Is all of Scandinavia cucked, or just Sweden?

Is all of Scandinavia cucked, or just Sweden?

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Socialism is death. Norway is just rich enough to be the last one.

How is Iceland

Mosty Swedistan and Denmark but Norway is next by the looks of it.

How is Denmark cucked?

We cucked you plenty of times. Look at your small little shit country, pathetic.

The finns are the underdog

Copenhagen isn't 100% White. You're only cucked if you're not throwing out nonwhites 24/7 I would even go as far as to say letting them live is cucked

norway is under 3% muslim so it's not as bad as sweden but we're next if sweden falls

however, we just got a real nationalist party instead of some meme conservatives, so that's something i guess

Are they pro-Israel? If yes, then they're just Zionists.

very cucked, but few non whites so they're still doing OK.

Sweden is your wife's bull and they call us cucked
Denmark is the cuck of cucks

Sweden has fallen.

>Det nye enmannspartiet Alliansen er for boikott av Israel, kan MIFF avslore.

also, see:

Is Denmark the Mexico of Scandinavia?

enjoy your muslim no-go zones fellas

Have you been out in public recenty in a city/town that isn't just a tiny village? There are brown people everywhere, and major cities like Copenhagen, Aarhus, Odense and Aalborg have no-go ghettos where police can't patrol because of rabid niggers and muslims. This country is fucking dead.

tldr for non-scandis:
circumcision is for swines
pride parade is for swines
the elite are swines

The police should just git guns and go nigger huntin' ain't no better feelin' in the world then seeing a dead nigger

Screenshot from Swedish state news (SVT nyheter) due to today being Sweden's national day.

Translation: "this is how we celebrate Sweden - join the celebrations".

Please help us, world.

But it's nothing compared to Sweden. The numbers of migrants might be somewhat similar, though Sweden has more, the most important thing is the mentality.

This sort of shit, does not happen in the same way or amount in DK

Just in Sweden

Yeah, mentality is important, I'll give you that. But it doesn't make it easier to live with, even though we're not remotely as cucked as Sweden (yet).

not part of Scandinavia.
also extremely cucked bordering Sweden tier.

We used to own you rebellious shitskin

This is the prime minister of norway

All these triggered butthurt tears are delicious. You guys are the biggest babies I've ever seen. No wonder you need to post on an anonymous board. You must be the biggest betas in real life. It's fucking hilarious.

>mfw living in Copenhagen
Just put this cesspit to the torch

Norway is based, Sweden is cucked, don't know about Finland.

she's eating all our food. pls send help.

P.S. How well can a person lead a country when neighbour Swedistan eventually falls, when it is unable to waddle more than 50metres?

She would be cute if she lost some weight.

can you even consider people from bergen human this point?

KEK Italy has its problems, but If they did this, people would talk about it for months.

Bunch of cucks all of 'em.

Besides Norrebro, it's tolerable.

Sweden is poorer than us. Swedes are also worse than Mexicunts

>Besides Norrebro, it's tolerable.
Vesterbro and the entire center should also be nuked.

Working in Norway (Belgian) havent seen any muzzies or blacks yet, only polish expats.

Where in Norway tho?

someone send help to aarhus they've started to come out from bazarvest


All of Europe is.


Still looks like a penis

>haven't seen any shitskins yet
you are the shitskin

Based Norwegian, may I come to your country to help keep it great? I'm a pilot and I have a degree in business, so I can fly your planes or help run your businesses.

>Britbong says anyone else in Europe is cucked while mudslimes are exploding in their streets
>Burgers say anyone in Europe is cucked while their women fornicate with a pack of niggers

This, why can't they just be comfy like Japan and let automation take over? You can either be an athelete or in STEM and have enough free time for hobbies. I am in CS, I am making the brown people replacement bot

>Norgebro tries to uncuck his country
then its counterproductive to import new world proto mutts.
no offense

Pure Flemish Salian Frank

>norway is under 3% muslim
I don't get how this is possible

I was in Oslo last summer and in was worse than fucking Malmö

Totally fucked but at least almost everybody is white.

