

>Pres Trump announces Air Traffic Control reform 6/5/17
>VP Pence w/women entrepreneurs 6/5/17
>UN Amb Haley adopts UNSC Res 2356 on Best Corea 6/5/17
>Pres Trump @ Fords Theatre 6/4/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #19 6/2/17
>Pres Trump signs some bills for protecting LEOs 6/2/17
>Pres Trump puts America First 6/2/17
>VP Pence on F&F 6/2/17

Trump Playlist
>Trump SwordDancing to Shadilay
>AF1 Takeoff in the rain
>TrumpWave S P A C E
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico

>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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i love Joe!


Did anyone here actually read the art of the deal?
Im still at page 27 since the election.

I'm hoping they aren't all peices of shit and listen to our complaints.


(Does this meet quality standards expected of this community?)

Bannon and KellyAnne will be gone by August 1st.

Donald Dumbfuck himself will be fighting for his life.

He will step down or go to jail.

I'm laughing. Laughing because all the nasty shut-in pantshitters here thought they'd won a great victory when they elected a fucking sex offender.

Newsflash, sweetie: you don't control this country. We do.

Fuck YES the deep state will continue to knock off his advisors one by one.

Fuck YES the leaks will continue. The second Drumpf says anything to Putin, no matter how mundane, he's over.

Fuck YES the media will lie, distort, and sabotage with him dozens of hit pieces every fucking day.

Fuck YES it will take his approval lower than late W Bush.

Fuck YES the GOP will give Donald Dumbfuck an ultimatum as they see how bad 2018 will be: resign and get a pardon, or face imminent impeachment, removal, and hardcore pounded-up-the-ass prison time.

Fuck NO, there isn't jack shit you can do about it.

There will be no popular uprising like the kind that makes your little Second Amendment dicks hard. No one is putting their life on the line to defend a disgraced sex offender President.

Oh, and sweetie, we're not the least bit concerned about Pence. We know how to deal with Jesus Freaks. See: the HUGE Democratic majority that came after we absolutely wrecked George W. Bush.

Pence will also do as our deep state says. He will be forced to hit Russia HARD. Expect to see Putin ripped apart by angry mobs when his despicable country starts to feel the pinch.

You really fucked up helping them hack an orange toddler into office and thinking we'd do nothing to THROW HIS ASS OUT. You should have let her win. Now, you will suffer.


>Gandhi has denounced you
>Elizabeth has denounced you
>Bismark has denounced you
>Riamkhangheng has denounced you

>I'm hoping they aren't all peices of shit




Can someone give me a QR on the whole Qatar thing?

Tfw Trump relied on MSNBC and especially Morning Joe.

I read it back in high school


and there it is


GTFO, shill

Why do people have a problem with this? He's acknowledging the $1 million loan his dad gave him and the later financial help he gave him when he ran into financial trouble. His dad deserves a lot of credit for his success for the seed money he gave him. He loves his dad.




Secret Joe meetings, where Trump explained to Joe how to be even more Joe.

How much are ya feeling it towards Qatar?

some people pronounce the name of the country "gutter" which is fitting because it's full of sewage


> Newsflash, sweetie: you don't control this country. We do.
I miss Bessposting

Gulf nations and some other joined in cutting ties with them for simultaneously supporting terrorism, plots and groups to overthrow them, and Iran. Currently they are not sure of how it will all pan out but it is likely the GCC is dead at the very least and another proxy conflict may break out if things go poorly.

tldr they are shits

the only problem I could see is not having a picture of his wife or kids

Hol on, this can't be all that bad and terrible there can it?

He is such a fucking dishonest, backstabbing, dirty snake

>Riamkhangheng has denounced you

how? It's only like 300 pages long. It shouldn't take you more than ten (10) reading hours

they basically are helping Iran to fund/equip ISIS

They're alive.

I wish they would get hit hard, replaced, and the venue for 2022 would have to change but I have some doubts.

No one is even talking about it anymore and bans were handed out like candy over nothing. Absolute cunts.

it's boring

He doesn't want his office cluttered with shit. If he has to pick ONE personal photo, why can't he pick his dead dad that he attributes his empire to?

>helping Iran to fund/equip ISIS

but Iran is an ally of Syria, and Syria is fighting ISIS

is /sg/, dare I say... btfo?



