiatic shitskin filth
Fuck off faggot cuck. Fuck putin.
>le alt-right boogeyman
>all 4ch is one person
>comparing former USSR soviets with modern capitalistic russia
you sound like a fucking retard op
>remain productive citizens
>rather than terrorist monkeys
haha this fucking guy
Isnt that EU
I wouldnt mind living in Hitlers EU
But cant have such cucked nation for my ally they have more terorist ready to blow up than soldiers
Alt-righters love Putin because he gives the feelings that he defend russian interests first in the contrary to western leaders who feel like they are already somehow part of a global governement defending at all costs international banks and corporations.
Lol wtf are you talking about?
And what did Nordics ever do?
Ok .. well .. um.. how about .. FOUNDING FUCKING RUSSIA AND GIVING IT IT'S NAME !!!
Ever heard of the Scandinavian Swede Rurik who was Russia's first emperor?
The Rurik Dynasty created Russia into what is Russia.
Over the centuries Scandinavians began to mix with Slavs in Russia and this created the Modern Russian People that you know.
Russians are Half Nordic and Half Slavic this is a fact.
I'm not saying that Slavs are not White, Slavs look the same as Germans or Nordics to me, all i'm saying is that Russians are descendants of Vikings by the Paternal Line and Slavic in the maternal line.
Rurik was a good ruler and united the Slavs in Russia.
Don't Confuse the Jewviet Union with Imperial Russia.
I like all nations and peoples as long as they aren't black. I love Poland. I love Russians. I don't like Communism, it isn't a people, it is an ideology. One that raped the culture of everybody it inflicted. You, though, I don't like you; because you're fucking STUPID. Prove me wrong: you can't
Realistically, I just don't give a fuck about Russia because they're far too weak to threaten the US. I can see why you'd be worried about them though. I'd suggest getting a stronger economy and using the wealth to make a stronger army.
I like both the Soviets and Russians
Fuck off kamilla
>and exterminated 60 Million of them
Lol the EU is a Jewish Communist Regime that hates Europe and Europeans, fuck the filthy fucking E.U !!!
And i mean a Holy Aryan Empire where all of Europa is United !
No more poverty, degeneracy, self-hate, communism, liberalism, marxism, etc.
It would be the most powerful Reich in history.
No one has been able to unite all of Europa, but if that person does manage to do it, he will be the greatest European Hero to have ever lived.
Saving an entire race will make you almost god-like.
This. !!!'
Russia had 6/8% Muslims in 2012 or something. Now they got like 3 million more Russians some tartars and ukranians having their population close to like 150 million. I think the Russian Muslim population is at an all time low like 6% since the ethnic Russian population is growing and the fast growth of churka's+ mudslimes is slowing down.
You do not know anything about us. However, we know about you, Mr. Polyakski.
Research the Jewish Bolshevik Red Terror.
Kikes exterminated 60 Million Christian Russians between 1918-1930 i think, before WW2 started.
News and Rumors about Jewish Bolshevik atrocities began to spread into Western Europe and people began to get scared shitless of the Rote Pest, the Red Plague.
Hitler also knew what was happening to the Russian people and this made him hate kikes even more.
He knew this would be the fate of Germany if he didn't do anything about it so he did by joining the NSDAP.
Im the same guy just swaped on PC
>Russians are descendants of Vikings by the Paternal Line and Slavic in the maternal line.
That is wrong Russians are mainly R1a1 while nords are I and I1 cant be found in russia so only possible thing is taht russians fucked nords and thats why they have R1a1 and russians dont have Nordic I1
Also its stupid to talk about whiteness
Sweeds and other nords have highest simmilarity with Balkan slavs and its not slavic simmilatirty its I haplogroup that is in europe since Iceage
Ofc slavs are "White" and so are north africans and spainards and south italians our whole culture is founded on their civilizations
Mediterenian is where europe was born noth north is my point
>larping this hard
the grand duchy of finland was a part of imperial russia you idiot, how do you think i was confusing them? they also tried russifying finland and i don't appreciate anti-finnish russian dicklicking apologists.
thats not how haplogroups work
The EU is salvation from the american hegemony.
As the situation we are in proves it. Before the US sperg out, EU and Russia had the best relations possible. Peace in Europe. Trade, work a future we all worked together towards.
Then the ameriniggers did show up, broke all agreements with Russians.
