You have a chance in hell of getting wom-

You have a chance in hell of getting wom-

>bragging that he'll cum first and you won't get to cum

Clever, handsome, cooks. appears well off. 10/10 right there.

This is what Sup Forums must strive to be in order to save the hwite race.

You can
Stick to the 5/10

>there are people on Sup Forums who don't get /fit/ or /biz/y

>Co founder/CEO
ppppfffftt hahahahahah im also the Founder, Owner, CEO, CFO, General Manager and National Sales Manager at my lemonade stand

>implies he comes fast

I like it. He's got a sense of humor.


Pic extremely related.

I get srs pedo vibes from this image you posted.

Self-deprecating humour, because he's got nothing to prove.
Although I do wonder if he's got a roider's shrivelled dick.

Every guy I knew who looked like this kept fucking really ugly fat women every weekend then married a 6/10 golddigger

This is why women have inflated egos

Yeah I don't get that either

>being this ripped while not working as a model or professional bodybuilder
Seriously doubt that he has any interest in girls.

why this boring, near-sighted cunt when you got the sperm of tall danes?

this board is about politics and current events.
take this shit to r9k

dat title inflation these days
every fucking finance graduate is "Managing Director", every marketing graduate is "Founder and CEO"
give me a fucking break
title deflation now
>"Entry-level stooge"
>"Backup guy"
No fucking Director unless you're 40+ and have one certified HB9 on each arm

This is the difference between Americans and Australians.

If he were to say that the egg came first that that would be bragging. An Australian woman wouldn't be interested in someone who brags about their sexual prowess (although this dude would still get laid).

By saying the chicken comes first, he is being self deprecating and is therefore more likely to get some pussy.

also this

I mean its a fucking made up title. It's not a PhD, a Masters, an Engineering title, or some specific trade. It's a the equivalent of saying "I fucking sale shit."
Not that there is anything wrong in being a trader, but cut me a fucking break "CEO" ?

You could look like that natty in 3 years of training. Mad people use steroids and should be called out but thre's 0 reason to assume this guy does, very sensible muscle just very low body fat

That isn't a difference. American women find guys who brag about sexual prowess on dating profiles pretty pathetic as well.

How else do you explain all these American virgin Sup Forumstards who can't understand why he would say that?

Women only have the advantage when it comes to hookups
For marriage any idiot can find a wife if he really wants to

You have no idea how many cunts without a single white hair I cross every year who parade around as "CEOs"
Makes the title itself worthless

Cumming first implies that someone came second.

YEah... I still think this is a difference.

Consider: American football players all wear really ostentatious jewellery. Men wearing big diamond earrings and shit. Australian footballers would never ever do that kind of shit.

this dude did a couple cycle for sure.

t. 4/10 trap who think he's a 10/10
hedonism is bullshit this dude is as fake as the plastic cunt doing around.

lol. this guy is a homo.

>implying this matters when he looks like that

you are clueless about woman my friend

He's most likely a bodybuilder/model.
The guy posting the pic is likely not him.
On top of that, being a CEO is ten times the status and money of a body builder and you are retarded.

Don't you know that in reality we're all consultants here in telling OP how to best kill himself? You can put that on your business card/profile.

My point was not about social status but about the fact that everyone who cares about bodyfat this much while not being a "professional" in fields mentioned is a queer faggot without a single exception, you monkey.

He looks like a manlet

But CEO is a title for a specific job within a company. You're the one placing an emotional value on it.

t. Jelly Canuck fatty stuffing his face with maple syrup and poutine

>You could look like that natty in 3 years of training
I could become an astronaut, doesnt mean it will happen.

Yeah, nah.

I did roids. Roids don't even get you there without a lot of work.

are those tall danes willing to fuck and cum inside every single woman regardless of what she looks like?
that's what this guy does, free fuck, judgment free (most women are terribly self-conscious and terrified of being rejected).

Its a feedback loop in our monkey brains. Women see this man having more reproductive success then anyone else theyve ever met and the monkey living in the back of their skulls screams at them to choose him as their mate. The more children he has the more attractive he becomes as a mate.