With the price of bitcoin nearing $3000, what price did you first buy bitcoin at?
With the price of bitcoin nearing $3000, what price did you first buy bitcoin at?
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About 1/100th of that.
The person who got me into it got into it when they were literally a few bucks a piece.
I don't feel like I've missed out by not speculating (botting arbs or something) and hoarding, because I made a concious decision not to do so. I do kinda wish I'd got on the mining back in the day.
1,800. Also have ZEC, XVG, CREA and other lesser upstarts. I came in with 60% in February and now have $600.
If you thought that sourgrapes are bad now, wait until blockchain becomes truly mainstream and we'll see a bottleneck of normies rushing to the market buying at ATH a then calling it a scam. I can't wait for all the profits literally doing one operation a day and all your nocoiner tears.
>inb4 2010 Boomer and Jewish memes about muh drugs on the darknet
I didn't, because I'm a fucking wageslave loser.
Zero because coinbase won't verify my fucking bank account.
Fuck you.
Bought at the 2k dip a week or two ago
Wishing I had put more money into it then, but I will soon. Thinking that it is "at its peak and going to pop soon" is what kept plenty of people, like myself, from buying in at $400.
im a a filthy nocoiner
got 70+ at 20 $
>If you thought that sourgrapes are bad now, wait until blockchain becomes truly mainstream
It never will go mainstream with such huge price fluctuations.
The most attractive currencies are the ones that offer solid wealth preservation through value stability. This irrational price exuberance will not continue without a LOT of future pain.
Wait till everyone wants to convert their Bitcoin back to currency.. You will see exactly why this novel idea is really a bad one.
I don't even get how this thing works. People mine money with their GPU:s? What the hell?
>Thinking that it is "at its peak and going to pop soon"
surely that's true now though the last month has been ridiculous. how can that last.
even if I bought a coin at $1000, I would've only made $2000 so far so I don't feel that bad.
At least I'm not someone who sold all my coins when it was at like $50 or lost it all on mtgox
I'm probably gonna have to pay 3,000 thousand because I'm only recently learning about crypto currency and I've decided to jump on now. Better late than never. This is practically the last chance to get on board before it becomes near impossible to buy in. I heard you only need to own and hold at least 21 of these and within ten years you'll have a fucking fortune worth.
bought the first time when it was about $700 and spent it all on drugs lol. i have been accumulating for a while now but i hold most of my digital assets in STRAT(around 100k USD) for now since i view it as a strong contender to ethereum and i speculate the price to reach $100 / strat before October.
Good luck selling them, idiot.
There has been one correction and probably will be another yes, but it always rebounds after. Crypto is immense use while fiat currencies lose value, and normies are starting to learn about it and invest in it. We are starting to leave the "smart money" phase
got in when they were a penny a piece and sold all of it when it broke a thousand
t. nocoiner
This is such a fucking stupid disproven meme
me too
can someone explain to us retards how to into bitcoin?
retard, i sold btc more then 20 times and i have never had a problem
I bought like 300$ worth when it was 800$. But I used it all up and now even though btc is a all time high I have a real pithily sum. I am bit broke.
Reading cryptotrash threads is like going to a pub full of poor people and listening to their business ideas
I hope that you faggots have the minimal mental capacity required to realize that Forex, if traded with the same risk you take when trading cryptos, can net you even higher returns in shorter timeframes.
I can't remember I've been too busy laughing at nocoiners all the way up to $100k a coin
im just wondering if i buy now or wait until the inevitable correction.
me three, any /biz/tards want to post links and infographics on how to get into bitcoins?
That sucks a couple of weeks ago you could of sold $100 of bitcoin for 79 million dollars.
you will never even come close to breaking even if you try to start mining, best bet is to wait for the next crash and buy the dip
>It never will go mainstream
Ripple is on its way to becoming the new SWIFT. I would've called you a Jew, but i can see you're just don't understand what this technology can actually do. since you equate blockchain with Bitcoin.
$50 dollars during Aug14, when Sup Forums went full HAPPENING mode when bitcoin crashed from $80 to $40
Lost it all on mtgox
actually mining bitcoin has never been more profitable than now.
Some tards think BTC will get between 500k to 4 mil by 2030.
