>"What's wrong user? Never seen a successful, confident Black man before?"
"What's wrong user? Never seen a successful, confident Black man before?"
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only in photos, lad.
No, actually
no, I was under the impression those were akin to unicorns
why are there so enormously few of you ?
I haven't... You're like a unicorn, you know?
And I still haven't seen one.
No i haven't. From what I've been told, that guy is riddled with insecurity because nobody taught him the pharoahs were black and he still carries genetic pain from slavery. That face is hiding pain nobody could even imagine.
only on tv shows
that's a well dressed monkey right there
this successful man should impregnate my wife RN
Took inspiration from your mom
They sure all over the internet and media but somehow nonexistent in real life. Really gets the old flubber flubbin
Wow he is so sexy just like Nigris Ebola.
Archer reference??
Its true though the odds of finding a successful nigger in a random crowd is equal to the odds that the nigger in the picture had a loving and caring father
>Why are you talking to me, nigger?
>proceed to shoot aforementioned nigger dead with my AR-15 for trespassing on my property
>live in uncucked state
>local sheriff investigates
>I make him some iced tea as we discuss the nigger blight
>he shakes my hand and assures me there will be no charges against me
It feels good to live in Wyoming, lads.
If it's such a common thing why are you bringing it up all the time? Insecure?
only time ive seen a nigger in a suit is at court
Why aren't shitpost like this b& worthy on this Sup Forums?
No. And I'm not looking at one now. When was the last time someone who was actually confident felt the need to say it aloud?
Not in clothes
I've only seen them at funerals.
We were kings
what's sport do you play again ?
koreans hate you.
in wich episode of toys story is that cool story?
I have but it is in about a 1 to 500 ratio to niggers
what are you wearing my peoples traditional clothing for?
wouldn't you look more comfortable in your traditional attire?
1 post by this ID
I've never seen a black man period
Can I get a source on that image? I'm curious as to how they're numerically assigning skin color.
Also sage in all fields for this shitty thread.
Because you are all busy in your designated shitting streets
Never ever seen a nigger in person.So there is that.
>Implying shitting streets aren't Redpilled
This only can come from pajeet
>hybridized with high-IQ white slaveowner
>still dindu 9/10 times
>only 1/10 of that 1/10 develops conservative views
>it's still muh-perverse incentive muh-welfare race denialist cuckservatism
>just give them their own state already
>and let them starve
Even cats burry their shit
>Implying cats aren't the Jews of the animal world
I expected better from you Hans
The rat is actually the jew of the animal world
Pajeet, do you even know what you are talking about? Or was there too much curry in your last meal?
No its the cat and don't you say shit about my curry I'll hit you