The way I look at it is like this: I'm white, so I'm not changing the race of the nation. I would contribute to the people of Norway for decades and even though I'd probably never be considered Norwegian, my children and grandchildren would certainly be.

forgive me for not taking your word for it. Too many "new" Belgians out there.

Its cucked

that's where they mainly stay. besides, oslo is kinda split between the white section and the immigrant section. it's also the capital and most of the muslims and blacks are concentrated around there

we don't have any of those no-go zones you guys have, so there's something about the way we do things that clearly works out

>worse than fucking Malmö
It's not. But almost all non-western immigrants move there eventually

sweden is fucked thanks to our extremly stupid sjw femenist idiots running our once great country, thankfully SD have gained alot of support.

Why don't you guys start building mideval castles so people will respect your culture even more?

Norway is pretty uncucked desu. At least compared to Sweden.

Our current president, a member of a (traditionally) conservative right wing party, is such a communist cuckfuckup that even the communists are giving him their open support for a rerun. Literal fucking cuckland. Will post a picture of my asshole in case achmed wants to rape it with a cactus.

Norway doesn't have fewer Muslims than Sweden. I don't understand where this meme comes from. It is true that almost all Muslims in Norway are in Oslo though, so any place in Norway that isn't Oslo will have less Muslims than almost any place in Sweden.

>I'm white, so I'm not changing the race of the nation.
you are thinking like an American. There are many different types of "whites" and its only in the new world that you use the phrase "white people". Calling yourself white is a meaningless sentiment. Are you a Pole? a Dane? A Spaniard? What is your ethnicity?

>so I'm not changing the race of the nation.
depends on what ethnicity you have.... broadly Germanic then yeah sure. Mediterranean then it would only take a couple of generations.

Its the same as the situation in Oslo this guys is probably talking about

Muzzies tend to band together making whole shitskin enclaves making it seem some countries are full of shitskins if you visit those cities and those parts, meanwhile rest of the country is white as fuck.

Flanders is totally not cucked btw, the Flemish have been voting for right wing nationalists since the 80's, immigrants and left wing walloons also consider is the "right wing nazis" of the country. If Belgium would split or rejoin the Netherlands we would be going in the right direction.

That's because it's not true. We're projected to be down to 3 mil nordics 3 mil foreigners with the current birthrate by 2045, from 4mil nords+1mil non-nords currently

Sweden projected to breach 50/50 ethnic/muds by 2030-2032

USA was down to 48% non hispanic white newborns in 2014, while the population over 80 is still 82% non hispanic white

Paris newborns in 2015 were over 75% shitskins, while the rest the country on average were around 40% shitskin newborns.

Atleast 6 major German cities have over 60% shitskins from age 0-5.

No really, the amount of fucking dark hair and dark skin I saw in Oslo puts Malmö to shame. It felt like I had gone through a wormhole or some shit and ended up in the middle east instead of Norway.

If Flanders would split or rejoin the Netherlands we would be going in the right direction.*


Just go on strike tip they leave then give your taxes to whites who need it, then your population will increase, but automation will make muds useless anyway

The further north you go the better it gets. Unless you go to vadso, that city is fucked

He is a former member of the Cuckservativeparty (Cuckoomus, Nation cuck coalition party) These guys told just couple of years back that Finland needs 2 million new immigrants because there is going to be labor shortage. In reality it was just another way to import cheap labor to make sure that labor prices don't go up and housing prices don't start to fall down since that could potentially hurt real estate investors who all happen to be a trusted voters.


it's hard to get a citizenship i've heard (know a new worlder that tried to immigrate to scandinavia but had to settle for sweden because the process of becoming a norwegian citizen took such a long time). but if you manage to learn the language, sure
accordign to SSB, there's a about 150k muslims in norway, which is about 2.8% of norway. of course, there's the refugees, but i recall that somewhere around 10k have been thrown out by the conservatives (which they actually celebrated as a record)

and the UK.