>buy 52 ethereum at $12
>Ride gains all the way to $248
>See gains stagnating yesterday
>Put 8k into Bitcoin
>It's 9.3k today
In total I've turned less than 1k into nearly 14k and climbing. I just need the Canada bubble to bring on global economic crisis 2.0 and we're golden.
Become a mathematician faggot - could be your specialty.
Buy some now, buy more when the correction happens
Daily reminder it's near impossible to cash out. Especially for Americans. But hey have fun spending it on Japanese flights and Sup Forums gold.
pls someone explain how i can into bitcoins? can i do this bitcoin thingy myself or do i need to pay some intermediaries to buy/sell the thing?
pls help a fellow bitcoinlet pls
/biz/ is full of people who have wiped out their life savings thinking they could play forex who then graduated to building four figure "fortunes" by hopping on pump and dump schemes, by far the dumbest board on this site
it has never had higher yields but it has still never been profitable
I got mine at $12 and still have a nice amount. If my Dad had invested the amount I told him to I wouldn't be posting here.
$20 a fair few years ago, sold them for about $200 thinking "that's a good profit for a meme currency". Still kicking myself
very good, pretty much what i was thinking
>tfw it took me the last 2 weeks to get verified and able to put money in
>everything's practically doubled since then
>convinced dad to buy $1000 worth back when mtgox was big
>they fucked off with everything
>dad never trusted me again
bought at $900, feelsgoodman.jpg
Look at all these sourgrapers with their memes.
anycunt up itt like slipping the missus the rodger on a saturday night?
I got it priced @ 800. not less than a fucking cent.
Set up account on coin base or kraken and buy btc or eth, then if you want transfer some of that to exchange sites like poloniex or bittrex and trade altcoins. I've been in crypto for les than a month and I've turned ~$300 into over $3000. Most of that is from dgb and rdd
Over inflated. It's gonna be useless if it keeps going up. Seriously who's gonna buy at $3k? You'll be sitting on it forever.
Haha fucking sucks man, he had no problems giving me the money - he just thought it was a scam.
>Son, what do you mean internet money?
Please, someone donate some bitcoins to this poor guy he has cancer and need some bitcoins.
>le price is controlled by super secret computer algorthyms
>le send us your moneys
you gotta go 150% retard in order to buy into this shit no matter what they claim their market solvency is
Don't use Coinbase. Gemini and I think kraken let you buy BTC and ETH on margin while your funds are being transferred, and verification only took a day or two for me. It is a pain that it usually takes 2 weeks or so to go from fiat->BTC/ETH->alt coins
I missed the benefit of tulip mania and I won't be holding the bag when it's over
Is it too late to get in on this, do you think there will be a dip? Maybe invest in ETH?
It will sink low once someone has a massive pay out. It happens every time.
what's wrong with buying drugs with bitcoin?
Yeah you know when you have something that always takes X unit of effort to make, the price just goes up and up forever, right? Should be at $10K in a year or so yeah? I mean you'd be a fool not to.
How about trading Bitcoin and making a profit instead.
how about both how bou da
how about you stop wasting my fucking time?
What is Sup Forums's thoughts on Ripple? Banking sheme/scam? Superior internet monies??
>mfw the 'advantage' of BTC over other equal cryptocurrencies is that BTC is accepted at some stores
>mfw that exact advantage means those stores will eventually accept all/other cryptocurrencies
>thus there is no long term advantage to BTC
It's going up because people are getting mainstream interested, but the interest won't last when BTC hits its limitations
Plus why pump money into currency that is hard as fuck to get actual money back out of?
Never bought any, but I did mine about 100 coins way back in the day when they were worth pennies. I kick myself in the ass every day for losing interest and basically deleting the wallet after their first big crash. "Seems far too volatile to every really take off" I thought. I can't be too mad though, I probably would have sold them all at $100 a coin.
>Son, what do you mean internet money?
If I crank this big crank 100 times, a token pops out, therefore this token is worth 100 cranks. Who wants to buy this token?!
It's going to become the new SWIFT. I turned in a profit on the news that J.P. Morgan got onboard and then re-stocked on corretion.
I'm going to leave my wageslave job real soon.
It's too late to invest in Bitcoin now but you have the chance to invest in what will replace it, something called Decred.
Screencap this and thank me later for making you NEETs rich.
