How does one self-sorts? I need a quick rundown of the most efficient sorting algorithms.
How does one self-sorts? I need a quick rundown of the most efficient sorting algorithms
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Start cleaning your room, after that another dragon will appear.
my room is clean. my demons are getting quite abstract
Start with the little thing anons.
>Tidy your room and/or workspace
>Pick up a relaxing hobby , Yoga/Meditation
>Start reading , not fiction
>Enter a gym , work on yourself
And then you go over to the big things
>Get a degree or a job
>Move out if you haven't already
>Look for a girlfriend with wife potential
>Get children
>Raise to in a way so that they won't have to sort themselves out like you had to
But you already acknowledge them, so you can slay them. And if you sorted all of YOUR dragons out, you can start to sort out your family, or another small community.
this sums them up
I have this video running in the background most of the time.
Also giving an example would not be bad, as the logos is the mediator between order and chaos.
Mergesort when O(nlogn) < O(n^2)
Otherwise, quicksort when pivot positions prove worst case as unlikely
>Next plans? I have been speaking with a number of tech and finance people as well as interested educators about starting an open-access, efficiently priced online university concentrating on the classic humanities (with a strong emphasis on critical language skills: literacy, articulation, argumentation & rational thought). We're in the serious planning stages, trying to determine how to generate an online university that would have built-in technology enabling constant improvement of content, highly credible and difficult-to-attain accreditation, as well as inexpensive and wide access). We're going to start, we think, with a vast historical timeline, as well as a series on 100 of the great books of the world (with a concentration on the classics of the Western canon). We think we can cut the price of a genuine liberal arts education by a factor of 10 (and maybe 100), while increasing its quality and radically extending its reach.
My dragons tend to rely on problems I have no experience with yet. Everything I have been doing for the past 2 years has been a learning experience hindered by a need for survival. Its not that I don't know what my problem is, Its that I don't know what piece of the problem I should address right now.
Stop listening to self-help Boomer Tradcuck Jungians gaslighting you about your masculinity and signt up for Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy.
time to get sorted
JP is a good start to sorting but there are other thinkers who can offer a way to sortment. Take this series for example:
Bogosort for all the anarchists out there
Just address one factor at a time if that's all you can handle, learn the skills you need, take your time. Thank god we live in a time where all knowledge is free.
Radix is crazy sounding and also somehow the fastest. Sorts the numbers starting with the least significant digit so units and then moves up to the tens, then hundreds, then thousands and so on until the list is sorted.
Its counter intuitive as all hell but somehow requires the least array accesses to sort the whole list.
I repect the meme doktor but this is much smarter.
Its a matter of creating locality utilizing binary notation, similar how aB trees prune unnecessary branches. It is unintuitive, but ppl tend to think in decimal notation rather than binary.
Should I do the self analysts thing anons? I need to actually get priorities. The future one?
If you can figure out how to sort it out, go for it brother.
>Start cleaning your room, after that another dragon will appear.
sometimes I feel like Peterson makes life look like an RPG so it's more relatable to men who are lost in the escapist gaming limbo.
>Start cleaning your room
i saw a navy seal talking about the importance of making your bed when you get up. it is a simple task, but it means that you have completed Task 1 of the day and so you are on a roll and then Task 2 doesn't seem so difficult. plus you get to come back home and your bed it made.
Making your bed when you get up should come before cleaning your room.