In the morning, President Donald J. Trump will receive his daily intelligence briefing. The President will then meet with National Security Advisor H. R. McMaster. In the afternoon, the President will meet with House and Senate leadership. The President will then sign a bill. In the evening, the President will have dinner with Members of Congress.

10:00AM THE PRESIDENT receives his daily intelligence briefing

11:00AM THE PRESIDENT meets with National Security Advisor H. R. McMaster

3:00PM THE PRESIDENT meets with House and Senate leadership

4:00PM THE PRESIDENT signs a bill

6:30PM THE PRESIDENT has dinner with Members of Congress

>*Briefing Schedule*

2:00PM Press Briefing with Press Secretary Sean Spicer

how do we gank qatar's clay and start a huwhite ethnostate?

what did he mean by this

sure he hates trump,
but free food IS free food...

That isn't possible. Your best chance was some clay in Africa or an island but our shit got jacked by retards and ecelebs.

But I thought Iran was full of shia muslims. Doesn't ISIS hate them, considering they're sunni, and vice versa?

Bess got shoaed by the president himself so this meme might as well be dead


>out of town
>out of country
>build plamo

looks like reading serious stuff is low on my priority even internation jew by henry ford im stuck at page 11

Wish I could speed read.

yeah in my mind the father son bond should be stronger than husband/wife. you should be able to go to your dad for the deepest darkest shit in your life with being able to go to wifey a bit less so (blood > marriage)

Saudis gave him money, now Trump has given them a free pass to do anything in the name of terror.

Trump is ending the age of the mudshits doing what they like.
Don't you mean head slamming?

>siding with saudis
Is this what Sup Forums has become?

That doesn't mean they would aid and support sympathetic or advantageous sunni causes to damage their enemies, just like the US has supported shitty causes that fuck up enemies.

>If he has to pick ONE personal photo
why would it have to be ONE single photo? adding a second frame to that empty space next to the picture wouldn't be an undue burden and would help him reflect on not only the past and what helped mold him into who he is but also the future and who he's fixing the country for

The Art of the Deal. I suggest you read it if you're going to do more than just lurk

I'm just here for the happenings, vlad

We hate both, you are a fool if you think the UK and US haven't had Saudis on their side since WW2.

The Saudi state was created specifically due to their sympathy for western causes.



100% agree. They spent more time together than anybody in his life ever. You can see countless photos of them together. They were together non-stop

Moms and daughters typically have a similar relationship. My mom puts up a photo and it's not of any of her three children or anybody else. She puts up a photo of her mom.


get the audio book

it's just very sad, his dad clearly meant a lot to him

Joe is Joe.

Iran funds Hezbollah, not ISIS, you dumb cunt.
It's more like "Stop funding the wrong terrorists, you are supposed to fund Isis, not Iranian militants" t: Saudis

>yfw trump is the criss angel of the political theater


the absolute state of nu-pol

>RIYADH: A ban on Qatari flights imposed by Saudi Arabia and its allies took effect on Tuesday (Jun 6) as first efforts were made to resolve the biggest feud to hit the Arab world in years.

>The Gulf states and Egypt banned all flights to and from Qatar and ordered Qatari citizens to leave within 14 days.

>Doha's Hamad International Airport was virtually deserted early on Tuesday. More than 30 flights were shown cancelled on airport television screens and the departures hall was eerily quiet.

>In one store queues were up to 25-people deep as shoppers piled trolleys high with supplies from rice to nappies. "It's a cycle of panic and I needed to get pasta," said Ernest, a Lebanese national pushing two trolleys.

>Turkey, which has good relations with Qatar and other Gulf states, also offered to help and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan late on Monday spoke to the emirs of Qatar and Kuwait and to Saudi King Salman.


There he is! The Macedonian meme farmer!

Most lefties have father issues so to love your dad is to be LITERALLY HITLER

A mayor has no authority to try and demand a world leader's visit somewhere be cancelled. Khan's going to embarrass himself until he's ejected from his office.

Muslim Brotherhood will be designated a terrorist organization within two weeks. Get ready for the immense tears.

What bill is being signed today

>Iran to fund/equip ISIS

Such actions do seem to be particularly risky when you're supporting adversarial groups that commit most of their horrible acts in a country that neighbours your own, but I suppose you're right. (((Dark forces))) seem to be at play yet again.

Where's all the protests against this flight ban?

