Committing Suicide & Debts/Death Tax

If I commit suicide, will my family be subject to paying a death tax for me? I have about $5000 of debt and a 2014 vehicle which I still owe $15000 on.

I am 25 years of age and I just got hit with the worst kind of news. I will not be getting this job which I subjected myself to increased debt to try and obtain. It's my fault.

But I am going to kill myself now, I just wanted to check and see if my family would be subject to my debts and death tax?

How do I go about making the appropriate arraignments?


I'm interested in this too. Would killing myself in the woods be good, they wouldn't find my body for decades so I wouldn't be declared dead.

Why not just get another job nigger? Even mcdonalds pays enough to pay off a $20K debt

I'd rather kill myself at this point. I work 70 hours a week and it goes into interest and my vehicle on top of living expenses.

The job I failed to get hired at would have paid $65k a year to start.

This is also a good point, if I go missing at sea or bury myself alive in the woods, will they be able to officially declare me as dead and my parents still be financially responsible for my debts?

I'm curious about this too

As I understand it, in civilised countries, anything you own will be taken to pay off your debt, like your car, computer and sexdoll, but the debt can't be passed on to others. America is a lot more greedy though, so I wouldn't be surprised if the law forces your debt onto your family instead.

20k is nothing

cancel all services, including internet, man up

You're dumb. If you let your body sit on dry land they'll find you for sure. You have to let your body either fall into something like a woodchipper or a large body of water.

Technically not, because they believe you are alive, so your parents would get away with it, another layer of defence, kill your parents and yourself

Nigger, move to an industrial town and stop trying to be an urban faggot paying 1200$ a month rent for a closet downtown

so what sell the vehicle and buy a 97 camry for $500 off of craigslist.

you would have been working for jews most likely anyways. there are lots of $65k+ jobs in America. it's not like you even took that big of an opportunity loss.

i've taken way bigger losses. you would've too at some point. who cares. that's how business is.

I'm tired of living. I'm tired of it all. I'm not looking for the easy way out but in this instance I am... just wondering about debts and the death tax. Do people who commit suicide have to have their death tax paid?

How do I sell a vehicle I owe money on? It's not the vehicle that is the issue, it is the taxes and the fact that I am almost homeless. Rent has screwed me and now that one job has cut my hours I think I am finally set on doing myself in.

You're a nigger and you're what's wrong with the west.
Stop being a little bitch, I was in your exact position and I moved up north where no one wants to live and started a job with the pipelines doing 12 hour days every single day and almost half my shit is paid off in less than a year now.

why tho,

just suffer for a bit, and reflect

such is life

Here's the best part: I didn't get hired at this 65k a year job because I smoked cigarettes within the past 12 months.

I'm pretty sure your parents would rather foot a bill than have their son dead m8.

ya man obviously your family is going to tie up your financial loose ends which isn't going to be that hard. if they're homeowners picking up an additional $20k in debt isn't going to be major.

you're on Sup Forums though so if you're going to be an hero do it in a way that makes the news or something. pic related.

I don't want to shame my family. I just want to go die in the woods and have them think I moved to Thailand or something.

I feel bad. I am going to record videos of myself and leave advice for my younger brother. I am ashamed of myself.

you don't owe money on the vehicle you dumbass. you owe money to a financing company for a loan. you used the loan to purchase a vehicle. the financing company loaned you money which you used to buy the vehicle full price from the dealership. you own the vehicle. you can sell it to whoever you want.

>don't want to shame family
>suicide over debts
Japanons are laughing as they read this

haha what?
How the fuck is that not illegal?

All you are going to do is stuff it and hurt yourself. Your parents will fucking kill themselves over it.

How tf can they tell if you have smoked within 12 months?

OP is confirmed Asian. stop saying $65k a year job. that's like what, plumber? who fucking cares. You're talking about a little over $5k a month. I lost more than $5k in 2 hours of playing poker this weekend. This is not a major punch to have to roll with.

Drug test for cotinine a nicotine metabolite.


If you are going to kill yourself why would you care what happens, you'll be dead, you would have other things to worry about than a random $20k your folks might have to pay.

Or you wouldn't have to worry about anything, depending on your beliefs.

how the fuck is it legal to not hire someone cause they smoked cigarettes? where the fuck do you live?

This is wrong.
THe bank owns the car until the loan is paid off.

If I commit suicide, due to my beliefs, I will be going to hell. I have already made up my mind about this, and I have asked forgiveness from the Lord, but the Lord does not forgive suicide.

I am screwed horridly.

i'm guessing this is like an entry level job at a california tech company, california is a hire at will state meaning you can be fired or quit for any reason or no reason and stupidly obsessed with smoking being terrible.

Tax his land, tax his wage,
Tax his bed in which he lays.
Tax his tractor, tax his mule,
Teach him jew taxes are the rule.

Tax his cow, tax his goat,
Tax his pants, tax his coat.
Tax his ties, tax his shirts,
Tax his work, tax his dirt.