My browser Tickers show a complete different price you fucking shilling faggot
My issue with bitcoin is that it's more like a stock or commodity than it is a currency. And that's not anything to do with bitcoin itself, but rather the fact that it's new and unestablished, and therefore volatile. It's good for hopefully making money off speculation, but I don't think it's a good way to retain wealth, at least right now because its constantly going up and down. Maybe in the future when it stabilizes more.
But the question is, will it ever truly stabilize? Will it ever get enough widespread adoption to achieve this sort of situation? I'm not so sure. Why? Because most people are dumb. Proper handling of BTC is something only a relatively few people do, making sure they keep backups of their wallets and make sure to keep things secured so some amateur hacker doesn't gain access and drain it, etc. Because of the nature of BTC, if you fuck up, there's no recourse. If you lose your wallet or your HDD fails and you don't have a backup or your computer was unprotected and a hacker got in, you're totally screwed and there's nothing you can do about it.
These things shouldn't be problems if you can into computers, but most people do not. There have already been tons of stories of people losing fucktons of money for dumb mistakes. Do you think your boomer parents can rely on this? Do you think anyone other than a small percentage of the country can rely on this? I'd say no. And this is a fundamental limit to the widespread adoption of cryptocurrency.
That and if SHTF and the internet goes down, you don't have access to any of your wealth.
Whoa a crank! That sounds like fun - let me trade you a token for some drugs.
Stay jelly nocoiner.
remember that guy who spent 10,000 bitcoins on a pizza in 2010?
All it is going to take is a few people to cash out big accounts and it will fall again.
Pretty much same. Me and a buddy were mining back when a good price was $25/USD. We ended up even for all the hardware, but fuck if we waited we could be rich
Oh yeah I'll just go ahead and trust a Slovakian or Romanian or whatever your dumb flag is. You know I always go to vodka soaked countries stuck in the 90s for investment advice
how many other cryptocurrencies are there currently? how do you tell which one is gonna fold and which one isnt or do you just go ham on all and hope at least half of your investment pay off in 5 years time?
I remember posts on Sup Forums about them when they were 10 cents a coin. What was my fucking problem?
never bought BTC, did get 120 ETH at 50. Now i wage an insurgency as an ETH maximalist to destroy bitcuck
it...it isn't going so well
me too ç_ç
I only trade in dogecoin
>TFW you could have bought 15,000 bitcoins in 2009 for $100 and become a multi-millionaire selling them today
It will stabalise to the amount that bitcoin evangelists refuse to sell it. It will always have a 0+n value to those people, forever.
I don't know how many, it's probably over 10,000 by now. Anyone can create a new cyprocurrency. It's marketting that determines whether it takes off (see: Dogecoin and Pepecoin)
The ones that are more widely shilled are more valuable because speculators learn their name and throw a cheeky $100 at them incase they get lucky and 'that' cypto takes off like BTC.
I see where you are going with that. 30 million dollar pizza. It is hard for me to believe that this thing still has room to grow 200+ times yet within 13 years.
Everyone here is too lazy to do forex. All they wanna do is spend money and hope they see their money go up while jerking off
Same here Paki chut,was buying this shit they asked for PAN card,was too lazy to register it by taking it out of almirah lost 2X of the money I was investing.
I remember people used to give them away multiple times in one thread.
You don't when it was first introduced mining was relatively easy but not wholly lucrative as it wasn't widespread. The time and processing power required to mine has increased rapidly. There are a finite number of bitcoins in existence. The more that are mined the harder and longer it becomes to mine new bitcoins in basic terms.
The miners are essentially mining 'blocks'. Hence the name blockchain. Finding a block gives a reward in a number of bitcoin. But that reward is halving every year or few years or something like that so it becomes less viable. There are only 21 million bitcoins in existence so once they have all be given out to those who have mined a block there will be no future mining.
Follow on...
There will still be a need for miners to conduct transactions by writing these transactions to the blockchain - these miners get 'tipped' for doing this.
Buy mooncoin if you want free money, hundreds of people from /biz/ are working on getting it into exchanges, development and advertising.
So far I'm up 500% but we are hoping to get another 10x to 20x increase over the next 6 months.
what time? 2009?
I was here too but never saw anythreads like that
was it on Sup Forums? or /News?
might remember something from g but never clicked on these threads
To the mooooooooon!