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He's wrong.
Assange is not pro trump he is just anti secrets
She's not a whistle blower she's leaking classified material that does nothing but hurt the county.
She needs to be put down forever.
She was radicalized by the MSM.
She is a fucking idiot. It's almost as if she wanted to get caught. Hope she has fun in prison for the next decade.
There's something off about her face.
Proves Trump was elected by Putin.
RIP Trumps presidency.
This could easily apply to Trump as well
She gets to spend the next 10 years behind bars. She will be 35 ish when she gets out and can only get a job at McDonald's if it has not been completely automated by then. Fuck her
She was radicalized by pic realted and their hate for Trump.
>he is just anti secrets
> There's people on this board who thought wikileaks could be trusted
what goes around comes around Sup Forumstards
I hope the company that hired her gets butt fucked by the Feds. They should have caught this before it happened based on her social media posts where she did not hid her identy
>does nothing but hurt the county.
Which country Russia?
>roastie has to spend her prime cock carousel years surrounded by bull dykes
Excellent. Death to traitors.
Is she a bad jew or a good one like jared
I'm having trouble understanding where you guys draw the line
>It's almost as if she wanted to get caught.
>Private company has access to secret gov info
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
"Reality Leigh Winner"? Jesus f Christ what a fucking hideous name. Yeah, idc about those leaks to be honest.
I like WikiLeaks. That's just the downside.
Could she not find something more relevant to leak?
Russia sent phishing emails to elected officials and an electronic voting management company.
That's it? Surely drumph is over now.
>Where is the proof
>where is the proof
>Here is the proof
>It's fake because shes dumb and jews.
You guys really are dumb shills.
> Be rich, Proud of my race
> Start CNN
> Become widely successful
> meanwhile on Sup Forums
> autistic_screaching.png
I said I agreed with that she was radicalized by the kikes in the media who do nothing but push non-stop anti-Trump propaganda.
I never said she was a Jew? Is she Jewish? If she is Jewish... wew lad.
Also, >I'm having trouble
Not surprised.
There's a pretty big difference between leaking information on corruption, collusion with the corrupt, or crime in government, and leaking general info on administrative function and random conversations that could may be innocuous.
The question is, are you helping or hurting?
tell this to her face and see what happens.
>the absolute state of trumpflakes now
The kikes are doing a great job exposing their agenda on television for the whole world to see.
The real Julian was killed a while ago, why do you think the charges were dropped?
She is a traitor and should be jailed then stripped of citizenship. She is worse than Manning in that he was at least in a grey area.
private in the sense that they can only work for the american government. the difference between a merc and a contractor. they go through the same screening anyone in government would - it just appears that it's not...great.
You have that reversed user. There is nothing harmful in what she released. While manning released on going military operations. You are just butt hurt because it is going to hurt trump.
USA: land of please government, please fuck me in the ass
>Proof is phishing emails and state appointed officials being incompetent
>Proof is also from guys that got fucked over by other hacking group around the same time with legit proof of said hack by leakage of undisclosed vulnerabilities in use by said guys since they were discovered
So is that how it is?
Leaker != whistleblower
> woman
> trying honestly to help
> helps the communists to pull a coup d'etat against the rightfull President, voted for by the people ( only counting legal voters, real citicens ), to install the deep state socialist warmachne to enslave basically the world
> "helping"
someone should enlighten Asange on that femscum ....srsly.
Look at the bigger picture. This well be used to investigate Russia connections to the election. Which will secretly be used to investigate Trump.
>Get top secret clearance
>Print off classified documents at office
>Mail them to media with incriminating evidence on said documents
>expect not to be fucked by breaking the law
If this thread doesn't prove this board is an echo chamber of Trump shills then what will?
nothing about this story seems legit
her name, her background
least of all that an NSA contractor would use gmail to contact a news agency
or that she would just tell her mother
this is either a ridiculous security flaw or some kind of counter intelligence operation
>helps the communists to pull a coup d'etat against the rightfull President
You know Hillary lost right? Trump is the communist president.
That's a man, man...
This is obviously fake news. Look at her fucking name for god sake.
>If this thread doesn't prove this board is an echo chamber of Trump shills then what will?
>not a newfag reedditor
We memed him into office for free you god damn rebbitfag.
The bigger picture in this is how a whistle-blower was caught, honeypots for whistle-blowers are popping up left and right, the NSA is currently doing spring cleanings, the media is under assault by their own inept campaigning, the democrats are eating each other and the wind is blowing in republican sails because they can do anything, no matter how controversial, and the dems will fall over themselves to tell everyone how terrible it is, without giving any alternatives but muh iillegals and muh trump sucks impeach now
This is the bigger picture, everyone is shooting themselves in the foot and trump is doing what the fuck he wants because of that. This is the future you chose by re-electing obama on his second mandate
Because Snowden was such a great name.
CNN has the lowest ratings of the Big Three cable news networks. They're played on thousands of public TVs and still can't break 1.5 million total viewers. Meanwhile Bill O'reilly alone was pulling in 3.7 million viewers a night.
His shirt is soaking wet you fucking retard. That's water from washing pepper spray out of his eyes i remember when this happened.
>Implying she wasn't set up to shut Trump up.