Tax his chew, tax his smoke,
Teach him taxes are no joke.
Tax his car, tax his grass,
Tax the roads and tax his ass.

Tax his food, tax his drink,
Tax him if he tries to think.
Tax his sodas, tax his beers,
If he cries, tax his tears.

Tax his bills, tax his gas
Tax his notes, tax his cash.
Tax him good and let him know
That after taxes, he has no dough.

If he hollers, tax him more,
Tax him until he’s good and sore.
Tax his coffin, tax his grave,
Tax the sod in which he lays.

Put these words upon his tomb,
"Taxes drove me to my doom!"
And when he’s gone, we won’t relax,
We’ll still be after the inheritance tax.

>owes 15k on a vehicle
what the fuck were you thinking when you bought this, you can easily get a good car for under 5k

you shouldn't kill yourself if you have useful skills, but regardless debt doesn't pass on to your relatives this is a common myth. your estate (everything you own) will be used to pay off your debt until everything is sold.

You probably don't have enough shit to make it worthwhile to repo you, but in general if they don't inherit your shit, they don't inherit your debt.

Before killing your self, consider sh**ting a supre*e c*urt j*stice.

I'm assuming you're under 25 years old

You've had it easier than many people in this country and billions more outside
Debt happens when people either don't manage their money correctly or a series of unfortunate events occur
You'll find a way out of it and killing yourself only causes more problems for your family than it'll ever solve

Not only that, it's going to cost your parents at least 10k to bury you. Also your mom is going to be the one to find the body.

How would she find my body? That's why I was wondering how would I go about setting up arraignments for a funeral/cheapest method possible for a death?

Do you play online?

Bro there isn't a death tax unless you have over 5.45 million in assets

Okay, that's reassuring.

If I let my car get repossessed - will the only debt left for my family to pay is $5k?

Op must dehumanize himself and face to bloodshed

Do a road trip to Supreme Court, either die there or chill in prison writing poetry for the rest of your life.

Another idea: I wonder how well protected a Harvard graduation ceremony is? Just brainstorming here.

Killing yourself is a pleb tier death.

What would happen if you are in jail? Do your parents have to pay for your shit?

You can try get life insurance and just set up an accident for yourself....

People can't inherit debt. When someone dies they see what assets and debts that person has left. They use whatever assets are leftover to pay off the debt. If there isn't enough money to pay off the debts the creditors get fucked and thats that

Hey OP

Listen here

i know dudes who's been in 20k drug debts before and they always have a fool proof way of collectings gibs instant.

Just cut off your fucking finger mate. They give you a huge loss of work payment.

I know i live in denmark, but a little finger here gave my mates dad 10k

later he chopped off a more useful finger and got something along the lines of 25k dorrors

Atleast mutilated yourself before you take plug the stick.

I don't know muricans laws about this. But im sure they will compensate you for chopping off your finger in a work accident

Finally the prole lifestyle ain't so bad. During the financial crash I worked hard labor for years. Was very good for me spiritually and physically. Dostoevsky spent a decade in prison, solizynitsyn even more. Suffering is good 4 you

why dont you just rob a (((bank))) ?

Technically parents can inherit jewdent loan debt if they were it's cosigner lol. Jewdent loans are literally usury rofl.

This is very interesting.
Sorry to hear that, I have been suffering for years. Maybe I will hear some good news in a few minutes, but I am pretty sure I won't get good news and will have to follow through with me doing myself in.That's illegal.

That's what you get for buying a car you can't afford you fucking millennial retard. Do you not know what a used car is? Why would you buy a nicer car when you have no equity? Fuck you. Kys you're self

Nope. Debts end when the person dies. The creditors can lay claim to your estate to try to get their money back but that's it.

No student loans, I never went to college.
I owned 3 used cars before I went with new because my 2nd job requires 25 miles of commuting one way. Old cars kept breaking down.

20k isnt much cuckboi

i bet your car is still worth atleast 12k

quit ur cryin and find something else to make money doing

>“buying“ everything with credit
What's wrong with Americans? Why do you all feel entitled to live above your means?

Become NEET and use govt bux to pay off debt.

It is, but the main thing here is, they all did it on the job. They cut it off in a sawmill or while doing woodwork, one did as a carpenter

I fucking hate Capitalism.

Death to Capitalism not you OP.

Join the military. Best case scenario you get you get decaptated by a sandnigger, worst case you make it out the other side debt free and you continue your measly existence knowing you did something for your country

Because we are above the rest of the mongrel world.

The only way they can touch your parents is if they co-signed any loans you took out. Did they do that? Because if you go missing or die, the creditors will come after them for the money.

BTW, $20k debt isn't that much and if none of it is student loans and you legitimately can't pay it off - declare BK and unwind the debts. I could see KYS over say $2million or $200million in debt but even then, Trump has been in worse spots and he declared BK and bounced back from it.

No user, you hate (((Giant Capitalists))).