/below 70iq general/


To repost a few lines on this subject from a couple of days ago:

Qatar will for sure the one of the pieces at the board that will change hands (in the whole region realpolitik alignment). Qatar was supposed to be the biggest beneficiaries of the Arab Spring as they are largest financiers of the Muslim Brotherhood and their media arm: Al Jazeera

They also were allies of convenience of the Saudis as those subscribe to a much less taqqyia way to spread their power: Wahhabism and Al Arabiya

Obama was the glue holding those together but, even then, they were always getting on each other faces with, for instance in Syria, Qatar sponsoring groups more aligned with Muslim Brotherhood while the Saudi, alQaeda linked jihadis

Just look at any attempt of the "opposition" to Bashar to form a coherent war room: it always failed on these exact lines

Enter Trump: not the least interested in any part of Syrian conflict other than helping the Kurds to take Raqqa and eastern provinces and push ISIS back to Iraq while starving the whole western front of """moderate rebels""" of any support, logistic or otherwise. Saudis saw the writing on the wall and, as their whole stich was destabilizing the region to have their wahhabis to seek power by force, reluctantly bowed out and started playing ball

Qatar on the other hand: they want to spread the "Morsi" model, Soros and Qatar backed "peaceful" revolution followed by transition of power to their more "refined" politicians that will enact their sharia legislation via s change in the constitution instead of via sword in the streets. They don't benefit from staying on Trump's America zone of influence anymore as Trump wants nothing with Obama old pals

tl;dr: Soros / Qatar and their ilk won't benefit from Trump's admin and will likely turn their media wing then their "peaceful" protesters against America.

For the record: I'm OK with Assad and against any attempt of alliance with any moor country, Iran or Saudi, same shit.

the lunch bill


*sells weapons to saudi arabia*

Morning /ptg/.

>US-backed fighters broke into the city of Raqa on Tuesday (Jun 6) as they launched a final assault to drive the Islamic State group from its de facto Syrian capital.

>The attack on the northern city at the heart of IS's Syrian territory has been seven months in the making and is backed by air support, military advisers and weapons deliveries from the US-led coalition.

>"Our forces entered the city of Raqa from the eastern district of Al-Meshleb," SDF commander Rojda Felat told AFP, adding that clashes were also raging on the city's northern outskirts.

>Warning the fight would be "long and difficult," Townsend framed the offensive as part of a greater struggle against IS, which has claimed attacks in many countries including last month's deadly bombing in Manchester.

>"With the international coalition's warplanes and the state-of-the-art weapons they provided to us, we will seize Raqa from Daesh," Sello told AFP, using an Arabic acronym for IS.

>"Yesterday, my staff reported to me that bodies of murdered Iraqi men, women and children still lay on the streets of the al-Shira neighbourhood of western Mosul, after at least 163 people were shot and killed by Daesh to prevent them from fleeing," he said.

*criticizes london mayor for not stopping terror*

Qatar funds Iranian terror groups while also giving cash money to MB and ISIS. They play all sides and for that reason should be annexed into the KSA

all you fucking retards need to do is look at a map or some fucking and see Iran funded shia militias in heavy fights with ISIS in Syria and Iraq.

Fucking cessspol of retardadion

Is Qatar being thrown under the bus as a scapegoat so that US can keep relations with the Saudis and people stop snooping for their connections to ISIS?


No long OPing fyi phams

What are you doing?

Is it in the voice of Trump?

No /sg/. Take your cancer back to your containment thread

>Qatar funds Iranian terror groups
They don't, they did fund hardcore jihadis in Syria though, which Iran now fights

They just don't want to get involved with retarded Saudis, they can't control Yemen they're an international embarrassment and now they want to invade Iran.

Younger generalizing the whole audience of this thread for one single misinformed post. See the scornful answers it got.

i've read it. I've found it to be really interesting to understand the mindset of Trump.
The beginning is the least interesting part (when he decribe his typical week days by days)


so is there a Sup Forumslist of events of this qatar-event, or do i actually have to google?

from what I gather and they paid 110 billion Saudis now think that they can pressure or invade Qaatar until its' their puppet and America will do nothing

> they're an international embarrassment and now they want to invade Iran.

Who the fuck wants to invade Iran? Is there a country that stupid in the world that after the Iran Iraq stalemate thinks a land invasion of Iran is feasible?

Stop talking out of your ass Macedonia

Beast Mode