USA is destroying MAD and the USA will be the casue of a new World War. But. Thankful trump said he will no commitment to article 5 witch means we wont too. In case of war USA stand alone against Russia
Russia is nice because it is a power-check to EU and Israel in the Middle East. Putin gets Israels ass right chaffed knowing they aren't having such an easy time fucking over Syria. Putin's Russia is one of the few allies we have against these kikes.
he said that they are nords by pathernal line and there are none nordic in russian Y
pritty sure that works like that
but i am open to criticism, teach me
>TFW people don't know hoe paternal y-haplogroups work
dude capitalism is so awesome
nevermind capitalism let burgers import millions of cheap shitskin labour
>l2a south slavic
wtf its native to balkans
>muh russia is bad
Fuck of greenfacist
I'm just saying that Russia's founders were Vikings, nothing wrong with that.
Most of the l2a carriers are located in Balkans not Balkans are the place were l2a haplogroups originated.
> having the hope of a united european reich which will save Europe and it's people is a dream we must not achieve
Fuck off ahmed and go blow up another concert you nigger.
not sure was it 60 but it was massive
actualy it is during ice age I came on blacans and after they splited into I1 and I2 they both originated there
not sure if they splited in balkans or they evolved when they went for scandinavia
russia isn't a power-check to eu you imbecile. the power-check is the weakness of our leaders and the spiritual death of the continent. russia has the exact same problem, except their state is more obvious on the surface, with government terminating dissidents, whereas westerners lose their jobs, get ostracised by their friends, and get harassed by the kikes' useful idiots.
we are all being abused, we all face annihilation. russia and putin are the same shit in a different package.
All leftists with a brain have hated that Soviet Union forever.
Democrats being communists is just a meme. Having a balanced budget that doesn't destroy every function of government is not communism.
>le Moscow is the most muslim city in Europe
Don't compare our muslims to yours, eurocucks. I dare you to come to Moscow and find a burqa that is not a wife of some Emirates' Sheikh on a business trip.
Stop looking at the past you fucking faggot.
Did you know that Finnish and Slavic Tribes mixed together and shared common cultures and traditions?
You prob have Russian blood inside you.
Instead of hating Russians hate the filthy nonwhites that are invading Finland right now you little shit.
t.filthy kike
Fuck you and your Jewropean Union created by that anti-white shit Kalergi.
> during ice age I came on Balcans
I was all over Europe not only Balkans.
The I1 and I2 may have originated almost anywhere in Europe.
>implying alt-righters are one person
>implying some of us can't call bullshit on both sides
the Islamists we face today learned their style of warfare from the Soviets, who established the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) as “the fulcrum of the Soviet Union’s strategic approach” to world revolution, especially control of the Middle East. At the time, President Reagan was battling the Soviet empire, including its support for international terrorist groups. Lofton reminded his readers of many facts about the Soviet-supported international terrorist networks. These facts are extremely relevant today.
Lofton wrote about and has to conclude that the modern-day Islamic terrorists we face today grew out of these communist networks that the Soviets sponsored.
What we have learned since that time is that PLO chairman Yasser Arafat was actually a trained KGB operative. The case of Carlos the Jackal, the KGB-trained Marxist terrorist, is perhaps more significant. He converted to Islam.
Jeff Jeffrey R. Nyquist asks, “When we learn that a leading commander in ISIL was born in the Soviet Union and trained in Russia, we ought to wonder what is really going on?” Omar al-Shishani, the Russian commander in ISIL (also known as ISIS or the Islamic State), has been reported to be the group’s overall military chief. We have heard repeatedly about Americans and Europeans fighting for ISIL, but little attention is being devoted to the Russian-speaking foreign fighters that make up the group. Their numbers are estimated at 500 or more. Omar al-Shishani is usually described as a prominent Islamic State fighter who is Chechen. In fact, he was born in the former Soviet republic of Georgia and was trained there.
Yeah look at the third world country crying it cant be as good as us.
point at him and laugh.
You broke all agreements with Russia made in past you broke all contracts and you try to drag the EU with you down. You stand alone.
wrong it came during ice age and it was in blakans since balkans were one of 3 inhabited parts of europe during Ice age (crimea and spain other 2)
Anyway i must go swimming now have a good day i will read everything you post after i came back so pls if you know something i dont i am willing to read it later
Before we jump to conclusions that Russia is on our side in fighting ISIS, it might be wise to examine the history of international terrorism, its Soviet roots, and Russia’s ties to these networks today. President Obama told “60 Minutes” on Sunday that the U.S. intelligence community had “underestimated what had been taking place in Syria.” So what do we know about this mysterious entity called ISIS? Could Russia be playing both sides in this conflict as part of a geopolitical game to safeguard its Iranian client state?
