Before you start your memes on how we are subhuman turkish sperm you should understand that people seem to mistake us for Kosovans.
They come to our beaches, shit , and cover it with sand while eating fried peppers and bread.
They put their asses on Instagram and when it comes to ramadan they start wearing their curtains.
I swear i cannot understand what they are saying, their language is a morph of Slavic Accent.
We are understanding by the minute that we are not the same. Our leaders (when speaking in a International voice) keep urging that we should not be taken for an Islamic State and they themselves are converting to Christianity. I personally come from the catholic north and a city that is 90% catholic and maybe I have yet to see the true faces of the ISLAMIC NIGGERS.
We are 58% Islamic and we have other religions too, and even those islamic people do not pray facing the west or go to a mosque but maybe for some.
Continue posting #notallalbanians but i had to say it.... i know you simply dont give two fucks but stop watching "Taken" on repeat.
An Albanians Redpill About Albania
however im not implying that we are saints.
Just accept you are our children
i always wondered how do you feel about those millions of albs u have in turkey?
We love them and they love us, they also consider themselves as turks with albanian origins. No problems
This got 500k views and Albanians uploaded it 3 days ago for ramadan
>Redpill on Albania
How about all those millions upon millions of Syrians?
as i said thats kosovo singer, did you read my text
They are hated and bullied, turkmens are loved and accepted
Why are they hated and bullied? Do they shit up the streets and start shit?
>Basically, act like niggers?
Kek. We hate everybody, syrians are just an excuse, if they weren't in turkey we would keep hating each other too
Don't bully small and qt Kosova
Your a disgusting loser licking the ass of people you dont know trying to distance yourself from Kosovar Albanians. Northerners are older and more homogenous than southerners so you should have some fucking respect. The language has retained its older features better in the Gheg dialect than in the greek-italo asslicker Tosk dialect. You are a filthy shit
even we know that you're different from kosovars, and most people don't really hate you, they only hate kosovar scum
and so my hopes die. you know what. just start genociding us, this is why were shit.
This but he is a malok nga Malesia qe u lepihet malazezve
what about Dağ Yahudileri Telman Ismailov?
Thanks based Serb. Actually believe me or not here in the north we like you very much
i bet you browse 9gag. Tell me one good thing muslims did in our country? Why do we study the works of catholic priests in schools? because they countributed,
are you from mirdita district? i know we had very good relations with them during balkan wars and ww1. they were only (catholic) tribe that supported us
Burn down all mosques, churches for all I care. I just can't stand worm asslickers like you
Anyone turkic welcome even if it's a shekel
no im from the highlands, also great relation,. when you started to rape our muslims, you didnt touch us,
it seems to me that you are the kosovar ass licker here
Islam is shit. That doesn't mean you get to rail on northerners
based religion hjaters they are ///
good to know that there are others who liked us too
desu i didn't read much on history but i know that we lived peacefully with catholic highlanders since the beginning. especially in montenegro
I'm writing from prishtina, i'm a kosovo albanian
*catholic and orthodox
Albanian here and OP is a faggot. Southern Albanians are midget Turk-looking retards meanwhile Gheg Masterrace are tall and white. Anyway in a few years of mixing Albanians will dilute Kosovo and FYROMians into their identity and they'll give up their retarded "muhhh muslim heritage" crap once they grow more nationalistic.
then you didnt read my text denouncing any albanian having to do anything with kosovo.
I knew you werent albanian
>I personally come from the North
*A gang of wild Albos appear*
Oh gosh,even Albos can't communicate with other Albos properly.
They are our people with another religion that need to leave religion behind like us. Ti u lepihesh serbeve me keq se myslimanet turqve
Kosovars are not Gheg masterace, The northern gheg masterace is slavian and just by looking at them you can understand. Not every gheg is masterrace cause i live with them
>good to know that there are others who liked us too
Not sure how aware you are but in Tirana maloks like him are despised for acting like gypsies despite being Catholic
im not licking anyone lad. I just thought people should know. better to lick catholics than niggers
What the fuck is this shit.
She moans and acts like a whore, speaks poor nigger tier english and then its just heavily edited.
What the fuck.
Really funny op. Its funny how Catholics make the most crimes in Albania. Its funny how blood feuds are only done by Catholics. And its funny how Albanian based Catholic writers of the past never, and I mean NEVER EVER wrote anything bad against their Muslim compatriots.
nah not really,they are alot of mountains in albania and funny how the mounteneers rule the country hmmm, makes me think.
Read up about Kosovar albanians being the most homogenous as well as distinct compared to you bootlickers
I have no quarrel with my Catholic brothers and sisters in Albania.
After all Skenderbeg was a Catholic and valiantly defended his homeland against the Turks.
In fact i pity you for having to live with mudslimes.
Hey Albania, how safe is your country? Say I take a bike trip alone through your countryside, would I come back alive and with my motorcycle intact? I heard your country has beautiful nature, amazing food, cheap as fuck, some say people are kind and nice, others that you're a bunch of monkeys. How would a young, solo, white as milk Croatian be accepted down there? Also what language is used in Albania? Do you guys understand Croatian/Bosnian/Serbian and English or German? Memes aside, I never hated Albania and I'd like to visit it
That's the proof that Albanians aren't rotten to the core, at least not originally.