>you're a pussy!!!!! >:(
>fucking man up
>keep suffering bro :D
>fucking beta lol (not like me haha!)

Fucking life-apologists are disgusting.

Who knows what the real reason was OP. It could've been anything, there's a million excuses they can give you as to why they didn't hire you but you'll never really know the real reason why.

You just got jewed.


Abraham Lincoln wanted to nationalize banking, he was the good guy.


Which is Capitalism.

Not only your taxes but your debts u created.

Inheritance consists of RIGHTS and OBLIGATIONS you had before death.

>But I am going to kill myself now
>because I didn't get the wagecuck slave position I wanted

More power to you.

Nah, you won't go to hell. But I guarantee you will be sent back here to face the same predicament you're in right now. They'll keep recycling you until you face it.

this guy gets it

>Implying his country is Israel

No it was cigarettes. Their policy is no tobacco use within a 12 month period and I quit smoking in May before applying.
What ideology is this? I feel like this is more accurate than anything.

Buy a term life insurance policy. You can get 500k or a million for less than 50 bucks a month. Wait 2 years then commit sudoku, the insurance company has to pay

t. Insurance agent

Most people are trained to be debtslaves here. Very rare to find anyone who can live cash-only. You have to be really weird.

Good point, I actually know a guy who lost his left hand while working in a butcher shop when he was 15 or 16. He was compensated with A LOT of money. I don't know exactly how much but he is 20ish now and own his own home. In the area where he lives the type of house he own is around ~350K now.

So yeah, if you are desperate for money, do some kind of physical labour job and cut your appendages off.

so you subject your family to suffering because you're too much of a faggot to sort yourself out


Nope, suicides are treated like prison bitches in hell. Rough equivalent of kiddy fiddlers.

If you are in jail u are still expected to pay through your representative.

If “living in the mongrel world“ means not being the debt slave to someone else, I gladly admit being a mongrel

Here in. Burgerland, if you owe 15k on a car and I buy it from you for an undisclosed sum, its mine after you off yourself. Bank cant come at me for my property.

Same token, if your mom dies, you're not responsible for her credit card bills.

If you were a real insurance agent you'd know that no sane life insurance policy pays out in the case of suicide.

Killing yourself isn't an option, honestly. Killing yourself because you didn't get a job is the most retarded thing ever.
Consider applying for lower paying jobs, in the meantime, and look for a good position in the meantime.

When my uncle died our family got taken to court by the bank he had a mortgage through. They tried suing for the remaining balance of his mortgage. Total load of shit & still dealing with it 4 years later.

Don't know about the states but in Canada debts do not pass onto family in the event of debt however there are loopholes which allow debt to be sold to another party who may then heckle families with phone calls, threats and frivolous lawsuits.... sad thing is its actually a pretty effective strategy as many families pay either not knowing their rights or to stop being heckled.

Either way don't kill yourself dude, seek finacial advice, see a therapist, consider bankruptcy, whatever.

I'm sure there are more constructive means of sorting your shit than offing yourself.

Pick up a trade like plumbing or machinist or welding

At least contribute something back to society before offing yourself like whiny punk bitch "wahhh I don't wanna face the consequences of my actions".

Time to put on the big boy pants retard

If you have no assets there is nothing to tax dummy. It would be similar to worrying about your income tax without a job.

No it isn't. If you're a true capitalist you want everyone to be rich so they have more money to spend in your businesses. But that's not what the (((Bilderbergs))) wants.

why did you buy a like-new car for $15k????

He also wanted to ship all blacks back to africa. Truly /ourguy/.

>You have to be really weird to live within your means
People who buy every consumerist product on credit like you do are seen as Untermenschen over here

If I could turn back time
If I could find a way I'd take back those words that hurt you and you'd stay

I don't know why I did the things I did I don't know why I said the things I said
Pride's like a knife it can cut deep inside
Words are like weapons they wound sometimes.

I didn't really mean to hurt you I didn't wanna see you go I know I made you cry, but baby

If I could turn back time
If I could find a way
I'd take back those words that hurt you
And you'd stay
If I could reach the stars
I'd give them all to you
Then you'd love me, love me
Like you used to do

If I could turn back time

You inherit debt here in Germany. I had to refuse my father's inheritance because it was assumed to be debt-ridden. However, he was smart enough to cover his debt with an insurance in case he'd die before he could pay it back, resulting in a net positive inheritance. Since we rejected it without knowing about the insurance, as the bank did not tell is until after we send them the official rejection letter, the bank kept the money.

Not really. You people are silly. One of the things that a lender does is put a lien on the car title. That means they can still lay claim to the car, even if it changes hands and I'm not completely sure but I bet they also get notified if the title does get transferred to a new name as well. And there's usually buried somewhere in the loan agreement that if the title changes hands, the loan must be pay off in full right then and there or again, they will be coming to collect the car via the repo man.

But you are right about the CC debt - there's precious little the CC company can do to collect on it once you're dead.

what a bullshit thread

fucking sage and kys OP