1) why will you be voting Conservative
2) why are you an idiot
1) why will you be voting Conservative
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I think you're on the wrong board. Sup Forums is that way.
'cause they have awesome campaign vids
I voted leave, I'm voting lib dem, what am I?
If you vote for a Socialist for any reason, regardless of context BESIDES there being a "National" in front of it, you're an idiot and you deserve the Muslim horde you will receive.
Im voting Corbyn so we can distance ourselves from retards like this
on the right side of history
I think labour actually has a chance of winning. Wouldn't have thought that a few months ago.
And yes I would rather have Corbyn than May
i mean you already voted for a islamic extremist as mayor of london so not why vote for a marxist, i mean i heard you liked a challange right?
>voting conservative
Yeah, after cameron and may I dont think so , let the corbinites burn this country so we can rebuild it from its ashes
To be fair, Chavez manmaged to hold the nation together for quite a while. Only at the end it started showing how fucked thing were, and by then he was dying
I'm starting to think that "see you at the enquiries" tweet was about pollsters overestimating the Conservative vote and not the other way around.
I'm yet to meet anyone who likes Theresa May. Everyone is indifferent to her. Sure Corbyn has his fair share of haters, but people who like him far outnumber those.
Who the fuck likes Theresa May? How many people can you find that would say "oh I'm definitely in favour of this or that policy from their manifesto".
I think they threw this campaign because they don't want to deal with the mammoth task of Brexit negotiations. Even if you're a Leave supporter there is no denying Whitehall lacks the manpower and skill to pull it off successfully. It will be years of complex negotiations and we don't even have the physical infrastructure in place to leave the customs union. Any of you ever travelled by road between two countries that don't share a customs agreement? We're talking about massive parking lots for lorries, hundreds of customs staff checking out paperwork and inspecting vehicles, x-ray machines etc. Our existing links to mainland Europe lack all that.
Bitch triggered A50 and bailed. This is becoming painfully obvious and I hope if we end up with a Labour government the media will show the Conservatives for the cowards they are.
>Chavez manmaged to hold the nation together for quite a while.
Crime skyrocketed from the very first year of his government in Venezuela. Also they experienced a massive brain drain. The only thing that kept his regime alive was money being poured in from countries like Brazil and Argentina who were experiencing economic growth. As soon as Kirchner and Rousseff were ousted Venezuela collapsed.
/r/ing remake of hillary/drumpf meme of mummy may pooing herself and crying with corbyn winning.
whichever party gets in is going to be saddled with the largest political albatross we've seen in a generation or more - it's a poisoned chalice
Why I won't be voting Labour? That's really simple:
> Corbyn
> Diane Abbott
> John McDonnell
> Ties to the Communist Party of Great Britain
> Will have to get SNP votes to run a government and so will roll over for another referendum and giving Scotland control of its own immigration so the SNP can flood that place with EU-approved "migrants"
Yeah, no thanks. I don't agree with May's stance on internet restrictions but she is far better than Corbyn. If Labour had a competent leader, maybe then they would get votes, but if Jeremy goes, the lefty trade unions and Momentum will install another leader similar to Corbyn.
Could a Labour-SNP coalition be possible? I think that would be the worst legit outcome.
Corbyn ruled it out but I'm sure he'd take it in the event of a hung parliament
The plan will be Labour runs as a minority government but gets SNP to vote with them. A coalition would be disastrous to both parties.
That being said the SNP will demand a price and that will unfortunately be another Scottish independence referendum that many in Scotland do not want.
There is a big push to oust the SNP in many constituencies but at best it will be fortunate if 10 SNP MPs are kicked out...the rest will sadly remain SNP due to clueless sheep and split unionist vote who don't realise they should just all vote for one party and not three.
I would certainly recommend everyone watches last night's Question Time leader interview with Nicola Sturgeon. She got demolished by the audience. Also if you're in Scotland (or can somehow get STV) there's another leadership debate there at 8:30pm GMT.
Could she guarantee that Scotland remains in the EU if they leave the UK? If not I feel like they'd vote against independence again.
>Jeremy Corbyn will make university free
>Theresa May will BTFO the internet
if this hasn't sealed the deal for any millennial to vote Labour, I don't know what will
She can't even go down that route.
A third of Brexit voters in Scotland were SNP voters, so her own voters are even walking away from the cult there.
As much as the media keeps on parroting that "Scotland overwhelmingly voted Remain", 40% of Scots didn't even bother to vote.
Oh, wow. Yeah that's a tough spot.
A Tory vote
lol classcucked
1. For Brexit
2. Because they aren't Labour
3. The leader of the Tories isn't a Marxist
4. The Tory Chancellor isn't a Marxist
5. They don't have Diane Abbott as Home Sec
6. They're not (as) full of apologist cucks
7. They're not going to break the economy as much as Labour would
8. There's more jobs around under Tories
9. There's more hope of immigration controls
10. They're right wing
11. Why are you a thick commie cunt?