(((Winner))) is a pro white genocide jewess
>Winner was accused of leaking a report that showed Russian intelligence tried to hack U.S. voting systems before the election in November. The Intercept shared printed pages of the report, and the folds and creases in the documents gave away that they had been "printed and hand-carried out of a secured space." From that, the agency saw six people had printed the report and then tracked down the one person from the group who had emailed the news outlet.
Should we blame her or the journalist for this blunder?
If that was the intention, they fucked themselves up in the process
Who gives a shit what her personal beliefs were. All that matter is the information she "leaked." If True than we have a big problem.
(((it matters)))
When will the media point out that Hillary had other people use random printers to print shit off because she knew state department and classified docs are print encoded to know the who, when, and what printer it came off of?
This low level dipshit is the worst spy ever. Learn how to hide your techs when you working at the NSA. And don't hire liberal women in positions of secrecy.
We already knew Podesta got phished. Also, what is the proof that this was Russia? An IP?
Faggots, he is just consistent, something you could try from time to time.
How? Look at all the information that has been leaked. Not all of it would of came from the NSA. It's pretty clear they there are more than one leaker. She gets caught Trump dust his hands off and celebrates that he caught the leaker. While other people still leak information.
You shills are so silent now that it has been proven Putin elected Trump.
3rd person present: matters
be of importance; have significance.
Thats not at all proven.
Was going to say this. Looks weirdly masculine, but only halfway. Is she a government project?
He's right, but she leaked a giant nothing burger for political reasons.
This wasn't highly classified shit or scandalous or some hosmuse of cards shit. It wasn't released because the NSA themselves don't fully understand it.
How's that Arabian cock feel inside of you?
Its more of a case that no one gives a shit about these bait threads anymore.
....and this has done nothing to change anyone's mind faggot
Citation needes.
>a tranny gets to read classified top secret government material
my fucking sides, never change murica
>Most significantly, as CNN reported at the time, and The Intercept also reports Monday based on the this document, that there is still no evidence any votes were affected by Russian hacking.
from the horse's mouth
>logic this retarded
OK, and Assange and Snowden were radicalized by Russia?
Trump is allowed to divulge classsified information as he sees fit. It is a privilege of his position that has existed since our countries inception. It's not comparable
>If True than we have a big problem.
how is a big problem
every body is spying on everybody? If that is a 'problem' then you are as naive as you possibly can be.
It should be expected that your company, if of any size or importance, will be attacked. If you are not attacked it pretty much means you are not important.
Fun word.
her name is Reality Winner?
>he thinks she didn't expect to get fucked
nigger detected
I feel bad for her, really. Both the NSA and CIA have the ability to hack and leave fingerprints of foreign governments. This is known beyond a doubt. She may have thrown away a large portion of her life to unwittingly perpetuate a lie. If she's hoping for a pardon, she could be waiting anywhere from 16 to 20 years. Sad.
Smells like a false flag leak to me.
Popular vote doesn't even decide Presidents unless you're such a retarded Swede you think they hacked the electoral college.
I rest my case.
It's Sara WInner. She had her name legally changed because millennials.
Assange is wrong. This bitch deserves to be executed. Nothong but a typical, traitorous, leftist, globalist white woman.
I personally welcome leaks of all sorts. The issue here is she leaked for propaganda. Propagandists are using her leaks without context...
You should read the documents. It's basically, "Russia did normal stuff, nothing happened... Well we'll never know if it was really Russia because everyone wants to pen our election systems, but Russia is probably the only ones who came anywhere near actually doing it...btw, coming closest doesn't mean they actually came close. Also, we really don't know if it was Russia."
Leaking specifically the Russian dox, and the reporting of the dox without the context, it's propaganda. She didn't leak to expose secrets, she leaked to bolster the propaganda.
WikiLeaks has a hard and ardent stance of always supporting leakers. Always.
I don't object to what she did on a personal level but she was clearly breaking the law so I'm not sure what anyone really expected to happen here.
This wasn't exactly top secret material.
This is really just a great example of how overgrown the deep state is.
The article it was released in even said how big of a nothing burger it was.
She's a criminal, lock her up
>A foreign country actually tampering with the presidential election.
>Not a problem.
>every body is spying on everybody?
That is also a big problem user. Just because everybody does it. Doesn't make it right.
What's it called when you join a government work force with the intent to steal state secrets?
You're retarded.
What is White Millienial Bitches standing in front of ancient ruins?
Come on goyim, don't you have a heart?!
Read the document you cuck.
NSA says there's no way the GRU managed to even influence the election, and if by some miracle they did, the NSA wouldn't be able to figure it out.
To make matters worse for your shit narrative, none of the states the NSA listed on that document were swing states.
Get fucked leftie shit.
oh i thought this was surely going to bring down trump
this wasn't a sign to anyone or did she get the clearance before she changed her name?
Treason and/or sedition
he's anti west, the guy has tons of secrets.
>but we must have secrets to prevent people from stopping us from getting their secrets
that's what all agencies say. he's kind of an anarchist type guy, or something, who fucking knows. If you are looking for consistency with him, you are gonna have a bad day.
It's user says the opposite of what the actual information says again episode.
Keep praying you fucking moron.