I consider myself American, but my ancestors are from England and Ireland, so Anglo and Celtic features. That being said I don't see how a Mediterranean person would change things, it's not like there aren't natural born Norwegians who have brown or black hair.

This. I'm extremely wary of official numbers, especially from places like Sweden. We all like to laugh at the 60% meme, but it should be frightening instead of humorous. The US was 90% white around 60 years ago, and the other 10% was black. In those 60 years we've gone down to 60%, but like I said, I'm wary of the numbers. The US also has ten times the population of some nations in Europe, so if it only took 50 years to import enough non-whites to bring us below 60%, how long will it take in places with only a couple of million people? We are demographically fucked, in the US especially, but the entirety of the West is in a bad spot.

Oslo is 70% ethnic norwegian, Malmo is 57% ethnic swedes

Is there a way now to have 2 citizenships? I know people living there wanted to have a Norwegian one but they would need to drop their Polish one for that

i'm pretty sure you have to renounce your old citizenship if you want a norwegian one. maybe it's a bit different from other scandis, but i honestly got no idea

and then your children are logged as ethnic norwegians in the democraphics studies done by the state. tots legit. we are one race, the human race.

>we just got a real nationalist party
Luckily, all of them are tanking in the polls.

rofl. thanks for making me laff

How about I just go there on vacation to impregnate Norwegians and proliferate biodiversity
25% Anglo Irish
25% Danish
50% German
I already speak Norwegian, German, and Japanese thanks to pimsleur.
Now I will travel to those countries and help the populations

You're all retarded for not recognizing this as a shoop. Keep eating that racist propaganda, you moronic imbeciles.

Please explain why you are on Sup Forums if you don't support ethnic nationalism for Norway?

Yeah our prime minister is a ultra cuck too.

>we don't have any of those no-go zones you guys have

Swedish no-go zones is a myth that has been debunked a shit-zillion times.





No shekels today

>mediamatters org/research/2017/02/22/pro-trump-media-push-myth-muslim-no-go-zones-sweden/215420
>theatlantic com/international/archive/2015/01/paris-mayor-to-sue-fox-over-no-go-zone-comments/384656

Pol meets have proved that most of us are in fact non-whites

like Varg Vikernes? He is quite inhuman desu

They are all bad, but norway and denmark isn't as bad as us yet.

Not here that often, but sometimes it's interesting to observe and engage with retarded racists in the dark corners of cyberspace. Call me a tourist, if you'd like.

The moment when you get FiN in your ID...

>Pol meets
As if anyone actually goes to those things.

Du er en fitte, kill yourself.

Wow, I'm impressed. You guys have Google Translate too?

And no :)

ecological ethno-nationalism is the pinnacle of political thought and the only path for Norway that will have a positive impact on the country, making it stronger, healthier and happier. Anything else will just reduce the quality of the country, especially the importation of the middle eastern equivalent of hillbilly rednecks, which people like you are so fond of.

>ecological ethno-nationalism is the pinnacle of political thought
Just. Wow.

>only path for Norway that will have a positive impact on the country
Funny then how our immense wealth, welfare, security and prosperity is undeniably the result of a strong social democratic tradition.

>especially the importation of the middle eastern equivalent of hillbilly rednecks

>which people like you are so fond of
Yes, we like humans. And we like to help those in need :)

It's not shopped. I assure you that I took a screenshot of their app. I wish you were right tho..

I did a duolingo course for about a year because I applied for a semester exchange to Bergen, but I broke my leg and couldn't go. Now the only use I have for Norwegian is to eavesdrop on Norwegians talking to each other at my uni :(

>It's not shopped. I assure you that I took a screenshot of their app.

Right, I'll just take your word for it then - kind stranger on the Internet.