Our media think that because the Soviet Union died and a modern Russia supposedly emerged in its place, these issues are irrelevant. But the head of this new Russia is a former KGB spy who wants to reconstitute the former Soviet Union. He invaded Ukraine. Is it really too much to believe that the Kremlin has had a hand in the rise of ISIS?
and it did repopulated europe short after ice age and in later stages of ice age but was pushed to scandinavia and blakans
but i am pritty sure it spred from balkans i think its confirmed
Yeah getting replaced by millions of shitskins is so great!!
i was joking you dumbass.
there is no way they could have killed that much people.
>You stand alone.
Moron, remember this: D Day - 6 Jun 1944. George Marshall 5 June 1947.
When are you going to pay back for your damage to entire Europe? When are you going to start a "Marshall Plan" for the Eastern Europe you invaded for oil in WW2? Oh, you want your Russian friends helping you again with oil and gas, right?
I didn't know if you were or not you fucking idiot.
And they did, even own Soviet Documents show that 60 Million Christians were slaughtered in the Jewish Bolshevik Red Terror.
Alot of Soviet Historians and Journalists have also talked about the Red Holocaust.
Research your own history you cuck.
this. Putin is a cuck who wants a seat at the world stage.
Thank you for reminding
>Stop looking at the past you fucking faggot.
yes ignore the past, and repeat the same mistakes. tired of american ignorant bastards trying to educate me about my own people and country.
>Did you know that Finnish and Slavic Tribes mixed
of course i do, and now finnic peoples in russia are near extinct
>and shared common cultures and traditions?
this applies to all europeans, but russia and finland are very, very different
>You prob have Russian blood inside you.
what a fucking absurd claim, pretty sure you are trolling but fuck it
>Instead of hating Russians hate the filthy nonwhites that are invading Finland right now you little shit.
i don't hate russians, you fucking troll.
I hate the kike bolsheviks as mush as it is possible for giving away more than a half of Armenian land to roaches and azeris, but the 60 million claim is ridiculous m8.
Yeah, nah, Putin isn't a puppet of the globalists. That's why he's treated as literally Hitler.
Oh, so you lost the Afghan war. Sure. But may I remind you we talk about the fact your Marxists became fundamentalists in the 60's only to plague the religions around the world, and incite to murder, as your goal was to hit America in any way?
Carlos the Jackal was very close to Ceausescu, he felt like home here, in Romania. His name was "Ilici Ramirez Sanchez", Ilici surname (*Ilyich - as Vladimir Ilyich Lenin) was as a reminder of his socialist roots (his other two siblings were named Vladimir and Lenin). He was financed by Romanian secret service to kill reporters at Radio Free Europe in Munchen, and to do these kind of jobs. Ceausescu was very close to Arafat as well, as Yasser Arafat was created in Moscow but educated in Bucharest, "Tovarishch Yaska" as Ceausescu call him was noticed by the KGB in 1957, when he became the leader of Student Union of Palestine, in Cairo and recruited by soviets next year, in Prague, where he attended at the international congress of the "students of the world", an organization financed also by the KGB.
Yuri Andropov, who trained him for 19 years, called him "Cheiadbom" (from Chelovecheskaia Iadernaia Bomba - or nuclear human bomb), nickname given due to the way he changed the rule of the game. In 23 July 1968, his terrorist highjacked El Al flight 426 from Rome to Tel Aviv, the first time someone used an airplane for a terrorist attack. Later he trained sucidal terrorists, as the ones used in the Swiss Air that exploded in mid air, as the ones that captured El Al (Israelian) planes in Athens, Paris, Brussels and so on. After that point the 9/11 attacks were only a matter of time..
Not to mention on the other hand that all those "islamist liberation movements" give a big help to Moscow as they disrupt every single oil resource country in the world, thus making the oil and gas price higher that it should be if the markets were left alone in peace. There is a significant surplus on the market and the price could go down at any point. But Moscow does not want that. 80% of their income is from energy, so they really appreciate this turmoil.
How big is your GDP? You need Germany and long term gas deals to survive, right? 1998 rings any bell to you, communist?
Thanks, very informative.