Red pill me on Holocaust
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Not enough people died in it
Here newfag. Watch this:
Numbers are a lie
All the torture and holocoasters are a lie
Jews lie
My grandfather told me in details. only he and his sister survived. my other grandpa was the only one from his family to survive (He died before I was born but I'm sure it's the truth)
lolocoaster happened goy, never forget gorrilionz
Numbers were vastly exaggerated
Zyklon B was used for delousing, not gassing
The famous "shower" at Auschwitz is literally just a shower
The Nazis likely killed more Russian POWs than Jews
Pretty much.
How would you explain Jasenovac? Just a genuine question, I'm interested in your opinion.
It happened, but some Jews exaggerated some aspects of it.
PC doesn't allow for proper, falsifiable research.
oh god i cannot wait for iran to develop a nucler bomb and drops it on your fucking country
mainly unbiased video about it
>said the jew
Everything about the lolocaust is true.
Especially the masturbation machines.
The evil Nazis used to hook up boys to the masturbation machines and masturbate them to death.
Oy vey!
way less casualties, done by ustase, not germans. Ustase were worst pieces of shit
> During the first year and a half, thousands of Polish Jews as well as some Romani people from smaller towns and the countryside were brought into the Ghetto. Nevertheless, the typhus epidemics and starvation kept the inhabitants at about the same number.[35] An average daily food ration in 1941 for Jews in Warsaw was limited to 184 calories, compared to 699 calories allowed for the gentile Poles and 2,613 calories for the Germans.[36] In August, the rations fell to 177 calories per person. The Holocaust Encyclopedia informs that a food intake of less than 1,000 calories per day could lead to death in a matter of weeks.
>184 calories
Jews confirmed for never making it brehs
It was fake
I'm truly sorry for your loss, user.
Thank you but I didn't know any of them
but they're real in your mind, right?
>gentile poles
>wikipedia article using the word gentile in a neutral way
why the fuck wouldn't they write non-jewish or just poles
>Your grandfather told you in detail, yet you didn't know any of them.
Ok Schlomo, ok I'll take your word for it.
Fuck off kike
Your history maybe...
Not mine
It goes great with a side of bacon
>definitely no lies about it were made about it
>no exaggerations
>no Allied propaganda
>Auschwitz with it's PERFECT design was made to gas jews
Mmmmm no.
Did not suggest so.
most of these dumbos on Sup Forums havent even heard about Jasenovac. They just know about Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Dachau, Belsen, and maybe the slightly smarter ones Treblinka and Majdanek
"Holocaust is hoax" deprogramming crash course 1/4
"Holocaust is hoax" deprogramming crash course 2/4
checkum. that means I'm on to something.
"Holocaust is hoax" deprogramming crash course 3/4
"Holocaust is hoax" deprogramming crash course 4/4
see you goys on my blog: imgur.com/a/725A7
>nowadays after cremation there are bones left
>when all tissues except bones are burnt the bones are placed into a pulverizer and grinded into powder
>powder is mixed with ashes and s put into urns
Question: where are the nazi bone grinders or where are the bones?
If the holocaust really happened, a Europe freed of Jewish influence would have experienced its longest known period of prosperity and peace
Oh wait
>Nobody claims that six million bodies were incinerated
>Many millions of bodies, however, were incinerated
Even incinerating 1 million bodies take a long time.
What an incredible source, two whole uncited posts fuck I hate jews and love nazis now.
I did not know them personally
Pretty hard to get told in details then, eh old chap?
>just believe my russian propaganda, k?
what's a holokaust?