The Orlando shooter was white and yet we haven't heard anything about it since it happened.
Shouldn't the media be gloating about this? Why aren't they?
The Orlando shooter was white and yet we haven't heard anything about it since it happened.
Shouldn't the media be gloating about this? Why aren't they?
>Why isn't everyone else as miserable of a human being as I am? Why don't they laugh at the children of the dead because what happened disagrees with my jaded worldview? I certainly would have jacked it onto their coffins as the children watched, sobbing, because I'm as close as you can get to actual evil while still being mentally retarded. Did I mention how edgy I was?
>Shouldn't the media be gloating about this? Why aren't they?
Yeah, weird. I would expect them to push this hard to overshadow the terror attacks in Britain.
Not everyone irrationally hates the other as much as you do, fwiend.
Because workplace violence is boring as fuck. It went out of fashion in the 80's. People just kind of expect it now.
Terrorism is still a novelty.
Reporting on a white guy going postal is like reporting on a black guy killing a 7-11 clerk or a spic being a serial rapist.
It's literally "turd in toilet/turd on plate"
Jew media have far bigger fish to fry at the moment.
Also, Obongo's gone, which means they can't roll out a head of state to talk about how bad guns are.
>Projecting this hard
Maybe he had an illegal firearm.
If anything OP is the one projecting, he expects the media to gloat about people being killed just because the perpetrator is white.
>he expects the media to gloat about people being killed just because the perpetrator is white.
That seems to be a reasonable expectation to me.
Of course he was white, he had a job
a job he lost but still a job
All this means is the victims were also white. Doesn't' fit the narrative, so there is no point talking about it.
>All this means is the victims were also white.
Of course they were white, they were shot at a workplace
he's clearly hispanic
That Bloomberg faggot, Feistein, and others haven't gotten paid to push the anti-gun agenda because its not worth it right now. We have a good president, somewhat OK House & Senate who will never ban firearms so its wasted money for them to try to campaign. Besides, facts and statistics have completely destroyed their argument, and the globalist push for the U.S. fell flat on its fucking face.
Workplace violence, that's why. Family murders are even worst for coverage; you'll get a story then nothing.
You need a very public space being hit to get normies afraid.
Kind of this. There isn't some intentional global conspiracy to make white people look bad. What there IS is a confluence of incentives: liberal media outlets want a story to report that isn't the true attacks. They're options right now are 1)Russia probe, 2) the federal leaker, 3) Trump tweets on the travel ban, or (distant, distant) 4) an obscure workplace violence incident.
If nothing else was going on, for sure they'd be pushing this. But since they have a bunch of other stories that make Republicans look worse AND are more important, it's a no-brainer.
He's cleary Madarin
It only seems resonable to you, like the rest of people on Sup Forums because you guys here are delusional & emotionally stunted and feel glad when innocent people, your perceived "enemies" are harmed.
So you can't understand why the other side, who are functioning members of society, wouldn't be gloating about it.
They got "muh russia" for that. They can't stop pushing that narrative, it's actually identical to the Information Operations (targeted propaganda) that the US military uses to change opinion in foreign nations.
It works similar to advertisement, the more a person is exposed to the same message, the more likely it is they buy it.
This most people who are unaffected do not care about one guy going nuts.
Over the last few years, the media in the US has exploded whenever a black man was killed by a white cop. They don't display the same intensity when it's black on black crime, black cop killing a black man, etc... So I think it is a reasonable expectation.
This. Maybe he's jew?
Just looked up his name. john robert neumann
That's because you're insane, a trolls, or a retard. It's not a normal thing to find that to be reasonable.
They've been doing just that for years though. Even going as far as to photoshop people to make them look white. It's unusual that media is not all over this.