Judaism is a religion of peace

Seriously tho.
Jews have lower crime rates than christians and muslims. you never hear about jewish terror attacks

Other urls found in this thread:


It's pure coincidence I'm sure

>Le jewish boogyman did 9/11

You are fucking retarded

le jewish businessmen* not boogymen

Your country never had a jewish president and look how fucking corrupt you are.

Stop your sorry ass excuses

iran will develop a nuke kike and you will be first to see it

You used Islam yet again as if we've never heard of the crusades. Fuck you Jew.

Pic related.

You worship Satan and normalize us with vampiric content just to come out and say you ingest blood like PayPal jew, Thiel.


Nice, you completely ignored my argument.

Just face the fact user, jews are not worse than christians

>colonial wars
>independance wars
>2 WW

>hurr durr the jews are reponsible for all of the world's faults XD

>hurr durr im a simpleton. jews totally did the two world wars.

>Hurr durr it was jews who colonized europe, not christians

>hurr durr gommunism is jewish XD cause USSR was a jewish state everyone knows that.... right? RIGHT?


Jews are responsible for every wartime death of American soldiers since 1939, sometimes you don't even stoop to subversion and you just flat out attack us.


I meant to write
>Hurr durr it was jews who colonized africa, not christians

its not terrorism if its state sponsored. E.G you attacking Palestine .

lets face it, Israel is a terrorist state that only gets away with it because of jewish financial domination of actual nations

I agree.

As a Turk I fully support Judaism and State of Israel and gladly give my life away to protect G-d's chosen ones.

>Jews are responsible for every wartime death of American soldiers since 1939

user, don't blame israel for the wars of your own goddamn country. not our fault you bombed cambodia and iraq

you're not on tv here, you can't just say it's not true because I'm a fascist racist nazi, we all know


I'm against the occupation of palestine, but that is not even close to the war crimes committed by let's say, the US


>not our fault
yeah, right


>hurr durr someone said something so it must be true XD

Buddy, you have 5 million jews living in your country. you also have 3 million muslims living in your country. yet you never hear about jewish terror attacks even through there are more jews than muslims

Stop demonizing jews

all terrors attacks are (((signed)))
we know muslims are dicks but don't exagerate it too much or it'll lose its credibility

You shouldn't feed trolls!
Make them make a valid arguement before you respond.
I make Jew jokes to just in fun.
The Jew banking system joke is a creation of the Catholic Church. Christians could not loan money w/ interest so why do it. Then they kicked out Jews cause in debt and changed the rules. Only truth as I see it

>le muslims are evil
explain this you grabbler

As long as you leave to us the control of your money and government joo is a religion of peace goyim, now go to work.

What do you even mean "all terrors attacks are (((signed)))" ?

Jews have nothing to do with islamic terrorism, islam is the fault of islamic terrorism

Maybe it's an area with no jewish people.

Also i didn't say muslims are evil. i think islam is an evil religion which was spread by the sword throughout the centuries, and now we have good people who have been brainwashed by islam for generations

the goodest goy right here

OP, what are your thoughts on the holocaust

(((oyvil moyslems)))

Muslims aren't evil, islam is evil.
Muslims are just conditioned from childhood to believe in it


I have nothing against Jews, but uh

>you never hear about jewish terror attacks

I really think you need to read up on how your country was founded.

>worship satan
>religion of peace
Gas yourself

why are you killing them then?

Wtf is this shitposting? nothing in my post even talked about coincidences.

It's not me.

Also,17.5% of israeli citizens are muslims who live here peacefully

Get gassed kike

Jews worship the same god as christians, its just a different prophet

Synagogue of Satan

Choose one.

If you're just a 'religion' then I guess you aren't entitled to that large piece of territory that was gifted to you by mistake.

Better than being a stupid Hispanic Fucking Brazil LOL

you mean you're antizionist?
100% of palestinians don't live peacefully even if israel arabs live more peacefully then cisjordanians

Religion and race aren't the same thing, but blindly hating people from a certain religion with no justification is bad for the exact same reasons racism is bad

That is because the jews own the jew-dishal system.

If they want to steal they do it (((legally))).

>with no justification

Eh desu i'm just an israeli atheist who wanted to make a case defending judaism because its getting demonized in this board for irrational reasons

“How does it feel, in the light of all that’s going on, to be the father of terrorism in the Middle East?”
“In the Middle East?” he [Begin] bellowed, in his thick, cartoon accent. “In all the world!”

