>the average American thinks Jews are white
How do we fix this?
>the average American thinks Jews are white
How do we fix this?
They do look pretty white though senpai
Invanka seems pretty white.
You have to be kidding. Both these people are 100% Ashkenazic, they look like literal Semites to me
>mfw white af jew friends try to claim they are white-passing POC
Some in the US look like the old cartoons.
Give coupons and discounts for tanning saloons
He looks mediterranean to me.
You know what I'm talking about though. Bill Maher, Jake Tapper etc. All the jews whites are exposed to on a regular basis in this country are fair skinned.
there are jews from spain to the middle east. they look different.
They are racially Heebs
Nothing. They control the media, academia, popular culture, and big business so they control the narrative
>the average American thinks Judaism is a religion, not a race
Here you have some kikes that look 100% white
Ben Shapiro
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Scarlett Johanson
Natalie Portman....
no they white
they just want to get on the oppression train and be a victim too
Jews are white idiot.
Good examples as well.
Come to think of it, I can't think of one dark skinned jew popular in America. Except for maybe Drake.
Appeal to blacks first.
>Bill Maher, Jake Tapper
Both less than half-Jewish. I'm talking full blooded. Half Arab Half whites tend to look pretty white.
>the average American thinks Jews are white
The average American are presented with Jews who look like pic related.
The Gyllenhaals
Winona Rider
Paul Rudd
Harrison Ford...
The majority of them are white. After travelling to Europe they interbred with the locals but kept their cult mentality.
Typically only a minority from Israel are true hebrews.
Quit cherry-picking. Most Ashkenazim have always been shitskins.
>“The Hebrews, a very recent people, an Arab horde” -Voltaire
>"The Jewish people is and remains in Europe an Asiatic people alien to our part of the world” -Johann Gottfried H
>""The Jew is the enemy of the human race. This race must be sent back to Asia, or exterminated" - Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
Not true at all. Look at this.
You can't, if they don't wear silly hats, have weird costumes or a nose that grinds the floor, many azkenazi are genetically more european white than jew.
They only carry the traditions.
Tell yourself what you want even the Khazary 100% kike are hard to tell
>Ben Shapiro
From the moment he opens his mouth and let that faggot voice of his come out of his faggot mouth, I knew that this is a kike for sure.
And his eyes give him away anyway.
>They only carry the traditions.
Nice fucking try (((Spaniard)))
>”Yes goy, Jews aren’t a race, i’m a white male just like you”
>”No, we don’t descend from those christ-killers, we are just ethnic Europeans”
>”Yea, those badass Steppe peoples, those were us, can’t you tell?”
>”No goy, our ancestors didn’t write the Talmud, we’re just Khazar converts”
Am I the only one that sees past this?
> OPs pic
Based Dindu Santa
Maybe clearing up that jew is a religion not a race?Just like muslims are not a rece.
Then how come anyone can become jewish?You cant just join a race.
Then they will be Jews, but they won't be Racial Hebrews
I think you are full of shit.What you refer as jews are khazars.Jewish is a religion,not a race.
>Khazar theory
Please stop promoting this theory invented by LITERAL communist Jews, and solely pushed by them. Check out the link and see if you can refute any of the points.
You have fallen for a semitic trick, and that's okay, we all do sometimes.
>In 1931 Koestler joined the Communist Party of Germany
Meme hard on all the weird things they do that show how alien they are, like babydick sucking, kosher lightswitches, and chicken voodoo rituals.
You deserve whatever happens desu.
First of all, if you ask old people around nowaday Georgia,they will tell you about khazars all you want to know.Every jew is against the khazar-theory, and i tell you why:Because if those jews were khazars,they are not the selected people of god.Its that simple.You dont have to play mind-games with rabbis to confuse you,just use logic with known facts.Also how could modern day jews claim Israel if they are khazars?See where im going ?
The jews mentioned in the holy books of religion are long dead.
Yeah Anons gotta read ch. 2 of A People That Shall Dwell Alone by pic related, Kevin MacDonald.
It is to Jewish genetics what ch. 13 of The Bell Curve is to black IQ. An essential scholarly review of the best data. Any serious Sup Forumsack must read APTSDA to contribute here re: the Tribe.
Remember: (((they))) meme to throw us off and confuse us and make us look dumb. The young counter-Semite must stick to good scholars. Not memes. Khazar theory is a meme.
>if you ask old people around nowaday Georgia,they will tell you about khazars
You realize the Khazars have been long gone, right? That's like saying Italians can tell you about the Byzantine Empire
>Every jew is against the khazar-theory
You realize who invented the Khazar theory right? The only people who push it are (((Arthur Koestler))), (((Shlomo Sand))), and the last rat jew who has been BTFO'D a million times (((Eran Elhaik)))
>Because if those jews were khazars,they are not the selected people of god
They aren't either way.
>Also how could modern day jews claim Israel if they are khazars?
This is why it's a trap. 60% of Jews in Israel are Middle Eastern Jews, barely any of them are Ashkenazi, only the elite.
>long gone
Sure thing i stopped reading right there.
It's like this
They have been gone for over a thousand years now. Give me any evidence showing otherwise. You can't. The only people who have made claims of Khazars being Jews have been Jews and butthurt Arabs. No actual proof, and it's been used strategically by Jews to distance themselves from christ-killers and it ignores the piles of evidence contradicting it.
ews are the most genetically-tested people in the world. It's been consistently found that:
1. Modern Jews (Ashkenazim, Sephardim, Mizrahim) are the descendants of Israelites
2. They are more Middle Eastern than anything else
3. European contribution to their DNA is anywhere from 20-35%
4. They’re most similar to Samaritans, Druze, Assyrians, and other Semitic people, followed by Sicilians, Greek Islanders, Maltese, etc.
Maybe polish, british or american ashkenazin are more "purebreed" kikes, but the german and the scandinavian are not.
The Eastern ones are Cossack rape babies. The Sacha Baron Cohens that never stepped foot in there are pure.
by the way correct this meme, Goldie Hawn is a kike, and so is Kate Hudson (((white europeans)))
A lot of mental gimnastics to not even get the meme correct
Fuck everyone famous is a quarter Jew huh?