Galway mosque attack

>B-b-but muh children!
Who the fuck makes their kids pray at 11:20 at night?

Other urls found in this thread:

A broken window? such devastation.

>Who the fuck makes their kids pray at midnight?

Where are the kids?

Which one of you feckers did it?

Probably some poles

Haha had some Muslim cunt complaining about 'islamophobia' in wales too because another muslim cunt got told to fuck off by some welsh dude. Naturally the coward muslim muppet ran off to cry to the media like the little faggot he is. Got to laugh at these so called conquers. Act hard around women and children but won't even look a real brit man in the eyes. I fucking despise them.

Based drunks. Remove kebab.

>tfw Poles were the only people willing to stand up for the Irish during the Pediga rally
We don't even wanna defend ourselves, it's disheartening.

Good, fuck Muslims. The Irish can home make their bombs better than anyone. Clearly superior in everyway. But this is not good enough. The streets must flow with blood and Muslims and their children must hang from streetlights. q

looks like elderly people to me you retard.

Remove ALL kebabs. #DayOfTheRope

Probably poles and not poratoniggers

it was probably people from 9gag and reddit. racists...

>not drunks

Lone Star


stupid muslim, kids are asleep for midnight mass because Santas coming

You dumb faggots, stop laughing.

This attack was a false flag by ISIS to make it seem like the muslims in Ireland are being discriminated against.

Lol it's all foreigners posting. Irish lads are at work.

In Soviet Ireland you attack Muslims

>where are the kids?
Sweating, under the pulpit.

I'm stockpiling fertilizer. 1916 will commence again!

but they should be, it has to get worse before it gets better

>Mr Ahmad Noonan has appealed to the rest of the Irish public not to attack other mosques in retaliation to the London attacks.
>“I believe that this was a direct backlash on our community as a result of the weekend and I am fearful that more attacks will come which could be worse.
>People were anxious to leave the building last night after the attack took place. We are now reassessing the situation for the next few days as we might encourage women and children to pray at home to protect their safety in case of further attack.

>attack attack attack

So when muslims attack non-muslims, the shoot, stab, explode, killing dozens and even themselves, shutting down city centres and transport systems.

When non-muslims attack muslims, a couple of windows get broken or someone says something "mean" and "Islamophobic."

Really mashes your potatoes.

For the record, I don't condone any acts of violence against anyone and cowardly vandalism doesn't help. We must defeat Islam through education and information, evidence and facts.

Dumping Limerick pics.






First windows, soon skulls. Witness them

Go back to your videogames.

Limerick is fucking shite



We must defeat Islam by the fucking sword. Take your pussy shit and leave.


false flag

Hey Imam, watcha doin'?

>hearts and minds
Good luck with that

Ireland getting jealous that someone else is blowing up the UK other than them.

>Ahmad Noonan

Why does some muzrat have an irish surname

I long for the good ole days when you guys would collaborate with Loyalists to shoot innocent Catholics and in retaliation we'd set off bombs that we totally didn't intend to kill civilians with.

He's a convert from Catholicism

Calm down, baby. You'll pee yourself.

Inciting violence is a criminal offence in Ireland. I shall forward this thread to the relevant authorities.

Cry harder pussy.

>Why does some muzrat have an irish surname

Obviously a convert.

Anyone down for hurling a petrol bomb through the window of Clonskeagh?

Might follow your man Halawa about and batter him about the head with a hurl. He'll soon find out what it means to play for county.

Islamophophia is part and parcel of living in a multicultural society and is simply something they need to learn to live with

This used to be an Irish family owned small butchers. Then the muslims started to take over Parnell Street. Notice the words BACON and PORK scrubbed out.

Islamisation is real.

Why is there a single fucking mosque in Ireland?


I'm glad they're terrified, and they have zero business in the homeland of the Irish people.

Because we keep letting them in and they breed like rats.

Ireland's first Islamic Clothing Store opens in Limerick

40% of students at CBS (Christian Brothers School) in Limerick city centre are muslim

Limerick school apologises for Charlie Hebdo in classroom

Limerickman attacks Paki Kebab takeaway

Limerick leftists celebrate cultural destruction of Limerick with "inspiring muslim girl" story

Muslim teens in Ireland hate the west

Embrace multiculturalism, potato niggers

Limerick city Muslim community centre set for major expansion

Sunday World reporter dons political Islamist attire to prove Limerick people are "racist"

Radical Islamists Infiltrate Limerick Asylum Centre

There has always been a small clan of Moor traders who have lived in the south of Ireland for generations

they replace the host culture with thier own. This is why "multiculturalism" is a lie.

he should be hung

Well obviously we need a bit of multiculturalism to catch up with the rest of Europe. Islam grew by 30% here in the space of 5 years.

