The Paris Agreement "contributions".....
What does the money go to?
The Paris Agreement "contributions".....
What does the money go to?
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(((who do you think)))
Investing in green technology in countries that can't afford to do enough on their own to meet their climate goals
The money goes funding thrid world shitholes
Obviously they spend it on whatever the fuck they want and not MUH PRODUCTION
It's funny, I've been reading the agreement and I don't see that spelled out.
Although going towards developing countries makes sense. But how much? I'm sure someone keeps something.
"subsidies" and "investments"
Yeah, someone somewhere is always skimming off the top. Usually multiple someone's at every stage.
in feeding niggers who cant figure out how to use a plow
it builds "modern industry" on top of the "old polluting one", aka : western corporation gets your third world market that you like it or not.
It's like colonial times, but instead of religion, it's climate. They even agree on non-competition, all the first world having decided what part of the map they each have.
the branch of the US gov directly responsible for taxes, budget, and creating laws never debated or voted into joining the paris agreement which would force the US imto paying over 100 billion USD to developing nations such as China.
The fact they consider China a "developing nation" is slightly ridiculous itself.
My friend was telling me you can default on paying, and no one would care.....any truth in that?
Who cares. We aren't paying it.
This show was such a trip back in the day I remember watching it stoned as hell and trying so hard not to laugh at the preschool-tier drawings and retard-tier plotline
One episode was just that green mouse drinking in a corn dog field fse
It actually gets pretty good, and It's pretty funny.
I'm not a stoner, I just like stoner cartoons.
thats interesting, anywhere i can find a map of the spheres of influence?
>skimming off the top
literally all the money goes to green businesses
Guy you're replying to is a fucking retard but your friend isn't quite right either. There is nothing legally binding about the Paris agreement and no direct punishment for not meeting goals but the whole idea is that any country that is clearly not doing enough to meet the goals they set themselves will receive geo-political backlash from other countries and there is definitely a threat of economic repercussion in the form of other countries not being as willing to trade with you or invest in you. Truth is all of those repercussions are just as possible from pulling out of the agreement.
I don't think it beholds anyone to do anything. It's just a "we'll think about it and make pledges of how much we'll reduce by"
yea but they are all politically well connected green businesses.
I think it was to be purposed for helping the lesser wealthy countries meet their goals... John Oliver gives a good rundown on all of the details in his latest episode:
welfare queens, leeches and roaches
We bribe the icecaps so they don't melt
I'm against dropping out of the agreement, I just think it's always safer to assume that someone somewhere is taking a little for themselves. Who says some of those green companies won't misspend some of the money.
There's still the $100 Bn dollar pledge
LOL fuck John Oliver, dude had his face licking Clinton's asshole. Go back you reddit fucking piece of shit.
There is no official repercussions for not paying up the money either, like I said none of it was legally binding in any way, but other countries would definitely care.
>Truth is all of those repercussions are just as possible from pulling out of the agreement.
Jesus, you sound European. Why are you on a proxy pretending to be American? American taxpayers would have been paying developing nations, "binding" or "non-binding" regardless, over 100 billion dollars.
Go fuck yourself European.
Probably funding more breeding camps for subhumans to accelerate the extinction of Humanity.
All I was doing was explaining the consequences you dense fuck. Pulling out of the agreement pissed other countries off. That's an objective statement you retard.
President Mufasa's swiss bank account.
The paper has an accompanying timetable chart, which has an expected date to actually come up with how the money will be used to help "clean pollution and shiet." The fact that you have to agree to it before any of this is given a concrete plan of action/fully lined budget is preposterous.
The money goes to NGOs who will "help" places like africa.
In other words (((them))).
12oz mouse was ok
The only post I can agree with 100% on Sup Forums
Yeah fucking right
Even if it did all go directly to companies that develop and produce the technologies, who do you think owns the companies and manages their budgets?
How many massive corporate scandals involving Jews reporting false expenses to embezzle money have to occur before you gaywads realize what's going on