– Russell Warren Howe interview with Menachem Begin, January 1974

sit the fuck down Israel created terrorism RIP all British soldiers killed at the hands of jewish terrorists when Europe was supposedly fighting for liberation

But user those are just complete lies. blaming the jews for those things is based on absolutely fucking nothing

Israel is the biggest terrorism today.
Explain stern gang? When israel was founded the first president was from a world wide recognised terror group.

Nice troll thread

this is a quote from Begin you uneducated fuck saying he if the father of terrorism maybe read it?!?!?!?!

Jew cant read lolololololol

Begin was probably just joking there.

Tho i agree that Menachem Begin was a despicable human being and a terrorist. he is like the Dick Cheney of israel

It even says that a terrorist group is leading the most part of israels government. Im pretty sure most kikes dont even know this.

550 children in the space of 2weeks last aggression your whole army is born out of terrorism and continues it netanyahu is no different how is that freak even allowed in power after the assassination of Rabin

The US was born out of a genocide of native americans.

Everyone have dark spots in their past.

Also, Netanyahu is pretty but he isn't as bad as shariah may

>Jews have lower crime rates
Explain Israel

>Religion and race aren't the same thing
Yet your tribe uses each interchangeably depending on how greatly they stand to benefit. Most Israelis are just Europeans LARPing as Semites.


>December 1977

>implying it's still relevant

Joows have no arguments against this

Again sitdown terrorist scum

ratio per capita.

don't deny the US military industrial complex is ran by and for the jew

>absolutely fucking nothing
ofc there are no proofs I just said that out of my head, what was I thinking

lol a jew talking about relevance isnt the fucking whole reason your occupying Palestine based on something thousands of years back the irony !!!!!

you do everything by proxy

The US military industrial complex is not run by and for the jews. almost everyone who work there are christians

They are just using jews as the scapegoat

>not run by and for the jews
yes it is

*us military industrial complex is robbed by the jew
reuters.com/article/us-germany-drones-idUSKBN18R2D3 probably us tech inside those drones lol

>calls Judaism a religion of peace
>process to forcefully amputate baby foreskins

by that logic we shouldve got rid of your sacred text bullshit a long time ago

No one likes you, I don't feel comfortable in the same thread with your bullshit. But I do hope you live long enough to see all your friends and family die. That will be funny and we can make a comedy about it.


I'm against this, but this is something that christians do too


Jew reporting in.

Most Jews hate Muslims and have no qualms with Christians. I mean, your prophet was one of us, and the writers of the Bible were also Jewish.

The Jews you see in western media pushing the "oy vey! Stop being Islamophobic you privileged white man!" shit are Jewish in ethnicity only.

2 days until the remembrance of USS Liberty one can hope the American naval fleets one day gather some balls fuck the ZOG and sail down and give em hell one can dream

>hurr durr *feel* its true therefore its true. no need for evidence

what about chabad all that sect seems to be about is listening to shit Rebbes have said the freaks

This is a great image, saved

The entire world is a Jewish terror attack

We sort of holocoust the amalekites

You forgot to add:

Says that SJWs are a bunch of shallow children obsessed with identity politics who can't respect people with differing opinions


Hates Ben Shapiro just because he's a Jew who doesn't support Trump for his own personal reason even though he's otherwise Sup Forums friendly and has spoken in defence of him numerous times.

>you never hear about jewish terror attacks

all the wars in Israels favour, not proof admittedly but we'll never get the truth until we get the 4th reich

we have the evidence, if you don't go get them
if you want to prove me wrong bring proofst that I am,
I don't need to bring proofs because I don't care about proving you wrong I know what is right and what is wrong











Not nearly as bad as the US dropping 2 nuclear bombs on densely populated japanese citizens, carpet bombing cambodia, and killing hundreds of thousands of iraqis.

Yet no one says "christians are murderous and subversive"

Not nearly as bad as the US dropping 2 nuclear bombs on densely populated japanese cities, carpet bombing cambodia, and killing hundreds of thousands of iraqis.

Yet no one says "christians are murderous and subversive"

yes, you're right, all the problems in the world are done by jews
prove me wrong kike

The entire state of Israel is a giant terrorist attack.


Just a tip, my Jewish friend;
There are 2 billion Muslims in the world and pretty much all of them absolutely hate Jews. Don't you think a board like pol would attract all these Muslims to spread propaganda about Jews and defending Muslim terrorist attacks by saying "DA JOOZ DID IT". The truth is, a lot of these morons are dubious Muslims pretending to be white christians on an anonymous far right image board to further their own interests.




you're a moron if you think its as black and white as that. Some jews are bad, some christians are bad and some muslims are too but their religious beliefs don't really play into it when they're being greedy because all religion teaches that stealing is wrong and that we should treat every human like we would like to be treated.

