Seriously thou, wh*tes are not human beings, They are Sub-Human species who should be shot on sight.
Every non-white friend who hate this sperm-skinned subhumans are welcome
Not welcome:wh*te monkeys,wh*te loving uncle toms(they will be first to hang when the Day of Rope comes for wh*tes)
Wh*te hate thread
I would post some webms of wh*te monkeys getting beaten up (there is plenty of them since wh*tes are weak faggots who cant fight) but im on my phone. Wish could someone post them
Didn't know roaches had phones
Whites are our masters. As the lower race we have to obey them. Don't you understand, Ahmed?
>angry roach starts a thread
>only non-roach is a leaf
>fucking niggers man
funniest part is the guy antifa guy who punched him was white
A friendly reminder that when you wake up tomorrow you will still be a nigger
>sperm is the seed of life
thanks turkroach
What white tourist did you steal that from roach?
A black alpha male u mean...
>too retarded to just type white
Btw the rope is for you roaches, and other non-whites, filthy nigger.
The nigger is older then the white kid show any resistance to niggers and they scatter most just act tough you just gotta smash that chin and they drop like flies
Yeah. Whats with white women chimping out all the time? Its like they're not human.
nice try my insect friend
> innocent people
> mudslimes
does not compute
Why don't you Arabs won't let it go? You will never be white.
Just be happy with who you are, like dogs or goats are. You'll feel much better.
The only thing wh*tes need is a genocide.
>2 posts by this ID
sage in options
Filthy wh*te degenerates
No shit.
Every single day this roach posts random shit about white people. Not that I mind, mind you, frankly I think its funny given you're likely to actually believe your own bullshit, thus actually thinking all whites are pretty much girls.
Boy, I can't wait, sooner or later a clip will emerge from liveleak or something where a roach gets stomped on, however, thats assuming you'll live that long, given Turkey is pretty much dying as we speak.
I wonder how it feels, knowing it doesnt matter what you do or say, everything you know and love will be glassed in a matter of months or years.
Leave Turkey while you still can (but don't come here)
Whites fucked the environment for all of us for money with the Industrial Revolution they fucked off the world and humanity with slavery for money... they're just greedy scum of the planet and need eradicating.
The only whites I would gas.
Chink and a muzzie, who knew they could be the best of friends
Look, I admire Turkey's ability as an invader to keep the land they stole as uncucked as possible, but I cannot forgive you faggots for keeping Eastern Europe away from the Renaissance, Enlightenment and Industrial Revolution. You guys should have picked up a book or something, as opposed to banging your castrated african slave boys or puffing away at your hookahs.
Thats an Argentinean. So, not white
Salam aleykum Türk Qardaş
holy shit how can he live with himself after that
Moron. Argentines are descended from Europeans - 99% of them. They're the whitest nation in the Southern Hemisphere.
Even though you're on pol, you're an idiot if you actually believe they are all friendly.
The chances of all of 'm being friendly is the same as all of them being akbarian-blow-up-dolls, although the chance of them going poof is a bit higher than them shaking your hand.
This is what should happen to most whites I love the white women...
r a r e
What about Asians? I feel that's a good question.
Not ALL whites r friendly the majority are... same argument.
Trust me, when you got an asian dick in your ass you barely notice. Look at Iran.
>Chinese guy puts full load in iranian womens ass, then she squirts in out. The flow is never ending.
kys cuck
Aleyküm Selam
İ have only ever seen one other Azeri on Sup Forums he was half Jewish and half Lezgin (A local mountain tribe that i am also part of)
Have some raid roachlet
At least the roach who started the Mosley/Anglo meme was funny, this is just pathetic.
Oh so youre just one of the cunty ones then? Pretty ironic telling me that #notallmuslims in a white hate thread.
Go blow up a bridge Mohammed
American Filth
Your capital city Baku makes mine (Canberra) look like shit.
Was kinda hoping shed choke him out like snake does to Russian dudes in MGSV
What u on about I'm an atheist... I hate extremism be it u or them...
Im in love.
>day of the rope for whites
*breathes in*
>white people
Hahahah typical weak arabs
yarite xD
nice Larp turkshitistan
>this thread again
Are you ready to meet The Enforcer?
Youre like 16 shut the fuck up you little dumb centrist cunt
Get fucked shitstain
Centre is the future history shows us the extremes never win...
Man I fucking hate wh*te """people"""
We're in the Southern Hemisphere fuck head
So this is a lefty/pol/ raid thread, but not for much longer.
Amen brother...
What an amazon. Damn.
Hnnng! All that melanin-deficient flesh has got me wetter than a waterlogged watermelon.
Who is this Ben Garrison?
>Roaches being violent savage who savor violence
And you wonder why nobody respect you?
>More people in Argentina
>Australia is basically China 2.0, with India a firm runner up, so...Singapore
He's speaking the truth...
Of look, another shitskin faggot actually took Sup Forums shitposting autists seriously
Why do whites hate Jews? They're white like u... is it only the Jesus thing?
>can't even spell out the word WHITE on an anonymous website
Ahh he's a Nazi I get it... the media should expose him.
Leafs will shit post any chance we get