Those descendants from the one who escaped Ottoman submission and were welcomed to Sicily actually managed to give some good input to the society in which they were ingrained.
north has valley mountains, south has crystal beaches but they rip you off,
>im not licking anyone lad
>s-serb bros let's kill them filthy kosovars
is the same as muslims saying
>t-turk bros let's kill catholics
Same disgusting thoughts
Look at YouTube cycling through Albania. Its pretty safe. And on your journey you might find Dutch or Polish which are also really keen on cycling here
Po flas per ju te malesis qe akoma kene vrasje me gjak
islam is a degenerate culture. Once it is cleansed things will get better. Just like how america went full degenerate within 2 generations with the same overall genetic stock that produced a lot of greatness
hell yeah for the blood feuds, if some not catholic touches my doughter, i sure as hell will kill him. This is how we survived in a nigger country
go theth if you want mountans and there is swimming also
Ky është bythëplasur se Sup Forumsanët e tallin.
>Ueee ueee mos m'tall Sup Forums, un I kam zët Kosovart. A m'do tani pol?
Shko shitja vajzen me lek serbit per 5000 euro kte bej
S'ka ndryshim mes teje dhe një islamiku pra
>start criticizing Albos,
>they start throwing out of topic hate at me
>this is why we need cleansing
Ky eshte ai injoranti qe kishte hapur grup nazi me malazez
>this is why we need cleansing
We need to cleanse rats like you first
non catholic calling me rat
>probably never goes to church
>larps as Catholic here
i want to buy a kidney guys
u are a based albro. I bet if catholic albanian would have inhabitated kosovo there wouldnt be big problems with serbs.
Nuk kam nivel aq te ulet sa ti te besoj ne njerez te virgjer qe pjellin femije. Pa me thuaj, nuk jeni ju ata qe u shesin femijet serbeve me leke njesoj si jevgjit?
ask my kosovan friends here
>I bet if catholic albanian would have inhabitated kosovo there wouldnt be big problems with serbs.
Look at Croatia
Wow, that looks amazing, I am definitely going there when I go to Albania. Is pickpocketing and assaulting tourists common in Albania or I'll be safe as long as I keep quiet and don't stir up some trouble?
why are you not saying this in english, you think theyll spot you kosovan. Mendon se sdi shqip vet, puna sht me na nigju te tjert se sa te vdekun jeni o turq
who the fuck is gonna pickpocket you? youre not richer, and obviously a tourist going to albania and not some other country is gonna be poor af
Kosovars on average are more stupid, like a lot more. I have found them unberable despite telling myself it's just culture.
But give them a couple of years, they will come around.
Nuk jam nga Kosova, malok i felliqur. Flas shqip se ashtu dua ti fol serbisht me malazezet po deshe
Hm. Be aware of gypsies for pickpocketing. As for assault, unless you flirt with someones girlfriend or sister you should be fine.
Du me fol gjuhën time. Unë I du njerzt e mi pa dallim feje, visit ose gjinie. Feja e shqiptarit a shqiptaria
i think youre taking the topic of this thread too far , read it again
Ndoshta ke te drejte, por shumica jan thjesht shume te trash ja qija jeten
If you want to go south then Dhermi is a nice beach:
it wasn't religious conflict though
do you read ? maybe you should look at my thread details
Thank you OP, I fucking hate when people identify me with Kosovars, they give our country a bad name and deserve possibly the deepest cleansing from the Serbs.
Ne Jena një vend muti, në një ujdhesë muti, me fqinj muti.Edhe unë jam për marrdhënie të Mira me serbt, po kurrë sdo pështyja vllezrit e mi per kyt gjë
what's your religion?
Neither in Kosovo. This retard has been brainwashed so hard by Sup Forums that he just wants to be patted in the head
Kosovo was?
Still whiter than you Tyrone
I was baptized a Catholic but im leaning agnostic now from scienz n shit.
stfu dont speak to father america
it wasn't, religion does have nothing to do with someone acting like a typical kosovar
This. It was a racial one. Humans vs. Neanderthals :^)
Po cu qi ropt serbeve, te marrim ato toka qe duhet ti kishim edhe varu lesht serbeve. Po deshen te na duan po sdeshen sna prish pune
>Edhe unë jam për marrdhënie të Mira me serbt, po kurrë sdo pështyja vllezrit e mi per kyt gjë
Une nuk i urrej serbet por para shqiptareve nuk i ve ata
Unless he is Donald Trump he doesn't represent shit
donal trjumpi
its not a matter of not caring if serbs love us or not, is a matter if balkan slavs will fuck us after nato is gone or not. Change or face the cleansing
Because Yugoslavia kept it as a shitty region. I have heard Serbians despise Kosovo Serbs and think of them as the most redneck retards of Serbia. Despite being full of resources, Kosovo was really bad.
is it safe to drive through kosovo?
hahha, ka fitu Trapi zgjiedhjet presidencjale
Relax, we are our own nation. What others think of us never really mattered.