I can't wait until Dublin starts having knife attacks, sharia patrols and bombings.

>I'm glad they're terrified

They're not. That's just the media narrative. They need those victim points and Islamophobia laws.

>Ireland has integration minister
>says we must prevent muslim ghettos
>muslim ghettos already appearing in Limerick

Good job, lads.

My grandfather said that he knew ireland was done for when they put a Zionist Jew in charge of Irish defense abd immigration


To prove you dont hate jews?

well - fuckin jews hate you, hate an Irish ethnostate as they support killing Palestinians to make one for Jews.

No one killed him?


Who is allowing this shit? Ireland has a very small population - only 4 million.
They run the risk of becoming a minority in their own homeland within our lifetime.

Here's hoping some Based Poles take over your country.



No there hasn't, shekelberg

>Who is allowing this shit?
The people who want to replicate everything that happens in America or Britain, the people who think abortion is a right and that Catholicism is evil (but as we all know Islam is a religion of peace).

The great thing about being behind Europe 15-20 years means we get to see what's caused you faggots hassle. We're already seeing a toughening of the stance against immigration and "multiculturalism". We don't have to learn the lessons the hard way ourselves.

The pendulum will swing to the right, le cunamh Dé.

So basically it's just Poland and Hungary that aren't getting enriched?

>Who is allowing this shit?

The government, though officially they report low numbers of muslims, they don't take ito account all the illegals. they also don't take into account their birth rates compared to ethnic Irish. We will be replaced quickly.

This article is from 2015 when a lot of muslims started arriving in high numbers with fake passports and documentation. How many have fallen through the cracks since then?

>Who the fuck makes their kids pray at 11:20 at night?
normal healthy people

who goes around beating innocents?

>So basically it's just Poland and Hungary that aren't getting enriched?

It wasn't this bad here even a year ago. Now the muslims are everywhere, and more worryingly, many appear to be Islamist, abayas, beards and full face veil niqabs. Its shocking how quickly this has happened.

Even the Irish are pissed off that a Muslim that lived in Dublin for 18 months with his fat white Scottish wife used his EU ID card to get easy access to the UK.
This is probably another false flag though probably to corrupt the Irish whiteness even further with calls for more non whites.
Romanian business owner formed a small militia of Romanians that worked at his place in London to defend Brits that were cowering in the shop during the recent London attack. They were carrying table legs,knives and using bar stools as shields.

I can only imagine how Vlad Tepes they would become if they got a hold of the 3 men before the police did.

>who goes around beating innocents?

No innocent people were beaten. Some windows were broken in an act of vandalism. Can't tell if you're muslim or just another French cuckold.

No, you either kill the batman or you get captured by him.

>This is probably another false flag
It doesn't even matter if it is, the ones who don't like Muzzies are going to see it as a necessary step and the ones who are Muzzie apologists are going to see it as an awful attack on the poor cratures.


Daily reminder. Irelands next PM is a Homosexual mixed race man of Indian paternal descent to a native Irish woman who met in Leicester,England which the lefties like to call "the most multicultural city in the UK".

>Inciting violence is a criminal offence.
As is violence, I guess, but that won't stop a killer though, so telling people to kill the killer might be a crime but sometimes you have to do a little crime if you want to save a little time.


who goes around blowing up innocents? muslims right?

The noose is tightening around my neck.

Fucking brilliant



I thought Ireland was not muslimfied


Whatcha doin there Mohammad?

It's not as bad as Luton, Bradford or Birmingham, but we're on our way.

the IRA as well

They're about 1.7% of the population but they cluster into 2-3 areas rather than being spread out.

You can't walk down Dublin without one of them accosting you and begging for money.


>I feel this was a deliberate attack
>I believe.. blah blah, etc.

Whatcha doin Ahmed?

Eat shit, frog.


IRA is easily justified tho

Blowing up people for some sandnigger god? lmao no fuck off

That filthy Yid did more harm to Ireland than the British have done in recent times.


The Irish just want to protect their pretty little Galway girls.

Since when did the IRA blow up a children's concert, Mohammad?

>white terrorism is justified

as expected from crackers

They blew up pan am flight 103