What is "race", Sup Forums?

What is "race", Sup Forums?

Disprove 99.9% of all science.

>We discuss the relevance of these findings to the application of biological race concepts to humans. Four different race concepts are considered: typological, population, taxonomic, and lineage. Surprisingly, a great deal of genetic variation within groups is consistent with each of these concepts. However, none of the race concepts is compatible with the patterns of variation revealed by our analyses.

Jeffrey C. Long and Rick A. Kittles, Human Genetic Diversity and the Nonexistence of Biological Races, 2003 Wayne State University Press, Detroit, Michigan

>'Moreover, since genetic evolution can occur through both the mixture of different genes and the mutation of the same gene over generations, the traits associated with races cannot be attributed to discrete lines of genetic descent, since the dark skin and curly hair of one individual may result from genetic mixture while the same traits in another individual may result from genetic mutation (Bernasconi and Lott 2000, 100–107). Montagu’s efforts eventually resulted in the publication of an official statement denying the biological foundations of race by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 1950, although it would take until 1996 for the American Association of Physical Anthropologists (AAPA) to publish a similar document (Brace 2005, 239).'

Brace, C. L., 2005, Race is a Four-Letter Word, New York: Oxford University Press.

Or, you know, find a picture of a unargumented one liner and use that as an argument.
>Hurr durr this turtle is a diffrent race but this isn't? science btfo amirite?
>inb4 cuck libtard
>inb4 belgium so

Give me something decent, argumented, fresh. Change my mind.

Other urls found in this thread:


wow the UN and some nigger community college both agree race doesn't exist
they also both think the black race deserves reparations


Really activates my almonds. No such thing as race, but whites are evil.

It's a convenient way to group people based on ancestry.

Are you retarded? How did you not know that?




What's that?

>nigger community college

Oxford University

You're not arguing in good faith if you're going to pretend you don't know what that means.


I don't, would you explain it to me, please?

Also: when you say 'group people', you mean that there are certain variables that determine whether you're a part of one group or another?

Yeah, link to actual article please? I'd like to check these sources.

Interesting view, though.


Because ... arguments?

Do you think this line of reasoning is going to convince anyone? You're trying to get me to bite so you can engage in sophistry.

Race exists because we say it exists. It doesn't map 1:1 to any biological concept, but it's still broadly useful socially and sometimes medically. Denying this because you can spend hours deconstructing the language someone uses to explain it doesn't mean it's not useful or valid. You sound like a teenager who learned he can "win" arguments by never granting anything the other person says.

Race is basically a short-hand term for group patterns of genetic clustering which arise through allele selection via common descent.

It's actually fairly simple. It only becomes complicated if you sperg out about it and try to play the role of some third-rate Socrates constantly asking "why? why? why?"

You know why.


Africans have no Neanderthal ancestry.
Europeans do.
That makes us a different species.

under some of the image there's a link.

>Also: when you say 'group people', you mean that there are certain variables that determine whether you're a part of one group or another?

search: taxonomy

A race is when 2 people who look alike have a child that look like them

> You sound like a teenager who learned he can "win" arguments by never granting anything the other person says.
Ad hominem + implying one can win arguments

>Race exists because we say it exists
>It doesn't map 1:1 to any biological concept, but it's still broadly useful socially and sometimes medically.
How is it useful socially? Skin colour has almost no effect as a variable compared to income (of the individual an neighborhood).

>implying we don't know pic related's race

>a population within a species that is distinct in some way, especially a subspecies
Study is saying Fst for their data doesn't match certain race concepts. All that means is that Fst and race aren't the same thing.
>a great deal of genetic variation within groups is consistent with each of these concepts
But they almost are.

>Change my mind.
what do you think race is?

Savage reply..
gg OP

>genes can change so there is no basis for different classifications between genetic organisms.

Ok, I'll just start classifying OP as a weasel then, as he is probably just a weasel who randomly mutated to post like a dumb human (a.k.a. a belgian)

>traits associated with races cannot be attributed to discrete lines of genetic descent

you can just tell this is an elaborate explanation why the white wife of one of these white cucks had a black kid pop out, can't you?

>Race is basically a short-hand term for group patterns of genetic clustering

Genetic clustering? So there's a handful of genes that defines what race one is? Which genes are this?

0.8 of adults IQ is due to the heritability of their genes (note that this is the same as height which is accepted by all mainstream science).

Here is a study that shows that even child abuse does not lower a persons IQ:

The lead didn't misspeak.

Well we aren't talking about skin color, we're talking about race. As for race:

>How is it useful socially?
Safety for one. You can look at how black an area is to reliably avoid the most violent neighborhoods in America. You can't choose to live in a high income area if you're poor, but you can choose to avoid a black area to avoid the most dysfunction. I'm willing to bet you'd do this too if you had ever been to an american city.

Another: people like to group together with people most genetically similar to them. "Race" gives us a word to describe the way these people generally group.



So if I'm really skinny and make a baby with a skinny woman, that means that that skinny baby would define our race?

>what do you think race is?
I came here to ask a question. Why would you think i'd ask a question when i know the answer?

Something like 2% of non-African's DNA can be traced back to Neanderthals.

It has potentially important implications:

No single trait can identify you as a part of a group. Combinations of traits are the best clues to someone's race. You can compare it to the frequency the traits show up in the populations of common ancestry we normally refer to as "race".

>slanted eyes
>silky dark hair
>light skin
>flat face with low nose bridge
>slight build

Everyone on Sup Forums can guess which racial group this person would belong to.

Again though, you're playing dumb. You want to sit here and challenge obvious concepts over and over, hoping we'll eventually be exhausted at which point you'll say SEE U CANT EXPLAIN IT IT DOESNT EXIST. Most disingenuous leftists stopped doing this around 5 years ago (it interferes with their social justice agenda), I'm surprised you're still trying it. It's not even an entertaining troll and frankly you don't seem smart enough to pull it off.

You said change your mind. Implies you have some idea instead of just being a dishonest question dodging sophist faggot.
Gave you the benefit of the doubt and everything.