WASHINGTON — Just days after launching a new political action committee, former Democratic Vice President Joe Biden will join Republican officials and donors at a weekend retreat hosted by former GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney.
WASHINGTON — Just days after launching a new political action committee, former Democratic Vice President Joe Biden will join Republican officials and donors at a weekend retreat hosted by former GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney.
>Romney, McCain, and Paul Ryan
Implying they are Republicans
>Romney, Ryan, & McCain remind GOP voters again how deep the well of their treachery is
I see nothing wrong with this.
The pussy tape leaker hasnt been ran out kd town yet so he organizes hese swamp meetings.
They actually are republicans. They're just not conservative and pro-downsizing of government. You have it backwards my friend
Republicunts are such beta cucks.
McCain is just the worst of them. I can't believe I ever enthusiastically voted Republican.
>they are Republicans
>they are not pro-downsizing of government
Paul Ryan finally clearly shows his true colors. A man is revealed by the company that he keeps.
They are the reason I had to vote for Obama, McCain is traitor scum, and Romney is a gun grabbing shitbag. Thank god TRUMP. came along or McCains buddy Hillary would be president
The company you keep
how nice they will all be together, only need to use one drone
you're right
republicans are just the same side of the shit coin
Mcain, Bill Kristal, Lindsay Graham et all will be hung on the day of the rope
>neo cons
Who cares about Joe Biden and that summit. They're all corrupt RINOs or neo-cons. Doesn't really even warrant a discussion in the first place here on Sup Forums.
What is important about your post is that picture of McCain. It's like a lightbulb just went on—the man is a crypto-jew.
>short neck
>wide jaw
>drooping nose
Why hasn't Sup Forums discussed this possibility? He's at least 40% Jewish. McCaine was the first Jew to ever run as a major party candidate for president.
you forgot
I was just describing the outward physical characteristics of McCain, that and other sociopaths traits also do count toward his Jewishness I suppose.
Alex Jones will be ranting and raving about this shit for weeks.