What is "race", Sup Forums?
Disprove 99.9% of all science.
>We discuss the relevance of these findings to the application of biological race concepts to humans. Four different race concepts are considered: typological, population, taxonomic, and lineage. Surprisingly, a great deal of genetic variation within groups is consistent with each of these concepts. However, none of the race concepts is compatible with the patterns of variation revealed by our analyses.
Jeffrey C. Long and Rick A. Kittles, Human Genetic Diversity and the Nonexistence of Biological Races, 2003 Wayne State University Press, Detroit, Michigan
>'Moreover, since genetic evolution can occur through both the mixture of different genes and the mutation of the same gene over generations, the traits associated with races cannot be attributed to discrete lines of genetic descent, since the dark skin and curly hair of one individual may result from genetic mixture while the same traits in another individual may result from genetic mutation (Bernasconi and Lott 2000, 100–107). Montagu’s efforts eventually resulted in the publication of an official statement denying the biological foundations of race by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 1950, although it would take until 1996 for the American Association of Physical Anthropologists (AAPA) to publish a similar document (Brace 2005, 239).'
Brace, C. L., 2005, Race is a Four-Letter Word, New York: Oxford University Press.
Or, you know, find a picture of a unargumented one liner and use that as an argument.
>Hurr durr this turtle is a diffrent race but this isn't? science btfo amirite?
>inb4 cuck libtard
>inb4 belgium so
Give me something decent, argumented, fresh. Change my mind.